Chapter 586 The child is here (2)
The big bright eyes are like two shining black gemstones. On the girl's lively face, they are bright and springy, and they are full of energy, attracting the attention of countless men.

Princess Lu was the happiest when her daughter changed like a butterfly from a chrysalis.It's a pity that her daughter's change seems to be in a stage of untimely birth.

Recently, Beijing and China seem to be quiet on the surface, and there is no wave or disturbance. In the past, the court officials even wrote congratulations to the emperor and empress dowager for the peace of the world and the well-being of the people.However, everyone knows that the birthday banquet that the Empress Dowager will hold this year is probably going to be a mess.Since the queen mother suddenly became seriously ill that day, she is still in a coma to this day.It is said that the imperial physicians tried their best to prolong the life of the queen mother with medicine. In fact, the life of the queen mother may have been gone long ago.

For such an important event, as a filial son, Wanli Lord was naturally very sad, and issued two consecutive national amnesty orders to pray for the Queen Mother.It's just about these two amnesty decrees. In some people's eyes, the knowledge in them may be far more than simply praying for the Queen Mother.

After all, the news from outside the pass has been spread back to the pass from the mouths of the people outside the pass, and the well-informed people in the capital have heard some rumors.It is said that the most notorious Black Wind Valley in the world was taken to the lair by the Duke Protector.Most of the desperadoes in the valley usually burned, killed, robbed, massacred innocent people, and none of the villains with serious crimes could escape the palm of the Duke Protector.The two leading Long family brothers were executed on the spot by Duke Hu Guo.

The common people, who had been bullied by the people of Black Wind Valley for a long time and suffered unspeakably, applauded loudly.

The reputation of Lord Protector has long been at its peak outside the customs, and has won the hearts of the people.Coupled with the shoveling of the Black Wind Valley this time, the hearts of the people are even blown to the Duke Protector.

A good thing is a good thing, this kind of villain should have been killed.However, a group of high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital heard such news one by one, not only not happy, but also panicked.Perhaps only ordinary people who are happy with the situation have not noticed the mystery of this, and those scholars who are concerned about government affairs and current affairs among the people can smell something bad.

After Zhu Yongle had breakfast, he went to his mother to say hello.

I heard that eighth and ninth masters were invited by her father, Prince Lu, to enjoy the snow and drink in the prince's mansion today.Zhu Yongle can't say that he hates these masters, nor can he say that he likes them, but they are just average.

Princess Lu looked a little absent-minded, sitting there, looking bored by herself.The mother-in-law in charge of the kitchen of the Prince's Mansion took the menu to entertain guests today, and when she went to Princess Lu to ask for instructions, she repeated a few sentences.

Seeing this, Zhu Yongle had no choice but to ask his mother: "Mom, are you feeling unwell today? Do you want to ask the doctor to come over and see your mother?"

Concubine Lu came back to her senses just now, and said weakly: "I'm not feeling well today, but I don't want to invite the doctor over. This concubine will go back to the room to rest first. If you have anything to do, if you can't ask the prince for instructions, please ask for instructions first." Princess."

A group of servants heard the words, bowed their heads and answered yes, Zhu Yongle got up and directed the two maids to help his mother back to the room.Seeing Princess Lu leaving, the lady in charge of the kitchen came up and said to Zhu Yongle intentionally or unintentionally: "Princess, the princess is probably thinking about the marriage of the princess and the affairs of the prince."

At Princess Lu's age, it is difficult to regenerate.If he can't give birth, he will definitely take the child born to the side concubine or other concubines in the palace, and adopt it to his knees as a direct child.On this issue, Princess Lu has racked her brains and thought about it for a long time.In Princess Lu's idea, it is best to raise a child whose mother died, and who was too young to remember anything.Such a child must be able to see her as a real mother.

However, I don't know why, Princess Lu may have heard some bad versions of the story recently, saying that no matter how the child is raised by herself, the adoptive mother must not be as good as the mother.As long as the day comes, once the child knows that he is not born by this mother, he may bite the adoptive mother back at any time.

Concubine Lu couldn't let go of the knot in her heart because of this. Thinking about this concern, it's not that she has been worried for so many years.If so, it would be better not to raise it.Raised children are not as good as biological ones after all.Princess Lu's own child is only Yongle, a girl.Princess Lu thought about it, she might as well find a new son-in-law.If the daughter gave birth to a son at that time, wouldn't it be better for the grandson to inherit Prince Lu's mansion directly?

Ordinary people may be able to accept such a compromise.But for the Prince's Mansion, where there are many concubines in the backyard and there is no need to worry about the reproduction of offspring, how could it be possible to agree to Princess Lu's ridiculous and self-righteous idea.

Concubine Lu must be, she dare not tell the prince what is going on in her head, no, she is holding back in her heart.Seeing her daughter's marriage, when she was called into the palace by the queen last time, the queen told Princess Lu that the emperor was thinking about finding a husband for the princess.

In fact, Zhu Yongle's marriage was the emperor's brother's daughter. As an uncle, how could he not care about his own niece.It's just that Zhu Yongle's reputation as a chubby girl was so bad that the emperor didn't know where to find a suitable husband for Zhu Yongle.I'm afraid that if it's too high, people don't want it, if it's too low, the Prince's House doesn't want it.

Everything is different now.Staring at the royal family of Prince Lu's mansion, they have already seen Zhu Yongle's transformation day by day, and they intend to publicize the transformation of the princess. Zhu Yongle's reputation has improved, and many big families in the capital who intend to cling to wealth and wealth are interested in it. Send your son to the Prince's Mansion to give to Lu Wangfei first.

Princess Lu was not necessarily happy in her heart.I only have one daughter, and if she is really married, what will she do in the future?There are no sons, only daughters, and daughters are like poured water, that's not okay.

Even though Zhu Yongle, a chubby girl, has become prettier, her thoughts are still very simple.Back then Li Min liked this little chubby girl because of the innocence of the princess.Hearing these words from the mother-in-law, Zhu Yongle couldn't hear anything strange, and only said that since the mother can't give birth to a son, she should hurry up and raise it like everyone else.After all, I can't become a man.

The mother-in-law had no choice but to nod Zhu Yongle from the side: "The eighth master is coming today, how about the princess ask the eighth master?"

"Ask Baye?" Zhu Yongle was confused when asked what that guy was doing.

"Ba Ye is very popular in the capital, and the news spreads in all directions. Maybe he can guide the princess, where and which family is the future princess's wishful husband."

Zhu Yongle thinks about it, he doesn't have much social interaction, even if he meets a man outside, it's just a photo at a party from a distance, maybe he can't even see the other's facial features, nose and eyes deeply.Marriage is most afraid of marrying someone with bad character.It would be nice if I could learn a little bit about the other person's personality from that Eighth Master's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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