Chapter 547 Ambush (1)
Guo Zida came out of the tent to greet them first, and when he saw the faces of the man and the woman clearly, he almost bit off his tongue.

"General Guo, I haven't seen you for a few days. I didn't expect that General Guo was rushing to meet my third brother. Why didn't General Guo inform me first? My king and the third lady of Shangshufu, one is the brother of the third master, and the other She is the future wife and concubine of the third master, and they are all acquaintances in private, but in public, the king and the third lady are the special envoys and imperial envoys of the imperial court, so why should we avoid suspicion?" When the tenth master said this to Guo Zida, there was some inconsistency in his words. happy look.

Guo Zida almost broke his teeth when he heard his words.These two people teamed up with the Ma family father and son, secretly and secretly caught fugitives, divided up the credit for themselves, and isolated him, Guo Zida.Now, on the other hand, he is not Guo Zida.

"Where is the third master?" Li Ying asked.I have no interest in how the two men in front of me are talking.

If a woman asks where her man is wherever she goes, one can imagine what's going on.Even if Shi Ye and Guo Zida were confronting each other at the moment, they exchanged the same look at the same moment.

The third lady of the Shangshu Mansion seemed to have no confidence in her fiancé at all.It's not that when the third master came out this time, the third master's house had all prepared for the wedding, and they were only going to carry Li Ying into the house.

Although doubts flashed in Guo Zida's eyes, but thinking about it, it is not impossible for this marriage to be postponed again. It is said that the third master's mother, Concubine Jing, was thrown into limbo more than ten days ago.The man is not in the prince's mansion, and there is no elder to officiate the wedding, how can he do this wedding.The emperor was afraid that he would be weak in the presence.

Lord Wanli's resentment towards Concubine Jing may not be exhausted, so how could he have the time to help Concubine Jing's son marry a wife.Then there will be chaos in the Shangshu Mansion, the natal family of the third princess in the future.If this wedding really took place, it would be the biggest joke in the world.

Among them, the saddest thing must be the bride. If Master Wanli and the third master suddenly came back and denied the marriage, it is not impossible for the emperor to use some excuse to deny the marriage.In this way, it became a certainty that Li Ying would not be able to marry for the rest of her life.You know, with Li Ying now behind her, there is no background she can rely on.My sister fell out of favor in the palace, my mother was imprisoned in the clan mansion, and my father died.

Guo Zida thought, no matter who it is, in Li Ying's situation now, it is as if Li Ying must grab her fiancé in front of her.However, if the third master had a deep affection for Li Ying, it doesn't matter if Li Ying is nervous or not.The problem is that the third master of the family does not seem to have as much affection for the third lady of the Shangshufu as everyone imagined.

The third master, the third master, a noble son of jade.

Probably only naive people really thought that Zhu Li really fell in love with the third lady of the Shangshu Mansion back then, and he did not hesitate to turn against the second lady of the Shangshu Mansion, violated morality, and broke the bond of love.

Although Guo Zida approves of Zhu Li's style of office work, but when it comes to men, that villain, especially a high-ranking prince like the third master, marrying a wife must be weighed by the comprehensive interests of many aspects. Best choice made.

Back then, Zhu Li wanted to marry Li Ying instead of Li Min, the second lady of the Shangshu Mansion, because Li Min was well-known as a tuberculosis ghost, while Li Ying's older sister was a favorite in the harem, and her mother held a lot of power in the Shangshu Mansion. Wait for a profitable place.

If Zhu Li wanted to go back on his word now, he must be thinking about the same thing. All of Li Ying's previous advantages had been completely lost.Li Ying is no longer the hot spot that everyone was vying for back then. On the contrary, when anyone in the capital mentions the third lady of the Shangshu Mansion, they will say this: Oh, that disfigured——

What Li Ying hated the most was that her uncle had promised to heal the scar on her face at the time, but in the end he left this ugly scar on her face, which seemed like she would never get rid of it for the rest of her life.

Master Shi turned his back. At this moment, he picked up his wisdom, and it would be best not to participate in this farce.If Li Min was really with his third brother, if he remembered correctly, Zhu Qi, the eleventh brother, would often play up the old love of the third brother for his ex among the brothers.

His third brother, it seems that his thoughts have already turned back to the second lady of the Shangshu Mansion, not the third lady of the Shangshu Mansion.

It is conceivable how embarrassed his third brother would be if his fiancée suddenly killed him—if his third brother really had such dirty thoughts about someone.

Thinking of this, Master Shi almost felt secretly happy.Presumably at this moment, the old eleven must envy him to death, because he is the only one who can witness this excitement with his own eyes.

Guo Zida saw Master Shi suddenly turned his face away, but he didn't understand what was going on.After all, the rumors about who exactly Zhu Li's thoughts were directed to were only spread among the princes in private, but not out of the capital, so it's normal for Guo Zida not to know.

"The third master is resting in the tent." Guo Zida said.

Li Ying didn't express her gratitude to him, and went straight to the tent where Zhu Li was.

God knows, when she heard that her fiancé and her second sister were in the same military camp, she suddenly felt like heaven had fallen into hell, suffering on the crater of a volcano.

The fire, scratching at her chest, was about to burn her to death.

The guard guarding the door of Zhuli's tent saw her rushing over, stretched out his hand to stop her, and said, "Miss San, the third master has an order, and no one is allowed to enter without the third master's permission."

Li Ying pretended to be calm: "When you see the tenth master coming, you all go in and report to the third master, do you know?"

The guard cupped his hands: "Go back to Miss San, the third master knows about the arrival of the guests."

"Does the third master know that the daughter of the people and the tenth master are now the imperial envoys and special envoys of the emperor? Is there any reason why the third master does not see the imperial envoys and special envoys of the imperial court?"

Guo Zida and Master Shi walked slowly behind her, and when they heard her words, they suddenly felt a little too much.No matter what, the third master is the highest commander in this military camp, it doesn't matter whether he welcomes the emperor's special envoy or not, the third master has the right to see him right away.

The tenth master didn't want his third brother to misunderstand that he was here to force the palace, so he hurried past Li Ying and said to the people in the tent: "The third brother has worked hard to complete the official duties assigned by the father. It is really hard work. It is already late at night. , the third brother can take a rest, if you have anything to say, the brothers will get together and talk about it tomorrow morning."

Guo Zida nodded, only listening to Master Shi's words is called human words.On the contrary, Li Ying, as a fiancée, is not good at being a human being. She doesn't know how to be considerate of her fiancé during this period of time. No matter how hard it is, it is difficult for the third master to sleep through the night.

However, Li Ying keenly sensed another meaning: her fiancé seemed unable to sleep every night.I can't sleep every night, if I don't think about someone at night, how can I not sleep?

Speaking of catching fugitives, you have to wait until the fugitives are in front of you before you can catch them.It's not like the third master is chasing after them so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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