Chapter 620 Absurd farce (2)
Thinking of this, Mother Jiang understood.What Zeng wants to do next, of course, is to quickly pull himself out of this matter, and put all the responsibility on Fenggong's mansion and Lin's head.

When they arrived at the gate, the procession to see off their relatives had already arrived at the gate of Wei Mansion.The sound of gongs, drums, and trumpets continued continuously, attracting many ordinary people in the city to watch.Although it was said that before the Duke of Feng’s mansion and the Wei’s mansion were about to form a family, there were leaks to the outside world, and some people had heard of it, but suddenly, without warning, the uncle of Feng’s mansion sent the girl’s family to her. Come to Wei Mansion.It caused a lot of gossip and rumors among the people who came to watch.

"What's the matter? Why is it that Uncle Feng's mansion sent his girl here? Isn't the Fourth Young Master of Wei Mansion riding a white horse to Uncle Feng's mansion to pick up his bride?"

"It's weird! Neither of the two families said that they are going to marry a daughter-in-law today. What kind of drama is this?"

"It's not wrong, right? Isn't the Fourth Young Master of the Wei Mansion seriously ill by the Donghu people? I heard that he is dying."

"Could it be that this is Chongxi?"

"God! What a joy?!"

The common people, like a hurricane, pointed at the head of Wei's mansion.Because, the news that the Fourth Young Master of the Wei Mansion was seriously ill was no longer news.In many people's minds, this Wei Ziqiu is probably dead.This is great.The married girl's family is destined to be a widow.

very pitiful.

When Mrs. Zeng just walked to the door, she only heard those public opinions overwhelmingly leaning towards Uncle Feng's mansion and pouring towards Wei's mansion. She felt a chill in her heart, and then looked at the housekeeper who went into the mansion to report to Mr. Wei and the others. It came out on the orders of the old man.Thinking of this, Zeng hurriedly retracted the two legs that had been stepped forward, and hid in the door like a turtle.

The housekeeper seemed to have seen her shadow, but he didn't seem to, so he glanced behind the door where she was hiding, then turned around, pinched the corner of his robe and walked to the front of the procession of seeing her off, panting for breath, and said : "Our old man asked, when did it happen?"

"When did it happen?" Xi Po, who accompanied the married girl, went straight to the housekeeper, puffed up and asked the teacher, "Didn't your Wei Mansion ask our girl to marry here quickly to celebrate the Fourth Young Master? Both our wife and the girl What a good person, thinking that the fourth young master is a hero to protect the country, so he came to congratulate the fourth young master, what, is there something wrong?"

Hiding behind the door, Mrs. Zeng almost broke the veil in her hand when she heard people from Mrs. Lin talking like this, and bit her gums: "Okay, Mrs. Lin is worried that all the good things will be taken up by her, so hurry up and get rid of her." Send it over first, and then draw a good name.

It's just that Lin certainly didn't expect that the fourth child in their family really hasn't died yet, and maybe even won't.In fact, it's good to marry like this, anyway, these two people are going to get married.However, this morning, when she passed by, Mrs. Lin and Miss Lin were unwilling to live and die, and they were tough with her?Why did you suddenly change your mind and rush to get married?Zeng was a little confused.

Lin's thinking is actually very simple. Now that the fourth child is about to die, the Wei Mansion must be in chaos. At this time, marry the fake maid instead of his cousin, and when he turns around, the Wei Manor finds that the bride is not Miss Lin herself. At that time, everyone had already carried them into the new house, and it was said that the matter was already like this, and it was impossible for the Wei Mansion to repent.Anyway, the fourth child is dead.

Hearing the other party's aggressive words, the housekeeper wiped cold sweat on his cuffs, thinking that the other party's words really made sense, and there was nothing wrong with that.

At this time, Elder Wei, who had been entrusted by Zhu Li and Li Min, brought the Wei family brothers out.The butler turned around and spoke carefully to Mr. Wei and the young masters.Elder Wei supported his white beard, frowned his white eyebrows, and then let out a sigh. He couldn't tell what the emotion was, maybe there was pity and regret for the girl, and there was also admiration for the girl's heroic behavior, and said : "The wife of Uncle Feng's mansion, as well as the girl of the Lin family, love our fourth son and the Wei mansion so much, which makes our Wei mansion deeply ashamed."

Xi Po at Feng Gongbo's Mansion couldn't understand what Old Wei said for a long time.Elder Wei turned around, and then, Wei Ziqing came out to take charge of his father's place, and said, "Take the girl into the mansion first."

It means that the Wei Mansion accepted the girl sent by Feng Gongbo Mansion to celebrate the fourth young master of the Wei family.

That seems like a good thing, doesn't it?However, Xi Po's face instantly became tense.The onlookers didn't know the mystery behind it, they just thought, oops, this girl was sent to be a living widow in Wei's mansion, it's really pitiful, it's normal to have such an expression now.I'm afraid the girl in the sedan chair is crying a lot.

For this reason, when Wei Ziqing saw the panic on Xi Po's face, he was indeed a little worried.In fact, if the other party regrets at this moment and takes Chongxi's girl back, their Wei Manor will definitely not refuse.Because the fourth child's condition has improved, he probably won't die.

The Wei family didn't rush to mention that the other party could retreat. The Wei family mainly considered the face of the Uncle Feng's mansion, because they saw that the Uncle Feng's mansion was bragging about it, saying that it was more festive about their own girl's happy event, but at the same time It was to make a big noise and attract people from all over the city to watch.Therefore, the Wei Mansion must not reject this girl in public, and is sympathetic to the face and self-esteem of the Uncle Feng's Mansion, Miss Lin's face and self-esteem, as well as her enthusiasm.

It is definitely even more impossible for the Fenggong uncle's mansion to retreat at this juncture.Seeing that the Wei family didn't show any polite expressions in her heart, Xi Po immediately took the girl into the mansion, as if the elders in Wei's mansion were probably going to die, so she was not afraid of being criticized, so she brazenly accepted them to serve the public. The kindness automatically sent by the uncle's house.Fortunately, his master, Lin Shi, was smart, and had already expected that Wei Fu would be such a cheeky person, so he secretly replaced his cousin and niece with a worthless maid, otherwise, he would really regret it until he vomited blood.

Xi Po blessed Wei Ziqing with a cold face: "My girl is a person who likes to be quiet and doesn't like to be noisy. Mrs. Uncle said, I hope that the girl will be properly placed in the in-law's house."

"Don't worry about it." Wei Ziqing agreed, and glanced at the sedan chair the bride was sitting in. It was really quiet, and said, "The sedan chair can be carried directly through the door, and we will give the girl a quiet yard to rest. If there is anything wrong, wait a minute." Let's talk again."

What else can I do?Do you worship?

Xi Po wandered around in her mind for a few times, thinking about how to continue fooling the Wei Mansion, and it would be better to reappear her real body after the fourth child in the Wei Mansion died.

Carrying the bride's sedan chair, it was carried directly into the courtyard of Wei Mansion.

Zeng has been hiding behind the gate watching all this, with layers of hot sweat on his forehead.Seeing that there was no time to stop it, the bride was carried into the Wei Mansion, what should I do next.Everything is not as she planned.

(End of this chapter)

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