The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 840 Going to High and Low

Chapter 840 Going to High and Low (5)
"Xiangxiang—" everyone in the Wei residence cried out.

Old Wei put his hands behind his back, and some old fatigue appeared on his face. Maybe in his heart, he felt that he was sorry for his youngest son and the youngest daughter. After his wife passed away, he never gave the youngest son and daughter to protect.

"Anyway, the principle of the Wei Mansion is to be concerned about the safety of Bei Yan, and to be loyal to the Duke Protector in performing his duties. Xiangxiang, as a father, I just want to say that what you did was the right thing. It must be better than you."

"Xiangxiang knows. Xiangxiang, I just hope that no matter what happens to Xiangxiang, my father will not be too sad. Father, as well as four brothers and sisters-in-law, will replace Xiangxiang and respect his father until the end of his life."

Elder Wei raised his head and met his daughter's bright eyes. For a moment, everyone in the room was speechless.

The butler came to report and said, "Mr. Gongsun is here."

"Please." Wei Lao waved his hand.

Gongsun Liangsheng walked in, and after looking around the Wei family in the study, he cupped his hands at Elder Wei: "The prince is also very concerned after hearing the news. After discussing with the minister and others, the prince decided to send the fifth girl away first. Yandu for a while."

"But, the emperor's side—"

"The emperor was just in a hurry for a while, and when the anger subsides, he will know that this is nonsense. Is the emperor willing to announce his private affairs to the world?"

What a shame for the emperor, his concubine ran away.

This is indeed the same reason why Lao Ba couldn't figure it out.Zhu Ji knew that based on what he knew about his old and cunning father, how could he do such a stupid thing as confessing to the world.Perhaps, this plan was not made by the emperor, but by other people. It was not only for the sake of embarrassing the protector, but also for his eldest son.The question is, how could the emperor agree.

In the palace, Lu Yushan's shadow appeared at the door.

"The two princes have been waiting for a long time."

"You're welcome."

Seeing that the horse was not easy to ride, and the snow was getting bigger and bigger, a carriage was pulled over.But Lu Yushan said: "If the two princes don't mind, I can ride in the same carriage with the two princes, so that the people in the city will not be disturbed."

If the mighty team walks on the road in the city, it is very attractive.If it's just a carriage, ordinary people won't look at it differently.

Zhu Li got off the horse right then, and got into Lao Ba's carriage together with Lu Yushan.

At the same time, two dark shadows perched on the roof opposite the palace, looking at the leaving carriage, as if thoughtful.

"Ah San is here. The Empress Dowager seems to be serious this time." Erye Tu squatted on the roof, muttering to the back of the leaving carriage, his expression seemed to be a little less self-satisfied than before.

"If you don't want to go back, you don't have to go back." The cold figure who was almost inseparable from him said in a tone as cold as snow falling from the sky.

"Didn't it be agreed? If she returns to Gaoba, you will definitely go back. If you go back, how can I not go back?" When Tu Erye turned his head, his peach blossom eyes were crooked, in a half-smile, A little bit of the same coldness as him, "I have to go back before I know what the old goblin is up to."

"What idea can I make? To let her return to Gaoba, for this reason, I did not hesitate to release Liansheng and the spies in the palace."

"That is to say, I really want her to go back?!" When Tu Erye said this, he actually showed a little uncertainty in his tone.

Originally, they all thought that those people tried their best to let Li Min go back because they wanted Li Min to treat someone's illness.Now, it doesn't seem that simple.

"It's just an excuse. If you want to bring her back for medical treatment, why use Ah San?" Second Master Tu muttered.

"You guessed right, Ah San must have been called by that old goblin to have a look at her first."

"That's right. Could it be that they really want to recognize her back?"

"That's why I said, she should have been killed long ago."

"It's not too late for you to kill her now."

Tu Erye's words fluttered in the cold north wind, and the provocative flavor was obvious.

For this reason, Young Master Tu just stretched out his hand to grab a piece of his lapel, and asked him what kind of heart he was, and which side he was from.

"I know you can't kill her." Second Master Tu was not afraid of death, and slapped his heaving chest twice, "Talk about Lord Du. At the critical moment, you let the little wolf go. Obviously, Du Ye knew that it was his own illegitimate son, so he had to let it go. Even if he knew that if this little wolf grew up in the future, he would really tear Du Ye apart."

This is about the last time the two wolf kings fought to the death at the place where Li Min was kidnapped.At that moment, Du Ye was obviously slightly better than after underestimating the enemy last time, but he fell short at the last moment.

"What do you want to say?" Tu Shao stared coldly at his preaching face, "If you want to learn from Liansheng, I suggest you become a monk. I won't stop you."

"Liansheng has already said that he wants to go back with her."

"He is a monk, what's the use of accompanying her back?" Tu Shao laughed, thinking that this matter was really ridiculous.

Second Master Tu touched the bridge of his nose, instead of talking nonsense with him, he just asked him, "When are you going to go back?"

"You can go back anytime."

"Then when she leaves, go back together, okay?"

Young Master Tu kept a cold face.

"You can go back anytime you say."

Tu Shao directly shook his sleeve: "If you want to follow her, if you want to be her little follower, you should first weigh it yourself, whether people think highly of you as a lowly person."

That's right.Although people say, it's not that they despise high and low.However, it is true that he is not interested in his own father or any relatives.

Tu Erye's face was covered with a hazy layer of frost, as if frozen.If you ask him, he can't see through this woman, not at all.However, she saved Liansheng, and she did it again and again, making it even more difficult to see through.

The north wind was blowing, and Beiyan was so cold, not to mention their imperial palace, which was called the Winter Palace.

When Young Master Tu got up, he saw a man coming from the opposite side, a burly man with similar clothes to Lu Yushan's.The man clasped his fists at the two of them and saluted, saying: "The empress dowager has ordered that since she has invited a genius doctor to return to the country to treat the king, all the children of the royal family who are outside the royal family must return to the country."

Hearing this, Second Master Tu raised his eyebrows, as if he knew it must be such a gaze, he shot a glance at Young Master Tu.

Of course, Young Master Tu didn't speak, and put his hands on his hips, as if he had suddenly aged for several years.

"When does the third prince plan to go back?" Young Master Tu asked in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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