Chapter 510 Doctor Li Shows His Magical Powers Again (3)
Chunmei and Aunt Shang were sitting in the carriage, seeing the coachman driving the carriage through the Yanmen Pass, their hearts were far from steadfast.Instead, as the carriage moved forward, it jumped faster and faster.

Almost without thinking, the two uttered a sentence almost at the same time: Will someone be following?
After Shi Ye's twitch, Chunmei's face turned pale and she said, "Aunt Shang, is there something wrong with Shi Ye letting us go?"

Aunt Shang sighed.No for sure.But Master Shi was willing to let them go suddenly. Wouldn't it be silly for them not to go?

"Aunt Shang—" Chunmei grabbed Aunt Shang's arm, and firmly grasped it with ten fingers, "We can no longer go to the young mistress's place, we can't go, they will follow us, follow us to find the young mistress. It will hurt everyone It belongs to the eldest young mistress."

"It's good that you know." Aunt Shang held her finger in turn, with a serious expression on her face, "Now, we can't see Eldest Young Mistress again, do you understand?"

"My servant understands. This servant has already made preparations. When she swore to follow the young mistress, she made up her mind that she is willing to risk everything for the sake of the young mistress. The young mistress is different from the servant girl. The life of the young mistress affects many people. Saying it is very important, but a slave is just a cheap life."

Aunt Shang raised her head and saw the determination on her face, she couldn't help being moved.

At my own age, I was quite old. I had no children, and I was alone. If Mrs. Li hadn't kept her and entrusted her with a heavy responsibility, she would have wanted to spend the rest of her life in a nunnery.It doesn't matter if you die or not.It's a pity that the child in front of him is not only young, but also has a beautiful appearance, beautiful facial features, and good looks. Therefore, he was recognized by the tenth master at a glance after being remembered by the tenth master.From ancient times to the present, there has been a saying that beauty is bad for life.It can only be said that this child's fate is unlucky, if he is not too beautiful, he will not be missed by Master Shi.

"We should not be on the way to meet the young mistress now." Aunt Shang said calmly.

Before, when clearing the customs, the coachman looked up and didn't know where. Her Aunt Shang's eyes were not presbyopic, so she was sure that the coachman must have received relevant instructions.As far as she knew, Meng Haoming would be the last group of people to clear the customs, so as to keep an eye on whether they betrayed the master.Everything that happened to them at the pass must have fallen into Meng Haoming's eyes.

In other words, since this Meng Haoming is a member of the Duke Huguo, she has been in the Duke Huguo's mansion for some time, and she has a little understanding of the principles of the Duke Huguo's work and training of his subordinates.Meng Haoming must be determined to sacrifice them all for the sake of his master.

"Aunt Shang means—" Chunmei asked.

"If the enemy is chasing us, we will never be able to join the young mistress. If the enemy has no way to get the whereabouts of the young mistress, they will definitely attack us. Whether to arrest or kill—"

"Aunt Shang, I'm not afraid of being killed, I'm just afraid that after they catch me, they will try every means to track the young mistress' whereabouts."

"It's the same with me. When I'm old, if I want to die, I should die more easily. If I don't want to die, I will suffer too much." Aunt Shang patted her hand and said, "In the end, if you really can't escape the bad luck, you should run away first." , find a place to hide, don’t let people find you, and try to live on. I’m older than you, so it’s not such a pity to die.”

"Aunt Shang!" Chunmei shook her head resolutely, "I also have elderly people in my family, so I will never do this."

"Silly girl." Aunt Shang raised the corner of her mouth slightly, as if showing a hint of helplessness.

As night fell, the carriage ran farther and farther, and it would take more than two hours to run.Following their soldiers and horses, they gradually felt something was wrong.

Just as Aunt Shang had imagined, when the carriage reached a fork, soldiers and horses suddenly appeared ahead, forming a siege to the carriage.Seeing this, the coachman immediately changed the direction of the carriage.

Seeing that the road was becoming more and more difficult to walk, there were a large number of pursuers behind, and the sound of horseshoes could be heard clearly.The two women in the carriage grabbed each other's hands vigorously.Just waiting for the last moment when he couldn't escape, he took off the hairpin on his head and inserted it directly into his heart.

With the enemy in hot pursuit, the coachman drove the carriage straight out of the forest and arrived at the edge of a cliff.

Seeing that there was no way for them to escape, the pursuers simply surrounded the carriage from all directions, just waiting for them to abandon their weapons and surrender.

"Get out of the car! Get out of the car now!"

The enemy officer yelled twice, and as a result, the coachman suddenly raised his whip and lashed at the horse.

All the enemy soldiers retreated half a foot in a hurry to prevent the carriage from rushing towards them to break through.However, the carriage didn't come towards them in any direction, but, with a sharp leap, rushed down the cliff that plummeted to the bottom of the ditch.

It was so tragic that all the besieging soldiers were stunned.

In the silent night, there were only the sounds of the carriage falling into the hanging valley and the sound of the wind whistling like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

In the hunter's village in the small col.

After a rest in the afternoon, when he woke up, Li Min took out the pocket watch he bought from a Westerner in the capital, opened the golden metal case, and saw that it was about six or seven o'clock at night.Since I ate lunch late at noon, I don't necessarily feel hungry when I eat dinner now.I just thought of what he said, for the sake of the children, we must eat a little bit.Therefore, Xiao Lizi was called to prepare dinner.

There is nothing good to eat in the small village in the col.After looking around, Xiao Lizi found some mutton for her, stewed some corn soup, and served it to her.

While drinking the corn soup, Li Min asked, "Is there no one here besides us?"

Xiao Lizi nodded: "Yes, since we came, no one in the village has entered the village except for the farmers living in the village. There are no people, no cars and horses. It is said that Dashan, the friend of the owner of the Thai village, may not be able to come back. In the evening, I will spend the night in a house on the mountain. The servant asked the owner of the Thai villa. The owner of the Thai villa said that it does not matter. It does not matter whether he sees the mountain or not. I'm afraid that if it is later, the weather will get worse again."

Hearing about the weather, Li Min realized that it seemed to be getting colder.Now seeing that the doors and windows in the house were closed tightly by the people below, she thought it was all because everyone knew that she was afraid of the cold.It turned out not, but it started snowing outside.

Because of this, old hunters like Dashan, who can’t come back in time, simply spend the night in the hunter’s house on the mountain. When the weather is better in the morning, they come down the mountain to avoid accidents caused by bad weather such as heavy wind and snow.

Li Min put down the bowl in his hand and walked to the window.Xiao Lizi moved the oil lamp to a place near the window.Li Min didn't dare to open the window, so he could only lean close to the paper-covered window. He couldn't see clearly what was in the pitch-black scene outside, but he could hear the wind blowing loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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