The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 506 Chasing soldiers one after another

Chapter 506 Chasing soldiers one after another (4)
Master Shi smiled coldly: "Arrest this person. This person is from the Duke Huguo's mansion, the servant girl next to Princess Li."

The officers and soldiers woke up like a dream, holding spears and swords, surrounded Chunmei lying on the ground.

Aunt Shang hurriedly jumped out of the carriage with the corner of her skirt, pushed away the onlookers and officers and soldiers, and jumped onto Chunmei on the ground, crying, "Ling'er, my Ling'er, sweetheart! God! What happened here? My God! Your Majesty! Who can tell me what happened?"

Aunt Shang's crying was getting louder and louder, the crying was real, not fake.The crowd watching all around talked a lot.In fact, as long as Chunmei looks so beautiful and her clothes are so beautiful, it is hard to believe that she is just a maid.

After crying for a while, Aunt Shang suddenly straightened her upper body and asked Master Shi angrily, "You said my daughter is a fugitive? Where is the evidence?"

"This person can be recognized by the king even when he turned into ashes. He is obviously the maidservant of the princess of the Duke Huguo's mansion!" Master Shi spoke with a full of dantian and rudeness.As soon as he arrived, he immediately caught a fugitive, turned around, and took the fugitive back to the capital to show the emperor. Wouldn't the emperor die of joy and give him an official promotion.

It seems that I was right to ask Lord Wanli before.He thinks he has an advantage that Guo Zida and others don't have. He not only recognizes Li Min, but also has contact with people around Li Min, so he can recognize people around Li Min.

The maid beside Li Min, he knew, one looks average, and the other looks beautiful.For a noble man like him who has the status of a prince in the capital, it can be said that he has long been in trouble in the world of women.Countless beauties passed his eyes.The beautiful maid next to Li Min, although she was not well dressed, her delicate facial features couldn't fool anyone.

Seeing Chunmei for the first time, Master Shi remained calm, but in fact his mind was already turning around.

If it weren't for knowing that Li Min's temperament is not easy to persuade, and that Li Min is famous for protecting his servants, otherwise, he would have long thought of buying the maid around Li Min as a concubine.

Few people know that his tenth master is actually a dog and horse in his heart, and he never refuses beautiful women, but he doesn't like to show it on the outside like Lao Jiu, who is so ugly.Although Lord Wanli didn't care much about the romance of his sons, he definitely had benchmarks for his sons.Setting up a gentle town outside and confusing his reputation, he must be a bad son in the eyes of Master Wanli.Like Lao Jiu, there have been rumors in the outside world about promiscuity, and it has entered the ears of Wanli Lord. Wanli Lord never gives Lao Jiu any work.

There are lessons learned from Lao Jiu's past. Although his master Shi did not accomplish enough, he cannot do as much as Lao Jiu.At any rate, he established an image of being pure and ascetic in front of Lord Wanli.

When Master Shi recognized Chunmei at a glance, Aunt Shang was taken aback.It turned out that even the tenth master, who was said to be pedantic, was a person who could pretend like this.In the palace, it is really like what Li Min said, every master, no matter how stupid he looks on the surface, in fact, which head is not racking his brains.

This is directly related to the future, prosperity, and even one's own head. Can Master Shi not fight at this juncture?So, after using Zhu Qi's blessing to inquire about the news, Master Shi has been making preparations.Of course, after what happened to Princess Xi last time, he didn't believe anyone, not even Lao Ba, but only himself.Hearing that the emperor gave the order to arrest people, he immediately entered the palace to express his feelings to Grandpa Wanli, earlier than any other prince.He wants to be ahead of all the brothers, stop being that wimpy, and stop being looked down upon by Shiliu and Concubine Zhuang.

"Since the young master said that the fugitive can be recognized even when it turns into ashes, please tell me, what is the name of the fugitive who looks like my daughter?"

That's right, since he said he knew who this fugitive was, he must be able to name him.But Master Shi's mind was blank.No, he didn't know that Chunmei's name was Chunmei.Perhaps this seems incomprehensible.But he is a prince, how could he really remember the name of a little maid.Maybe I can remember the appearance, but I may not necessarily remember the name.This is the case for many sons who have money in their families and treat women as nothing but for fun.

Aunt Shang had seen this kind of thing a lot, so she acted accordingly and took out these words to fight back.In the end, she was really expected.I just saw a sudden change on Shi Ye's face, and his face became a little stiff.

"Call, what is it called Taozi, it seems to be Taozi, by the way, Taozi!" When Master Shi saw doubtful eyes shooting at him from all directions, he quickly snapped.

"My lord, are you sure that the fugitive's name is Taozi, not Xingzi, not Wanzi?" Aunt Shang said word by word.

Master Shi was not sure at all, and felt that there were other possibilities.Those maids have all kinds of names, and they have all kinds of names.How could he remember them all.Just remember what she looks like, and if necessary, call her into your room to serve him until he is happy, no matter what her name is.

How irritating!
Master Shi's eyes were wide open, and he shouted at the suspicious eyes all around him: "This king recognizes this person, so he recognizes him, and he definitely didn't admit his mistake!"

"My lord, there are many people who look alike in the world. Why don't you take a look, my lord, just here, do the faces of this official and that official look alike?"

When Aunt Shang said this, the others looked over and saw two soldiers of similar stature and appearance standing side by side. Under the dazzling sunset, it gave people an illusion that they were very similar.

"Young Master doesn't even know the name of the person you want to arrest. Can you convince everyone that you have not misremembered the person?" When Aunt Shang mentioned this person, she suddenly stood up and said confidently, "Please, the official will take the women to See the highest officer here. It is said that General Guo is a righteous man, and he will definitely uphold justice for the women. How can the daughter of the women be turned into a servant girl because of the wrong memory of the son, and become a maid who is not as good as a pig or a dog? What is the reason for this! "

Master Shi and the group of officers were all dumbfounded by Aunt Shang.

Aunt Shang went a step further: "Didn't you say that you know the daughter of the peasant woman? The peasant woman is with my daughter day and night? You have seen the daughter of the peasant woman, but have you never seen the peasant woman? Master, tell me who the peasant woman is. Bar."

Master Shi looked at Aunt Shang's face for a long time.Aunt Shang is so old, he doesn't even think about it, how can he say he has seen it.

"Master Shi——" the officer standing next to Master Shi was a little worried. Due to strict inspections today, the horses and horses that passed the customs were stopped here for a long time, and the voices of the people had already had some complaints in them.No further delay.

Master Shi hesitated, mainly because of Aunt Shang's aura.The lady in front of me is a lady no matter how you look at it.In the capital, he had never seen such a wife, otherwise he would have had the impression that it was related to Li Min.Moreover, what Aunt Shang said was correct, he couldn't remember the name of the maid next to Li Min, what if he recognized the wrong person?After arresting him and showing him to the emperor, he was wrongly arrested. Wouldn't the emperor want to call him an idiot again?

(End of this chapter)

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