The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 556 The Value of Doctor Li

Chapter 556 The Value of Dr. Li (1)
Zhu Li was on the spot, together with Guo Zida, escorting the convoy that broke out first.I thought, with my own powerful bodyguard Ma Wei watching, there would be no accidents.Who knew Cheng Yaojin appeared on the way.My fiancée got the prisoner away.

Having said that, the enemy's offensive suddenly weakened.The enemy's retreat for no reason, not only did not make Zhu Li feel happy, but it made his heart pound.

For no reason?Why did you withdraw?Because the advantage occupied by the enemy has not weakened.The only possibility is that the enemy has already got what they want most, and there is no need to continue fighting this battle.

Zhu Lixi had read military books, and Guo Zida led troops to fight, so he knew this very well. Fighting a war does not mean killing the opponent, it is often a military operation for one purpose.Like this time, the purpose of the battle between you and me, if the people in Black Wind Valley know that there is an important prisoner that the emperor wants in their convoy, then there is no doubt that whoever gets the prisoner will be the winner of this battle.

The cold wind was blowing.The gangsters hiding in the wind and snow retreated completely, showing no intention of fighting at all.It is conceivable that Black Wind Valley got the spoils they wanted.

The men sent by Zhu Li searched around and found Ma Wei first.

Ma Wei knelt in front of his master, unable to utter a word, wishing he could wipe his neck with a knife to apologize.The master has repeatedly explained that there will be nothing else except guarding the criminals.

He only lost the prisoner.

Shi Ye came over tremblingly wearing the awning borrowed from the soldiers to block the snow, his clothes were torn, he was shot through two holes by arrows, and almost died.Walking in front of Zhu Li, Master Shi spit first and said, "Third brother, I really blame Ma Wei for this matter. I saw that the situation was wrong and told him not to park the carriage there. It turned out to be a good thing. We and him were almost the same. The whole army was wiped out."

"You mean, my people messed it up?" Zhu Li looked at Master Shi's face coldly.

Master Shi insisted: "Yes—"

"Where were you when the prisoner ran away?"

"I, I'm not here, I'm-"

"Ma Wei lost the prisoner, you were there, as the emperor's imperial envoy to arrest the fugitive, you didn't do anything to stop it, did you help the prisoner escape?"

"Third Brother!" Shi Ye's face turned dark suddenly, "This matter is my fault! You don't want the villain to file a complaint first! You are the third brother who is directing this operation! Besides, yes, at that time, Ma Wei and I were discussing what to do next. Who would have thought that there was a villain behind us, not only did not help us watch the criminals, but also let them go."

"Who?" There was a murderous chill in Zhu Li's voice.

Shi Ye couldn't help shaking, and had to hand over this person and said: "Isn't it the third lady of the Shangshu Mansion? She deliberately covered up her sister's escape——Third brother, I saw it with my own eyes. Miss looked at the criminal, but the criminal ran away from Miss San's eyes. Miss San is gone now, I don't know if she escaped by herself."

Ma Wei was startled when he heard this, and recalled that Li Min and Li Ying had talked and met last night.Could it be that Li Ying turned against him?

No, how could Li Ying turn against the third master?There is only one possibility, Li Min took advantage of Li Ying.

Zhu Li sneered coldly, and said, "This king knows they must be going to the Black Wind Valley. Captain Liu."

"The subordinate is here." Lieutenant Liu stepped forward.

"Isn't your other soldier deployed on the way to Black Wind Valley?"

"Yes. If they go to Black Wind Valley, they will definitely be intercepted by our people. That is the only way from here to Black Wind Valley, a rope bridge."

After hearing this, Zhu Li mounted his horse again.Mavi followed immediately.Guo Zida gathered the rest of the troops, picked out the cavalry, and the well-organized troops followed Zhu Li to chase the people from Black Wind Valley.

Only Master Shi was left standing alone in the cold wind, dumbfounded at everything in front of him: "Third brother, third brother, what should I do—"


It was dark.Not a single star in the sky.This is the symbol of Black Wind Valley.Black Wind Valley is always bleak and gloomy, like a cold wind blowing from hell, there will be no days when spring is warm and flowers are blooming.

Such a place that is cold all year round, like hell, has turned into a paradise for a group of gangsters.Here they don't need to be controlled by anyone, they only know how to rob other people's wealth for pleasure.

Such a happy and greedy life is very easy to live.But Li Min knows that often, the world is not so satisfactory.Man will conquer nature, this sentence is neither suitable for the emperor, nor suitable for such a group of self-righteous gangsters.

These people probably don't know that their fate is almost at an end.

The emperor used to turn a blind eye and close his eyes, but if this group of people really offended someone's life, like Master Lu, it would be a matter of time.

Aunt Liao was sitting in the carriage behind her, and she was going to follow her into the Black Wind Valley to get the payment.

Before reaching the Black Wind Valley, Li Min glanced out from the curtain of the car blown up by the wind, and could see a group of people in strange costumes appearing at night.

Wearing a hat, a jacket with narrow cuffs, tight trousers, and short boots are all common clothing of the horse people, which is convenient for riding and shooting.Among them, the distinction between identity and status may lie in the color of the clothes and the decoration on the leather belt.Therefore, at a glance, among the strangely dressed cavalrymen, the handsome and elegant man with the leather belt made of gold round jade pendant and crossed with golden ribbons must be the most noble in this team, no doubt.

Look closely, the man's pair of colored contact lenses are azure blue like treasures in the deep sea, exuding a light that competes with the world. It is so beautiful and mysterious that it even makes people feel a sense of fear.

The moment Li Min met the man's blue eyes, his brows slightly raised. This man, if not the U Jie Shan Yu Er Khan whom he met at the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet last time, who else could it be.

Last time he escaped from the capital with great difficulty, the Second Khan was probably not reconciled, because the game he had finally set up did not succeed, but was disrupted instead.

I heard that she was wanted by the emperor, and now she is doing business with people from Black Wind Valley.

Long Shengtian, the leader of the team, waved his hand and made the team temporarily stop on the snowy road.Ride forward alone.At the same time, Ujie Shanyu came up from the opposite side on horseback alone.

The two of them were actually not far from Li Min's carriage, and the wind happened to be favorable, so Li Min could hear the two of them talking.

According to reports, Wujie Shanyu was considered a man of both civil and military skills among the Donghu people.It is mainly manifested in his degree of dabbling in Central Plains culture.U Jie Danyu is actually good at Chinese, and it is effortless to communicate with Han people. Moreover, he has already shown such an amazing talent when he was very young, at the age of six.His family also seems to have often traded with Han people, which gave him a wide space to develop his language talent.

(End of this chapter)

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