The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 507 Chasing soldiers one after another

Chapter 507 Chasing soldiers one after another (5)
Need to be sure.As long as Li Min is caught, he can be sure immediately.However, obviously, there are three masters and servants here, except for a young lady who looks like the person in his impression, the other two are not recognized by him.

Did I do something wrong?
Is it possible for Li Min to let her maid go?If he only caught a maid who was let go by Li Min, people would have no idea where Li Min fled, wouldn't it be useless?
At this time, the dust billowing in the distance indicated that someone was coming from the capital to Yanmenguan.

Both Aunt Shang and Chunmei's hearts jumped into their throats.

Not far behind them surrounded by officers and soldiers, Meng Haoming watched all this intently.When Chunmei's chin was grabbed by Master Shi's whip, he knew that things might be revealed.

Before planning to escape, although he and Li Min had prepared for all the worst scenarios, including that it was not impossible for someone to be recognized and arrested on the spot.Because anything can happen, they are not really gods who can predict everything.

What should I do if someone is arrested and things are revealed?
Going in batches is afraid that if one person suffers, everyone will suffer.

People who are the people of the Duke Protector's Mansion, when they entered the Duke Protector's Mansion, have already had this awareness, whether it is Li Min, or his little maid, they all know how to protect the country. The family rules of the public railway.

You can't betray your master, you can't betray the Duke Protector's House, you can't betray even if you die, the only thing left is death.

Here comes the test of the faithfulness of these men.Meng Haoming felt that the palm holding the dagger was full of sweat.He believed that she would never betray her master.Then, in front of her, the only way left is death.

"Banner Master." A soldier beside him suddenly called him in a low voice.

Meng Haoming came back to his senses, looked down at the dagger that was about to be crushed by himself, and then shook his head.

Can't do anything, can't save people.If the matter comes to light, he must hurry up and send the hostess safely back to Duke Beiyan's territory. This is his mission, a military order that must be fulfilled to the death.

Zhu Li trusted him, so he entrusted his most important wife and children to him.For this reason, he didn't know that when Mrs. Wei's wife died under the arrows of the Donghu people in order to protect the Duke Protector, Mrs. Wei didn't even complain, and was only proud of his wife.

If she died because of the Duke Protector's wife, he would be like Wei Lao, only crying secretly by himself on the day of her death.

The heart beat vigorously in the chest.

Accompanied by the unknown carriage, it stopped at the pass.On the carriage, the young lady came down, wearing a white shirt and a plain skirt, wearing a bamboo hat, and her face was mostly blocked by the black veil hanging down by the bamboo hat.

The wind was a bit strong, so Lu'er took the cloak she was holding in her hand and put it on the master.

Li Ying walked up to the tenth master, lowered her chin and said, "Minister has followed the emperor's imperial decree to assist the tenth master and General Guo in arresting and identifying fugitives."

It seemed that the emperor was afraid that his son would be exposed, and after much deliberation, the person who knew Li Min best was none other than the people in Shangshu's mansion.

It just so happened that Li Datong's body was found in the Duke Protector's Mansion.The emperor found Li Ying, the only remaining third lady in Shangshu's mansion.

The road ahead of Li Ying is actually very simple, either, if she thinks that her father is helping her sister and brother-in-law escape, the whole family will become traitors to the emperor, and the whole family will be imprisoned.Even if she, Li Ying, was the third prince's fiancée, she still couldn't escape this felony.Or, he thought that his sister and brother-in-law killed Li Datong, who was loyal to the emperor.

Without thinking, Li Ying knelt down and replied to the emperor: "The concubine will definitely avenge the father who died unjustly! Arrest the second sister and bring her to justice, and ask why the second sister can do this to my father. Killing my father is a crime that heaven and earth cannot tolerate! "

"I happen to think the same way. Li Aiqing has always been a loyal and good minister to me. I am so sad to lose Li Aiqing, and my heart aches unbearably. I am very pleased that the third lady of the Shangshufu is willing to inherit her father's behest. According to my decree, I have specially sent the third lady of Shangshufu as my special envoy to go to Yanmen Pass, join hands with the Tenth Prince, General Guo, etc. to capture the fugitives, and comfort Li Aiqing's spirit in heaven."

At this point, Lu'er showed the special envoy sign that Li Ying got from the emperor in front of Master Shi and others.Except for Master Shi, the rest of the officers and soldiers all knelt down and faced the emperor's belongings and shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Master Shi's face didn't look very good-looking anymore.No matter how you look at it, the emperor sent Li Ying here just to take credit for it.Moreover, the emperor only appointed him as an imperial envoy, and Li Ying was bestowed as a special envoy. The discrepancy in the name, no matter how it sounds, is that the relationship between the special envoy and the emperor is closer.After all, there are often imperial envoys, but not often special envoys.

It was Aunt Shang, who didn't even think at this time that the emperor sent Li Ying here except Master Shi.The crisis that was about to be resolved, became precarious because of Li Ying's arrival.

Chunmei gritted her teeth and thought it over, if they really wanted to arrest her, in order to avoid her slipping the tongue, it would be best not to bite her tongue and kill herself before they caught her.

She can't betray Li Min, because Li Min is really kind to her, not ordinary kind.

"Master Shi is interrogating a prisoner?" Li Ying asked.

The wind blowing from the sand blows the black veil covering her face, sometimes revealing the ugly scar that was intended to be hidden under the veil.When Master Shi saw the centipede-like scar on her face, he almost vomited out the contents of his stomach.

It was really hard to imagine that his third elder brother Zhu Li could resist marrying such a disfigured woman back home.

"No." Master Shi said calmly in response to her question.Then, he suddenly waved to the officer beside him, meaning to let him go.

Both officers and soldiers could barely react.The fugitive was said by Master Shi and recognized by Master Shi.Now, Shi Ye suddenly let him go, what's going on.

"Master Ten?"

The person who asked the question hadn't finished speaking when he was suddenly stared at by Master Shi.

"Let me let you go, why are you talking so much nonsense! Didn't you, General Guo, tell you that the fugitive is a pregnant woman? Why arrest those who are not pregnant!"

Although they didn't know what happened, Aunt Shang and the coachman immediately helped Chunmei who had fallen to the ground, and got into the carriage in a hurry.

The carriage passed through the Yanmen pass.

Lu'er suddenly screamed in her throat, she saw it just now, saw the figure of the mother and daughter getting into the carriage, very similar to someone.

"Third Miss—"

Li Ying didn't move, she held down her hand that was about to grab her, and only watched Master Shi coldly turn around and get on his horse.The corner of her mouth was raised slightly, and Li Ying let out a sneer that was not noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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