Chapter 585 The child is here (1)
A young man with a fresh blood, only thinks that he is dragging his feet for no reason, but he is so angry.

"Second Young Master." Fu Yan persuaded, "Eldest Young Master must pick you up first, and then Eldest Young Mistress."

"Yes, because I am young, my mother is worried, isn't she? But, my sister-in-law is a weak woman, and she is pregnant with my eldest brother's child."

"Second Young Master is wrong to think so." Xu Feiyun had to turn around and explain, "Originally, the prince didn't need to come in person, we could take the princess away. It's just—"

However, if Li Min was taken away by them, the internal response that had been ambushing in the Black Wind Valley, and the signs that the Lord Protector was about to attack the Black Wind Valley would all be exposed, and there would be no complete victory today.Those who have been lurking in Black Wind Valley for a long time must be the most injured.

"Young Mistress is aware of this, so she doesn't have any complaints about our arrangement." Meng Haoming followed Xu Feiyun's words and sighed softly.

After following Li Min for a while, I have to use one word to describe this mistress, that is, she is as calm as a god.

However, God-man, there are times when he suddenly falls down, and it can only be said that Li Min is an ordinary woman.It was their negligence.

"Now the person who regrets the most in my heart should be the prince." Xu Feiyun frowned, "The only thing we can do now is wait."

"Wait?" Zhu Li seemed to scream.

"In the military camp, Mr. Gongsun's medical skills are the best." When Xu Feiyun said this, no one dared to say that he was wrong, "When the prince's leg injury could not be cured by Mr. Gongsun, he had to go back to Beijing to find a doctor Of course, at that time, neither the prince nor Mr. Gongsun was absolutely sure."

It can be seen that, in fact, Gongsun Liangsheng's medical skills can be compared with that group of old men in imperial physician's robes in the imperial palace.

"Being able to meet the princess, Mr. Gongsun said in private that this is the luckiest thing in the prince's life. What Mr. Gongsun said can be understood as, if he hadn't met the concubine, maybe the prince's leg would not only be unthinkable, but it might not be good. Don't even think about curing it."

Zhu Li and the others understood what Xu Feiyun meant. If in this world, when a patient is not looked down upon by any doctor, or when he is almost desperate, at least Li Min is there.However, once Li Min got sick, he would lose everything.

Dr. Li is the last life-saving straw, but Dr. Li may not have thought that if something happens to him, where can he find the life-saving straw?

Wait, can only wait, what a helpless word.

Zhu Li felt that he could be driven crazy by this word.Don't even have to think about your brother's mood.Meng Haoming thought of that time, when Chunmei had an accident, he was extremely calm, and it turned out that it was because Dr. Li was still there.Subconsciously, although he has not had much contact with him, he already has great trust in Dr. Li's medical skills that are comparable to miraculous skills.

Xu Feiyun lowered his head and sighed: "It's a wrong calculation."The most erroneous calculation was that even though they believed in Li Min's medical skills, they underestimated the risk of Li Min's accident.

Now it has become the worst situation. As soon as Li Min fell, the man's heart fell first.

The quiet north wind circled around the camp, as if it was also comforting the mood of the man called Bei Yasha at this moment.

The needle was inserted and ginseng soup was fed, but the patient still did not wake up.

Zhu Li held her hand, not daring to let go for a moment.He didn't know what else he could do. Probably, this moment was the second time he felt the most helpless in his life.The first time was when he witnessed the scene of his father's death on the office case.

His father has always been the pillar of the family. At that time, he had just received the crown ceremony and was actually very young. He felt that his father still had a lot to teach him.Father fell down suddenly, at that moment, the sky above his head could feel like it was about to collapse.

If it weren't for Mr. Wei and the others who had been entrusted by his father to prop up the young him vigorously, I am afraid that he would soon become the prey of Master Wanli, and he would not be able to survive today. .

However, for his father's death, after all, there were Wei Lao and others who could tell him that the sky would not fall, and everything was within his father's expectations. As long as he inherited his father's behest, there would definitely be sunshine again tomorrow.Therefore, he didn't feel particularly sad about his father's death, but only angry.This time, it was different.This time, in his heart, he suddenly felt that he had lost the sunshine and was gloomy.

In his world, apart from avenging his father and the responsibility of being the owner of the Duke Protector's Mansion, for the first time, such a spring breeze appeared in his life full of blood and sweat.When he met her, he suddenly felt that he was actually an ordinary person, an ordinary man who could enjoy the happiness of his wife and children.

Perhaps, this is Zhu Li's fate, cruel fate and reality, and now she is pulled into his fate by him.

"Min'er, if you can hear me, you should know that I can't live without you—"

His low and hoarse voice lingered in her ears.

She closed her eyes and remained silent for a long time.

After Zhu Li and the others escaped, they found a place to rest and count the number of people.Guo Zida's arm was injured and was being bandaged by the military doctor.Shi Ye looked like he was suffering from severe wind and cold, and he was coughing all the time while sitting in the tent.

The spies sent out to inquire about the news came back, knelt in front of Zhu Li and said, "The protector seems to have returned to his own territory. None of the Donghu people have been seen. I don't know if he was captured or escaped back."

There is no news of what happened to her, what he wanted most.

Luliu was found back, and she cried and said in front of Li Ying, "Miss San—"

"Why are you crying?" Li Ying smiled, "You and I should be happy, no matter what, this result couldn't be better for us."

"Miss Third?"

"My second sister is the reincarnation of a god, so it's impossible to save her, right?"

The weather was clear and cloudless. It is said that the heavy snow in the north has eased in the past two days, which made the weather in the capital of Guannei better.

The royal capital of the Ming Dynasty cannot be said to be like spring all the year round, but with distinct seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, coupled with the fact that there is no harsh and extreme climate throughout the year, it is actually the best place for people to live and retire.It can be said that the ancestors of the Ming royal family chose this place to build their capital, which can be said to be well-intentioned.In the words of modern feng shui masters, this place is originally a treasure land of feng shui suitable for the royal family.

Zhu Yongle got up early and skipped rope in the yard.After following Li Min's plan, this little fat girl who was spurned by everyone in the capital is gradually abandoning her notoriety as a fat girl.

The slender waist is clearly visible, and the original chubby apple face gradually has some bean sprouts.My mother and father are not ugly at all.Zhu Yongle's genetics are not bad in appearance, as long as he loses weight, his facial features will certainly not be ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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