The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 557 The Value of Doctor Li

Chapter 557 The Value of Dr. Li (2)
Language learning, the most important thing is the environment.Ujie Danyu can be said to be a talent cultivated at the right time and place.

In the dark night, the lights of the horse team illuminate the silhouettes of the two heroes.One is tough and the other is elegant.

Long Shengtian must be very unhappy about the sudden appearance of the Donghu people here, and he would even suddenly think of the worst possible change, whether the Donghu people planned to snatch people here halfway.

However, if they really want to rob people, the Donghu National People's Congress can set up an ambush like they did with the third master, but the Donghu people did not do this. I am afraid that what is even more taboo is that this place is actually within the sphere of influence of the Black Wind Valley.He, Long Shengtian, had already sent eagle messengers to Black Wind Valley to let the people in Black Wind Valley pick them up at any time, so it is unlikely that the Donghu people would set up an ambush here, and they would be attacked by all the people in Black Wind Valley .

Unless, the Donghu people send a large force.However, this is not realistic, as the wind and snow are blooming right now, no matter whether the emperor, Duke Hu, or Donghu people, it is unlikely that they will send troops to fight a big battle at this time.

Having settled on this point, Long Shengtian looked at the other party with a sense of looking down, and said without fear, "Heifenggu and Khan just concluded a treaty of friendship earlier, and they will not invade each other. Second Khan I don't know why you suddenly led the team to the Black Wind Valley?"

Wujie Shanyu's blue eyes were even more outstanding and cold in the night wind, but his voice was completely opposite to the raging wind, very elegant: "The second master misunderstood. It's just that the valley master sent a message to Khan earlier. I sent a letter saying that I wanted to make a deal with our Khan, and asked if our Khan was interested in this. Our Khan sent me to find out. Because the amount involved in this transaction may be relatively large Big, just in case, it is very important to take a look at whether the goods are genuine."

After hearing the other party's explanation, Long Shengtian snorted coldly, because he couldn't grasp the reason for the other party's words.

Li Min lowered the car curtain, the wind coming through the window was still quite cold, but fortunately there was a blanket in the car, she used it to cover her knees to keep warm.

Donghu people are not robbing people at the moment, and [-]% of them are not.The first is that it is said that the Donghu people are not as divided as they were in the past, and they are not restless in production. Therefore, the situation of poor people has been greatly improved after Maodun Shanyu got up.Donghu people are not very poor now, and it is said that they still have some considerable assets.

There is not much shortage of money, and if things can be solved with money, there is no need to really go to great lengths to fight to the death with the group of desperadoes in Black Wind Valley.

If the Donghu people really want to start this war, they need to think about whether the emperor and the protector will have any countermeasures.Even if the Donghu people take Black Wind Valley, it seems that it is not a necessary geographical advantage for their own territory expansion.On the contrary, Beiyan is what the Donghu people have always wanted to win.

Thinking of this, Li Min felt very at ease.You know, Aunt Liao also admitted at the time that sending her to Heifenggu and letting several parties negotiate the price, saying that it was beneficial to Heifenggu and Aunt Liao's income, was actually beneficial to Li Min as well.One is that the time will definitely be delayed.Whether several parties can negotiate a good price is something that can be negotiated in a day or two.The second is that having time in this gap is equivalent to giving Li Min a chance to escape.

Going to Black Wind Valley, it is her husband's territory, otherwise, how could she, Li Min, be captured without a fight and sent to Black Wind Valley by the people of Black Wind Valley.

After finding out the purpose of the Donghu people, Long Shengtian waved his hand, indicating that the team should continue to move forward, and they must rush back to the Black Wind Valley at the fastest speed.

Just after the convoy passed the Donghu team, Ujie Danyu could be seen leading his men to follow behind the convoy.

"Er Khan, the woman in the carriage just now is the rumored Princess Li?" A burly Donghu man wearing a tiger leather vest approached Wujie Shanyu and asked.

Wu Jie Shanyu looked at the back of the carriage where Li Min was sitting with a faint glare in his blue eyes, and said, "I am fortunate to be in the Longevity Garden of Daming, and instead of meeting face to face, Princess Li is certainly not the favorite of the emperor. The concubine's beauty that overwhelms the country and the city, but she has unparalleled wisdom in the world, she must not be underestimated."

"I see." Responding to this sentence was an old man behind Ujie Danyu.

Long Shengtian watched those Donghu people follow, and always felt that something was not quite right.By the way, among the cavalry led by Ujie Shanyu, Ujie Shanyu was not the only one who seemed to have status and status.

In this way, isn't it the Khan of the Donghu people who attaches great importance to this matter.I didn't expect such a woman's value to be so high.Although it is said that this woman is Duke Hu's wife, Long Shengtian knows that Duke Hu and his people are cruel and cruel people.It is said that the counselors of the Huguogong lost their wives for the sake of the Huguogong. This kind of thing is a trivial matter in the eyes of the Huguogong.It can be seen that Duke Protector doesn't really care much about women.Isn't it a woman?
The wife is gone, just marry again.With the status of Duke Protector, it would be difficult to marry another beautiful woman.Therefore, if the Donghu people think that catching Huguogong's wife can threaten Huguogong, it is absolutely wishful thinking.

The Donghu people themselves are not stupid, and it is certainly not such a reason to want to protect the Duke and his wife.I can only think that what the Donghu people are trying to figure out is something else about the Lady Protector.

The more Long Shengtian thought about it, the more curious he became. This seemingly defenseless woman could have any treasures on her body that the emperors and khans of the world would rush to ask for.

If it is really a rare treasure, perhaps, Black Wind Valley shouldn't be in a hurry to hand it over.

The convoy boarded the rope bridge leading to Black Wind Valley.

On the side, none of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who were staring at the cable bridge dared to move.

Because things changed, not only people from Black Wind Valley came, but also Donghu people.If they make a move here, it's hard to guarantee that the Donghu people will take advantage of the chaos to loot.I heard that Donghu people love this trick the most.

When Zhu Li and Guo Zida arrived with the army, they could only watch helplessly as the carriage escorting Li Min passed the cable bridge, went farther and farther, and entered the Black Wind Valley.

"Third Master!" Guo Zida was completely worried now.People are lost at this juncture, and nothing can be justified.Back in the capital, how to report to the emperor is a big problem.

What's more, now I can see with my own eyes the Donghu people coming in to disrupt the situation.

Her jade eyes narrowed tightly, and Zhu Li's calm jade face was like frozen frost, and she was blowing cold air: "Find someone, go into the Black Wind Valley, and find out the tone of the Black Wind Valley."

Guo Zida was surprised by this.Isn't this obvious?Black Wind Valley intends to hand over people to Donghu people.

"The group of desperadoes in Black Wind Valley can only say one word, greed. All businessmen in the world only talk about money. Whoever gives more money, of course, people in Black Wind Valley will be more willing to deal with people with more money. Deal. The people in Black Wind Valley may not necessarily do this business with the Donghu people. Otherwise, the Donghu people would not come here in a hurry when they heard the news."

(End of this chapter)

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