The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 504 Chasing soldiers one after another

Chapter 504 Chasing soldiers one after another (2)
Then, the other two got into the carriage together.The coachman raised his whip, and the carriage left the road, passed through the woods, and drove towards the col.

After getting into the carriage, Xiao Lizi first took off the wig on his head, and took off the missionary black robe that Westerners often used.

It goes without saying that the other Westerner who accompanied him through customs was Li Min in disguise.When clearing the customs, because Xiao Lizi walked in front, everyone's attention was focused on Xiao Lizi. As a result, no one noticed her Li Min at all.Presumably, those who found out that she had escaped afterwards would regret it even more.

Dr. Li is not just talking nonsense.It's just that the emperor doesn't know this secret, the court doesn't know it, so how can Guo Zida know it.For this reason, Li Min had intentionally covered up this secret a long time ago, using this necessary trump card, it seems that he really used it in this kung fu.

The person in charge of driving the carriage is the first owner of Xitai'an Villa to clear the customs.

While driving the carriage, the owner of the Thai villa reported to the people in the carriage: "For the time being, I only see you two. If the young lady has no objection, let's wait at my friend's place."

Li Min and Meng Haoming discussed how to pass the customs for a long time, and finally decided on the strategy of passing the customs in batches and batches.In this way, it can prevent the situation where everyone is involved when one person is caught.At the same time, only Meng Haoming and Master Tai knew about Li Min and Xiao Lizi's makeup as Westerners to pass the customs.

Among them, the owner of the Thai Villa took advantage of the night to drive a carriage and passed the Yanmen Pass as the first team in the early morning.After successfully clearing the customs, the owner of the Thai villa went to the designated place to wait for Li Min to be picked up.Li Min and Xiao Lizi are the second batch of people who cleared the customs. Afterwards, their people will be divided into several groups to pass the customs one by one.

Now, the pass is crowded with people, and I don't know how long it will take them to pass through the Yanmen Pass without makeup as aliens.In this case, the person who cleared the customs first needs to find a place to stay and wait for the others to meet.And this is suitable for the meeting place of the various teams. When Gongsun Liangsheng arranged the escape route for them before, he helped them plan it.

I saw that after the carriage drove for about two hours, it took a winding and remote path and entered a remote village that not many locals knew.

Xiaotu Village in the col is located far away from the Central Plains and has a northern climate.The customs and customs of the small village are of course not the habit of the Central Plains people to plow the fields and weave cloth. Most of them live by hunting in the mountains.

The owner of Thai Villa knocked on the door of a house in the east corner of the village.

After two knocks on the door, a white-haired old woman opened the door, squinted her presbyopic eyes to look at the knocker, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Who is it?"

"I'm Artest, mother-in-law, is Dashan at home?" The owner of the Thai villa took off the melon cap on his head and put it on his chest, bending over so that the old man could see his face clearly.

The old woman almost put her eyeballs on his face to be sure, and then the corners of her mouth curled up, revealing a smile that greeted a familiar person: "It turned out to be Artest. Come in quickly. Dashan went to the mountain to find something."

"What are you looking for?" Lord Tai asked, and after entering the door, motioned for the other two companions to come in.

"Dashan said that when he was hunting in the mountains last night, he lost a bag of medicine with him. He dug the medicine on the mountain. It is said that if sold to the Central Plains, there will be a lot of money." The old woman said, with bad eyesight. The old woman had very good ears, and could hear other footsteps, and asked, "A Tai, did you bring someone here?"

"Yes, mother-in-law, I brought two business associates with me," said the owner of Thai Villa.

"A man and a woman?" The old lady asked with a look of doubt.

Xiao Lizi shivered.I thought, if the officers and soldiers guarding Yanmen Pass had ears like the old lady's, it would be over.

The owner of the Thai villa turned around and explained to the two of them: "Grandma's eyes have been bad since she was a child, but she also has to go to the mountains to earn a living, so she has a pair of ears that can distinguish the footsteps of foxes, rabbits, and wolves. Clearly."

Practice makes perfect, it's not easy.

Li Min looked at the old woman's staggering back, her eyes flashed, and said to the owner of the Thai villa: "If the old man doesn't dislike it, I can show the old man's eyes later."

When the owner of the Thai villa heard this, his whole body became excited, and he bowed his hands: "There is a god like Dr. Li who treats my mother-in-law, and the grass people don't know what to say."

Li Min's lips moved silently.

The owner of Thai Villa quickly changed his words: "Doctor Lin."

The mother-in-law went to the long table in the corner, picked up the teapot, and poured water for them.

This is the home of Da Shan, a friend of the owner of the Thai Villa. Specifically, there are three houses in Da Shan's house. Except for the house where Da Shan and the old woman live, the other two are arranged for passers-by to live in.In this village, many people are like this.In addition to hunting in the mountains to make a living, renting out houses to earn some travel expenses for passers-by is also an important source of life.

The owner of the Thai Villa took Li Min to the house on the left connected to the main house, and said, "You guys rest here. Mr. Meng and the others live on the right. Maybe the place is a bit small, so we can only bear it for a while."

Such a remote place is definitely not as spacious and bright as the house I lived in the villa for the previous two nights.However, being able to lie down on a bed is a luxury for those who are fleeing.

Li Min didn't care at all, she had tried all the more difficult environments.

The little maids are not here, and Xiao Lizi is responsible for making the master's bed.

The owner of the Thai villa looked at Xiao Lizi's neat appearance of being loyal and responsible for Li Min, and thought about what Meng Haoming had said to him in private yesterday, saying that he should always be on guard against Xiao Lizi.

When he was about to set off last night, Meng Haoming had an argument with Li Min because Li Min picked Xiao Lizi as his companion to clear the customs, and even got sullen.In Meng Haoming's eyes, Li Min can pick anyone, but if he picks someone who knows that the other party is the Eighth Master's minion, wouldn't it be obvious that he is cheating himself.

At that time, Li Min was just holding the hand warmer, and said unhurriedly: "Because looking at the whole team, there is no one more suitable than him. Xiao Lizi has played various people before, and has contacted foreigners. It is his talent to be able to learn a few vivid accents of foreigners. I will give him a temporary hug at this time and teach him how to pretend to be a foreigner. I believe he will learn it as soon as he learns it, and he will learn it better than anyone else. Moreover, he is a young man , the pulse condition is smooth, a bit like the pulse of a pregnant woman. If he walks in front of me, he will be misdiagnosed by the doctor. Presumably the doctor will not check me next."

It makes sense to listen to her analysis, Meng Haoming is still worried about Xiao Lizi's origin: "Eldest young mistress, I can personally accompany you to pass the level."

"It's not that my concubine doesn't trust the banner owner, but the banner owner has a heavy responsibility to lead the overall situation. The risk is too high for you and me to clear the customs together, and this concubine will never consider it." Li Min paused for a moment. Pointing to the crux of his worries, "Right now, smooth customs clearance is the primary goal, and other things must be put aside. Xiao Lizi will not betray me at this juncture. This is not his master's purpose. He is at this juncture. If you betray me, Ba Ye's ambitions will be completely destroyed."

(End of this chapter)

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