Chapter 509 Doctor Li Shows His Magical Powers Again (2)
But, does this woman who is now appointed as a special envoy by the emperor know all this in her heart?

There is no precedent for using a woman as a special envoy before.

Guo Zida scratched his rough chin with his fingers, and his eyes fell on Li Ying's black veil. When he saw the ugly scar under her veil, he couldn't help frowning: Even if the emperor wanted to use sex to deal with Youbang, Gotta find a nicer one too, no?

Li Ying's hand almost touched the ugly scar on her face, seeing that every man seemed to dislike the scar on her face first, and hated Li Min who disfigured her even more in his heart.

"The daughter of the people pays homage to General Guo." Li Ying stepped forward and bowed gracefully.

"Two imperial envoys and special envoys, please take your seat." After Guo Zida finished speaking, he turned around and sat back on his huge and imposing chair with tigers carved on the back.

Master Shi and Li Ying sat in two pear-blossom chairs on the same side.Before the tea-serving soldiers arrived, someone came in to announce that it was Fu Zhongping, who was sent by the emperor's order from the admiral's mansion in the capital.

"Let them all come in." Guo Zida roared loudly.

Master Shi and Li Ying could more or less hear a hint of impatience in his tone.In fact, I also want to know, but after two days, people from all walks of life, who want to compete for meritorious service in front of the emperor, will definitely come to Yanmenguan to get some news and clues.Guo Zida occupies a favorable location, so how could he hope to give up what he has at his fingertips to others.Competition is necessary, negotiation, and even intimidation, rejection, and strategies to let competitors back out are all necessary.

Guo Zida has been an official until now, how can he not know the benefits?

The two men who were led in by the soldiers after Guo Zida's roar didn't seem to have heard Guo Zida's roar when they were in the corridor.

Shi Ye let out a sneer in his heart: There are so many people who want to take credit, and there are too many monks, how many can really get it?If he remembered correctly, there was only one fugitive that the emperor really wanted to catch.

Li Ying lowered her eyebrows, quietly, just under the veil, carefully observing the appearance and identity of everyone who came in.

She knew the two people who came here, presumably Shi Ye was no stranger to them, they were the son-in-law of the fifth princess, as well as father-in-law, Ma Yusheng and Ma Dekang.

"At the order of the emperor and the admiral, the last general came to see General Guo." Ma Dekang brought his son and said to Guo Zida.

"The admiral's mansion asked Mr. Ma to come here. Why?" Guo Zida's eyes slowly fell on the two of them, "You belong to the Imperial Guard Army and have nothing to do with this general's army."

Ma Dekang said: "However, General Guo, the admiral's mansion received the same order from the emperor as General Guo received, arresting the same fugitives."

"The emperor's imperial decree has not only reached Yanmen Pass, but also many important towns north of Yanmen Pass. In fact, is the Admiral's Mansion too impatient? After all, Yanmen Pass is my place, and I naturally can't let other people intervene. Your Majesty also trusts this general. The Admiral's Mansion just needs to wait patiently for news in the capital. It is not within the scope of the Admiral's Mansion. I don't know how to arrange the people from the Admiral's Mansion. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Zongbing Ma Just pass this on to the admiral directly."

In a word, Guo Zida wanted to send these two people back to the capital directly.

Of course, the Ma family father and son quit, and they had to stay at Yanmen Pass in order to find clues in the first place.The two men's sneaky eyes suddenly found that Master Shi was also sitting here, and immediately changed direction, complimenting Master Shi: "The general's eyes are clumsy. I didn't realize that Master Shi was here before. I'm so rude!"

When the two of them were negotiating with Guo Zida, Master Shi actually thought about his interests silently for a while.Guo Zida has already fully expressed that his people and soldiers will not even give him use for one thing. 100% cheapskates.

He didn't bring many people with him, if he really wanted to catch Li Min, I'm afraid the people that Duke Protector arranged for Li Min would not be ordinary people.I don't have enough manpower at all.It is better to collude with the Ma family and his son than to form an alliance with a cheapskate like Guo Zida.Anyway, it's his sister-in-law.In the future, it will be easier to talk about dividing up the credit.

Who said that his tenth master is stupid, his tenth master should learn from that old man at the moment, and win people's hearts everywhere for his own use.

Zhu Xi immediately stood up, gave the Ma family father and son a face on the spot, and replied politely: "This king has just arrived, and I haven't had time to say a few more words to General Guo."

The Ma family father and son were overjoyed to hear his words, and quickly continued his words: "Speaking of which, the fifth princess often said that the tenth master is a good brother, but it's a pity that we are busy on weekdays, and the monarchs and ministers have differences, so it is difficult to meet the tenth master. above."

Talking and talking.Before Guo Zida had time to react, Master Shi broke out and said to Guo Zida: "When General Guo arranges the guest room, he will put Zongbing Ma's room next to the King's."

By the way, speaking of it, these people are all relatives, the emperor's family.

Guo Zida regretted it to death. He didn’t send Ma’s father and son directly back to the capital just now. Now that it’s all right, if the relatives see you, if you drive any one of them back, anyone will have an opinion. The other party will go back to the capital to complain to the emperor. Crap.

As a result, Guo Zida could only reluctantly arrange nearby guest rooms for this group of uninvited guests.After the guests had left, Guo Zida hurriedly summoned counselors to discuss.

The counselor talked about Shi Ye stopping people at Yanmen Pass.

"Intercepted the person, and let him go?" Guo Zida immediately realized that this was not an easy matter.

"Yes, the tenth master kept saying that he recognized the maid from the Duke Huguo's mansion. Later, when the third lady from the Shangshu mansion arrived, the tenth master let her go again." The counselor narrated the whole incident.

"What do you think?" Guo Zida asked.

"If you go back to the general, the subordinates think that the tenth master probably wants to take the credit for himself, and he doesn't want to be caught by the third lady first, and ends up letting him go first. Besides, he is just a servant girl of the Duke Huguo's mansion, and he may not be on the same road as Princess Li. It's useless to be afraid, but to startle the snake."

"Let's say this, Master Shi still has some brains, and he knows how to use long lines to catch big fish." Guo Zida stroked his chin and said, his eyes glanced sharply at the counselor.

Shi Ye put a long line, he must have secretly sent someone to follow the suspicious vehicle.

exactly.The counselor gave Guo Zida an affirmative look: "General, you don't need to worry. As for the roads and terrain within a hundred miles of Yanmen Pass, no one knows better than those of us who have stayed at Yanmen Pass all year round. Where did these people flee? They can’t do without our eyeliner. If Master Shi wants to make a move first, we’ll just sit on the sidelines and wait for the opportunity, just wait behind—"

(End of this chapter)

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