The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 396 Doctor Li Was Arrested

Chapter 396 Doctor Li Was Arrested (5)
Shopkeeper Xu listened to the father-in-laws repeating Li Min's words to the queen mother, sweating profusely on his forehead.If this is said in this way, wouldn't it mean that Li Min accidentally used the medicine and harmed the First Prince.

I'm afraid, what the Queen Mother is thinking is even scarier than Shopkeeper Xu's speculation.What the queen mother thought was that Li Min obviously cured the patient, but deliberately shirked responsibility, saying that it was a drug reaction.Maybe, Li Min originally had the intention of murdering the First Prince.Don't think that the Empress Dowager doesn't know. Didn't Concubine Zhuang go to Duke Huguo's Mansion to look for Li Min before for the Empress?

Too hateful!
too frightening.

The queen mother said angrily: "Where is Princess Li?"

There is no Li Min in the room, could it be that Li Min has escaped?Because seeing that the eldest prince could not be cured, he ran away quickly?

Shopkeeper Xu had already been tied up by the eunuchs and shouted at the queen mother that the master was wronged.

How can Dr. Li escape?Li Min was just too tired. After seeing the patient sleeping, he found a place to take a nap for a while, and then prepared to go back home after the patient's hives subsided.

The messy sounds in the yard woke Li Min up early.Lan Yan guarded her, and with the lessons learned from last time, she would not let her out of the house at this moment, saying: "Princess, the prince has said that if the situation is not good, the servant can take the princess back to the mansion directly."

"Shopkeeper Xu is here." Li Min would never let his own people suffer instead of him.

With his injured right hand hanging around his neck, Li Min said to Lan Yan who was still standing in front of him: "It is useless for you to take me out of the palace now. If you really take me out of the palace, I will really be a criminal. The emperor has an excuse to encircle and suppress The Protector's Palace."

Lan Yan was startled when she heard this.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Min walked past her and walked out of his resting room, and said to those who were looking for her: "This concubine is here. Who is looking for this concubine?"

That momentum, the sharp and decisive voice in the night wind, was as capable as a knife, brushing against everyone's ears.Those who had ordered the Queen Mother to arrest her aggressively, only heard her voice and couldn't help shrinking their necks.

Li Min passed those people who had suddenly turned into logs, and walked into the eldest prince's room. First, he saw shopkeeper Xu who was tied up with ropes. He frowned slightly, and said to Lan Yan who was following him: "Don't give it to shopkeeper Xu." Untie."

"Who dares?!" The little eunuch next to the Empress Dowager jumped up again, scrambling to speak out for the Empress Dowager, "This is the order of the Empress Dowager. This person is suspected of murdering the First Prince and must be transferred to the Clan House for disposal!"

Li Min stared directly at the cold gaze, first drew a circle on the face of the little eunuch as a mark, and said: "This is my concubine's person. If he does something wrong, I should deal with it. Daming The law of the dynasty says that the crimes of slaves must be dealt with by the master first. Unless the master made a mistake together. Why, do you still want to transfer it to Shuntian Mansion so that my concubine can go to Shuntian Mansion to beat drums and complain?"

The little eunuch was tongue-tied, not knowing how to answer her words.

On the other side, the imperial physician Chang, who took the pulse of the eldest prince, turned around and said to the queen mother: "I can't understand it. It is clear that the eldest prince did not have such symptoms before, just shortness of breath and weakness."

These two sentences clearly confirmed Li Min's mistake.

The Empress Dowager slapped the table with her palm: "Come here, invite Princess Jiangli to sit at the Clan Mansion."

Lan Yangang removed the ropes tied to shopkeeper Xu's body with that knife, and when she heard the queen mother's words, she was shocked and turned around to protect the master.

The palace guards with knives had already rushed into the room, facing Li Min.

Lan Yan was anxious, seeing the situation, it was almost impossible to run away again.

Li Min's gaze coldly glanced over those cowering imperial physicians, as well as that imperial physician Chang who seized the opportunity to climb up.I have known for a long time that these colleagues have been waiting for this day to come.

"The empress dowager asked me to go to the clan mansion, and I will not refuse to obey. However, the empress dowager remembers what the empress dowager did to my concubine today. After the empress dowager, there is no need to ask my concubine to treat illnesses."

Dr. Li has one purpose in treating people. If he doesn't trust his own patients, he will never treat them again!
There were two cold lights in the Queen Mother's eyes. Her chest heaved and she was short of breath. She seemed to be angry. She suddenly smiled instead of anger, and said to Li Min, "Princess Li's words, the Ai family has received it. The Ai family will remember Li's words." What the princess said, the Ai family will only do things impartially. Since Princess Li failed to cure the eldest prince's illness and caused the eldest prince to suffer from other illnesses, the Ai family invited Princess Li to the clan's mansion to follow the rules. Princess Li pleaded guilty the most Good. Also, Princess Li had better remember that Princess Li never needed Princess Li to cure Aijia’s illness. Last time, Princess Li asked Aijia not to take Anshen Pills, and suggested what kind of meat Aijia should eat. As a result, Aijia It's all right now, I can't sleep all night! Princess Li has cured many people's illnesses, but Princess Li herself knows that she is not a miracle doctor, and the illness of Ai's family happens to be that Princess Li cannot cure others. The princess should be more modest, learning from the imperial physicians is the most important way! Send these words of Aijia to Princess Li, and Princess Li will think about Aijia's words in the clan mansion!"

Everyone in the room sucked in air-conditioning.

Shopkeeper Xu was suddenly dumbfounded and stunned.What, is Li Min wrong?

Could Li Min be wrong?
In the eyes of shopkeeper Xu who followed Li Min all the way here, it was simply unimaginable.Perhaps, Li Min admits that he will inevitably make mistakes.However, it is precisely because of this that every time Li Min does something, especially before treating patients and giving them advice, he will think about it again and again, because Li Min said the most on the corner of his mouth. Treating people is never a small matter, only a big one.

Shopkeeper Xu's hesitation, hesitation.Compared with other people, especially the group of imperial physicians headed by Imperial Physician Chang, they are almost in a high mood: finally such a day has come.

Dr. Li was about to lose, and his defeat was crushing.

Imperial Physician Xu opened his eyes wide, looking at Imperial Physician Zhou with admiration.It was all hit by the doctor Zhou.Sure enough, Li Min offended the Empress Dowager on something, and it just so happened that it was the insomnia that the Empress Dowager could not cure for a long time.

Li Min is really stupid, really stupid, imitating Imperial Physician Liu, just get some medicine for the Queen Mother so that the Queen Mother can sleep well, what kind of diet is it?It's not as useful as a pack of pills that make you sleep.

"After the Empress Dowager refuses to accept the Anshen Pill, she can't sleep anymore?" The corner of Li Min's mouth hooked slightly, and no one noticed the light flashing in her eyes.

"Yes." The Empress Dowager said confidently, "Ai's family can fall asleep after taking the medicine, but if you don't take it, you can't fall asleep after eating the meat you mentioned. Do you dare to say that it's not you?"

"If it is true what the Empress Dowager said, the concubine advises the Empress Dowager to give the last sentence, then don't take the medicine."

"Nonsense!" The queen mother slapped the table twice, furious.

(End of this chapter)

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