Chapter 548 Ambush (2)
Just thinking of this made Li Ying even more depressed.

Because, she could intuitively guess that the clues that Li Min left on the grassland on purpose, the bark marks left by the traitor were clearly visible, what else could it be if it wasn't a letter of challenge to her, Li Ying?
Her second sister, who is so cunning, knows that she did all of this, so she deliberately kept the bark of the mark, and only waited for a certain time to show her to make her feel ashamed and let her know what she did. Everything is useless.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.The useless father and son of the Ma family, and the useless Fu Zhongping of the admiral's mansion, have messed up all the clues she finally provided.Dead dead, wounded wounded.After going through hardships, she and Master Shi went around Langshan Mountain and chased them to this snowy field.Yes, they are actually the same as Guo Zida, they came here after hearing that the third master came here.As a result, after chasing here, first she encountered a blizzard, first she saw the marks left by Li Min to ridicule her, and finally, there was another bad news that the two of them were in the same military camp.

One step slower.

If only she had caught Li Min first, she would have killed Li Min and hacked into the second sister's body, regardless of the emperor's order to capture her second sister alive.

These men are all extremely stupid, thinking that they can take advantage of keeping her second sister alive!It was outrageously wrong, the reason why she and her mother and sister were in Li Min's hands was because they didn't kill the grass early in the morning.

No, she absolutely wants to do justice for the heavens and kill Li Min for everyone.

"The third master is resting alone in the tent now?" Li Ying suddenly weakened her voice and asked.From being tough at the beginning, it suddenly changed to coquettish.Everyone is hesitating what is going on with her transformation.

Li Ying's thinking was very simple, since the man didn't want to see her, if she insisted on rushing in, it was very possible that he would hate him instead.And Master Shi, who actually demolished the stage in public, almost embarrassed her.

What she wants is very simple. First of all, she must make sure that her man is only alone.Not to mention Li Min, even other women in the army are not allowed.

Guo Zida and Master Shi heard the meaning of her words, and a thought flashed in their minds: This woman's possessiveness is really terrible!From now on, the life of the third master may be difficult.

The man in the tent seemed to be asleep, and there was no movement.The guard replied: "Yes, the third master doesn't like people approaching at night, so he always rests alone."

The third master has a serious obsession with cleanliness.The tenth master is aware of this, many of his brothers like to flirt with women, but the third master does not.

To say that the third master doesn't like women is better to say that the third master is very guarded and always likes to guard against women.

Li Ying didn't care if her fiancé was on guard against her or not, anyway, it would be best if the third master didn't have any other women next to him at night.He lowered his head, saying: Third Lord, take a good rest, and the concubine will step down first.After talking like this, they rested with Master Shi at the place Guo Zida arranged for them to stay.

At this moment, there is still about an hour or so before dawn.

Luliu helped Li Ying get a basin of hot water. It was freezing outside and it was difficult to find a basin of hot water. Therefore, when Luliu came in with hot water for washing her face, she complained as she walked, "Your servant is looking for someone to Zhang A warmer blanket, but the man said, no more, and moved somewhere under the order of the third master. The slave girl was so angry, thinking, the third lady is the righteous princess of the third master in the future, who in this barracks can Comparable to Miss San's status, could it be that the Queen Mother or Empress Empress from the palace is here?"

Li Ying suddenly grabbed the handkerchief she was holding, and slapped it on Luliu's face.Lu Liu was shocked and knelt down.

"How many times have I told you about your stupid mouth, don't be self-righteous, think that I don't know anything, I don't need you to tell me that I don't know anything, can you teach me a lesson?!" Li Ying slapped him with hail.

Luliu's face was pale after being hit, she shook her head and said: "It's the servant's fault, the servant will slap her own mouth immediately."

Clap, slap left and right, and slap your own mouth.

"Enough!" Li Ying could only shed tears in her eyes.Now, there is almost no one around her, only a green willow.She was also agitated by Lu Liu's words, otherwise, how could she be willing to scold the only person around her.

People only know how many people around them treat them sincerely when they are the most failed and in trouble.

After the news of Li Datong's death spread back to the Shangshu Mansion, the Shangshu Mansion collapsed instantly like that mountain, and everything that collapsed was clean.Many house slaves packed their bags and fled overnight without even saying hello to her master.

Li Datong's death represented the end of the power of the Shangshu Mansion.In fact, many people already knew that the Shangshu Mansion was finished. Everyone continued to look at the Shang Shufu family differently because Li Hua was favored in the harem and Li Min was the wife of the Huguo Duke's Mansion.

Now, Li Hua is out of favor, and the Duke Protector's House seems to have rebelled.In the eyes of the emperor, Shang Shufu became a thorn in the side.Even if Li Datong didn't die, he would definitely be tortured in prison.It's clean and tidy to die.

When Li Ying thought of this occasionally, she felt that Li Datong was really despicable, leaving all the mess to her daughter.

You don't know if you don't die, you only know when you die.It turned out that my father owed a large amount of romantic money outside.

Hearing that Li Datong died, within a day, several women came to the door with their sons who claimed to be Li Datong's acknowledgment, and wanted to replace her, Li Ying, as the new master of Shangshufu.Everyone rushed to be her stepmother, Li Ying, and drove her out of the house completely.After all, the Shangshu Mansion was not ransacked by the emperor. Li Datong was dead, but the family property was still there. Who was not staring at the gold and silver left by Li Datong and the Wang family.

Li Ying desperately held on to these properties, no, these were all that she would bring to the third master's mansion to support herself in the future.

Those women took their sons and ran to Mrs. Li to make trouble.When Mrs. Li heard that her son had died, she was so sad that she couldn't eat.However, Li Ying knew that this old grandmother of hers actually valued the incense of the Li family, so it must be a matter of time before she opened her mouth and allowed her younger brothers to live in Shangshu's mansion.

Li Ying could even guess that the reason why these women were able to bring their sons to Beijing and hide them until today, suddenly appeared to make trouble, not to mention her father Li Datong's arrangement, her second sister Li Min must have participated in it.Because according to the people at Mrs. Li's place, Mrs. Li seems to have said, yes, Li Datong seemed to have discussed it with several daughters before, and the daughters didn't have much opinion.

Just a joke, can she and her sister Hua agree to such a thing that harms their own interests?To promise, as long as Li Min who has divided up part of the property of the Shangshu Mansion and sat on the shore watching the fire, just waiting for them to kill each other.

(End of this chapter)

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