Chapter 619 Absurd farce (1)
The Qin family who was listening at the door, after all, was quick to speak, and the first one couldn't stand it and muttered at the door: "Who knows if you did it on purpose? How do you know how to detoxify? You have to wait for us to be hit by the enemy." The trap, and then come up with the antidote."

The muttering sound spread into the room, and Elder Wei almost lost his temper.

On the contrary, Li Min, who was sitting in the chair, didn't seem to be moved at all. The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, and he spit out a sentence: "Do you think that this concubine has hidden the antidote? The little plum that this concubine sent to rescue General Wei should be given to you." General Wei explained that there is no poison or antidote at all."

"Is that so? Big brother, third brother?" Wei Zibin was not at the scene and didn't know the situation, so he asked the other two people in surprise.

Wei Ziang nodded: "Yes." Immediately afterwards, he had the same doubts as Wei Ziqing: "But, the fourth brother's injury yesterday—"

"The absence of poison does not mean that the patient has not been infected by the wound, which may cause systemic sepsis. The deterioration of General Wei's condition is not because of poisoning, but because the wound has been delayed for too long and has not received appropriate and timely treatment. In fact, this The military doctors in the barracks should be able to tell the difference, and they should have explained it to the generals. But why do the generals prefer to believe the nonsense of the Donghu people instead of the military doctors in their own troops?" Speaking of this, Li Min's tone suddenly changed, and he became serious, "This can only explain one thing. Several generals have failed in their duties, seriously."

The three brothers of the Wei family who were kneeling on the ground suddenly tightened their expressions. At this moment, they seemed to realize the nervousness of the problem and the imminent catastrophe.

Before, they always thought that the problem was with the military doctors, but they never thought about how the problem could be with them?

"For the princess, I will not be able to—" Wei Zibin twisted the corner of his mouth forcefully.

Like Wei Ziqing and Wei Ziang, a look of reluctance flashed across his face.

"Isn't it true that several generals think that curing diseases and saving lives is only the job of doctors? This is wrong, not only army officials, but local officials. Since they have become the parents of the people and soldiers, they should be responsible for the people and soldiers under their jurisdiction. Soldiers must be aware of all the problems they encounter. The prince told you to follow Mr. Gongsun to study books, not only the military skills needed to lead soldiers to fight, but also a wide range of knowledge. Ask yourself You yourself, if you can have a better understanding of medicine and have a clear judgment on what the military doctors say and what the Donghu people say, can you easily be fooled by the Donghu people?"

Not only the brothers of the Wei family, but those who listened inside and outside the house, including some military officers like Meng Haoming, felt as if cold water had been poured on their heads, and they felt like they had regained their senses after being alerted.

"What the princess said is not wrong." Wei Ziqing was the first to react, and kowtowed his head heavily to admit, "It is the last general and brother who failed to make a calm judgment, mistrusted others' slander, and fell into the trick of the villain. Even if it is because of worrying about your brother's injury, this kind of mistake is unforgivable for an officer. Please forgive me, master!"

Like Wei Ziqing, Wei Ziang also lowered his head.

Wei Zibin saw that the two brothers bowed their heads, and finally, followed suit.

The people outside the room, watching this scene, couldn't help but silence in awe.What the three brothers of the Wei family meant by kowtowing and surrendering was obvious.You know, the Wei family's influence in the entire army of the Duke of the Protector is huge, it can be said that it occupies a quarter of the Duke of the Protector's army.

The Wei family may be loyal to Duke Huguo, and Mr. Wei may also have deep faith in Li Min.However, in the future, these brothers will control the Wei family. After all, Old Wei is old.To get these future heirs of the Wei family to recognize Li Min as the mistress, it is undoubtedly more effective than Zhu Li's verbal exhortations or orders. It is probably more effective not to let Li Min himself convince these people.After all, apart from being passionate, these men who lead troops to fight are all straightforward and stubborn.

Based on this, it became very clear why Zhu Li did not speak out in favor of his wife from the beginning.

What a horrible couple, acting in unison with almost no need for negotiation.

Meng Haoming seemed to have heard such a sigh, turned his head and saw the man lying on the opposite roof in the snow with his white jade fingers holding the jug, whoever he was if he wasn't a hero.

Originally, this matter was about to be declared over.Next, just cure the fourth child whose condition has improved.As a result, suddenly, bells and drums sounded outside the gate of Wei Mansion.

Everyone felt strange when they heard the music played in the middle of the night, and listened carefully. On the surface, the music sounded quite festive, but in fact, it didn't seem very festive.

Besides, who would beat gongs and drums in front of someone's house when there was a patient in the mansion?Isn't this clearly here to find fault?

Most of the people in Wei's mansion looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why.Old Wei stood up in surprise.The housekeeper hurriedly entered the door and reported: "Master, the Lin family sent the fourth young master's bride over, saying that it was for the fourth young master—"

Hearing this, Qin Shi and Yun Shi looked back and saw that Zeng Shi was no longer in the crowd.

Mrs. Zeng walked out quickly, and Mother Jiang who was following her said, "It seems to be from Feng Gongbo's mansion, what news did you hear?"

"What news?" Mrs. Zeng stopped suddenly, and stared backwards as if she was about to eat Mother Jiang.

Mother Jiang swallowed hard: "Ma'am, this is definitely not what the old slave said. It seems that there are rumors that if the Uncle Feng's mansion does not send the girl to our Wei family, what will happen to the Uncle Feng's mansion."

"Hmph. What will I do to Mrs. Lin? Isn't this a big joke?" Mrs. Zeng blushed with anger, "Who is she? The uncle and aunt of Duke Hu, who am I? A servant of Duke Hu. I What can I do with her!"

How about taking Fenggong uncle's mansion.Mother Jiang thought.

Who doesn't know outside, the Wei mansion is the darling of Duke Hu, and as for Duke Feng's mansion, it is just a false name of Duke Hu's relatives. What Mr. Lin from Feng Gongbo's mansion said didn't matter at all.

Duke Huguo must be helping Wei Mansion instead of Feng Gongbo Mansion.

If it weren't for the Wei Mansion's gaining power, as the uncle and aunt of the Duke Protector, Lin would not need to rush to introduce his family's cousin and niece to the Wei Mansion, in order to show the power of the Wei Mansion.And Mrs. Zeng went to Uncle Feng's mansion this morning, and those words were not just for fun with Mrs. Lin, they could really do something to Mrs. Lin.

Because of this, at this moment, if Mrs. Zeng didn't seize the opportunity first and the villain would file a complaint first, saying that the whole incident was caused by Mrs. Lin alone, at that time, the one who suffered a loss and wanted to be the one who took advantage of it would become a Zeng himself.

(End of this chapter)

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