Chapter 841 Just admit it? (1)
The man replied: "Hurry up, the third prince plans to leave early in the morning the day after tomorrow."

"Didn't the Long Live Lord in the capital let the third master come with the third prince? Do you know what the other party's plan is?" Tu Shao asked.

"Emperor Daming in the capital means that the third master may be appointed as Daming's envoy, and he will follow Princess Li all the way to our Gaobei country for a return visit."

"It seems that the emperor of Ming not only has doubts about whether she is from our high and low country, but also has some fears."

Second Master Tu raised his eyebrows even higher. He stood up and whispered into Young Master Tu's ear, "You seem to care about her very much."

Taking a look at Tu Erye's face that is not afraid of death, Young Master Tu is clearly displeased, angry is angry, unhappy is unhappy, but the cold expression on this man's face shows no sign of changing at all.

"When the third prince is leaving, you have someone to inform you. If I'm not here, find Second Master Tu." Young Master Tu said without changing his expression.

The man cupped his hands, turned around and disappeared into the night.

Second Master Tu scratched his chin: "You mean Donghu people, what do you think about Gao Bei wanting to confess his marriage to Princess Li of Daming? Last time, they almost succeeded."

Turning his head, he glanced coldly at Second Master Tu again, and Young Master Tu said: "People from Donghu are not the ones who give up so easily. Otherwise, they wouldn't have fought with Daming and Duke Hu Guo for almost a hundred years."

After Li Min had dinner at the mansion, he reported at the door, saying that it was Meng Haoming who asked to see him.

When Meng Haoming was standing in the yard waiting for his master to summon him, he saw a figure.

That slender figure, under the bright yellow dragon lantern, looks like a person printed on paper. Such a beauty is like an illusion, and it will break if you reach out and touch it.

This is his feeling, a feeling he hasn't seen for a long time.Because I haven't seen her for a long time, even though we are in one place, we are so close to each other.

No matter how far away it is, there is nothing wrong with her beauty always being imprinted in his heart.During this period, he didn't know that another hostess in the palace tried her best to push another woman into his arms.

When Ziye passed by him, she deliberately said: "I heard that sister Chunmei will go to Gaoba with the princess this time."

Meng Haoming's heart didn't jump, because he knew the news a long time ago, and he suddenly felt embarrassed, as if no one here was ignorant of the matter between them.I don't know if it will cause her any trouble.

After she said that to him that time, he thought a lot about her.If they can't do this, he must not destroy her boudoir name before this can be done.

Aunt Shang came out and said to him, "Young Mistress let you in, Master Meng Banner."

Meng Haoming had to walk for a while before God realized it.When I went into the house, I saw her, just making tea for the master.

"Serve Banner Meng with a cup of tea. Banner Meng, have you eaten yet?" Li Min said.

Chunmei walked over and poured him tea.

Meng Haoming behaved well, without squinting, facing Li Min: "If you go back to the princess, I have eaten it."

"sit down."

Meng Haoming sat down.

Chunmei walked out of the room and closed the two doors.

Meng Haoming couldn't help thinking in his heart, from now on, she was going back to Li Min's house to do business, right?

"Was the lord asking Master Meng to find my concubine to discuss the itinerary to Gaobei?"

Meng Haoming shook his shoulders, and said: "Yes. Of course, this trip to Gaobei is not as dangerous as leaving the capital last time. Along the way, not only the prince and the guards of the capital accompanied him, but also Gaobei's envoys led the way. However , now it is the middle of winter, the coldest time of the year, the road conditions, the road to Gaobei is not easy to walk."

After all, he unfolded the map he got from Gongsun in front of Li Min.

After standing up, Li Min walked to the table where the map was spread out, and browsed carefully, only to see that on the border between Gaobei and Beiyan, there were continuous plateaus and mountains.

"There is our army here." Meng Haoming drew a line somewhere and clarified, "Passing through here is high and low."

"The army belongs to the prince?" Li Min asked.

"Yes, all Beiyan's troops, whether facing west, east, south, or north, all belong to the prince."

"How many guards do you think come from the capital?"

"Leaded by the third master, there are about 100 people, not many, all cavalry."

"How many people will the prince plan to send for you to take care of this time?"

"About 500 people."

They are going to Gaobei for a friendly visit. It is definitely impossible to bring so many escorts forward, which will make Gaobei misunderstand.

500 people should be the upper limit.

"As for the materials, my concubine has someone prepare them. I want to ask, Mr. Gongsun, what else can I ask you to bring to my concubine?"

Although her husband had told her some things earlier, but he was her husband after all, and he really didn't dare to tell her the truth about some things.Only a counselor like Gongsun Liangsheng dared to reveal his truth to her.

"Mr. Gongsun asked the minister to remind the princess that it is best to remember the location of our army's post."

On the morning of departure, after waking up, I found that the ice flakes formed on the glass window he made for her in the study were one after another, thick, and it felt like an ice wall.It can be seen that the weather is cold.

I picked up a few books again in the study room and plan to put them in the car to pass the time when I am bored on the road.For this trip, it is conservatively estimated that it will take eight to nine days to travel from Yandu to the capital of Gaobei.If it goes well, stay in Gaobei for a few days, and then come back, a month will pass.At this time, I have to admire the inventions of modern vehicles, trains, and especially airplanes.If it is in modern times, maybe three or four days can go back and forth, but it was unimaginable in ancient times.

For the couple, it was a farewell better than a new marriage.This farewell lasted for a month.

Aunt Shang came and helped her put the books that needed to be taken away in a bag and pack them up.

Li Min asked: "What did Grandma Li bring?"

I chose Nanny Li because looking at the women and maids in her room, I heard that Nanny Li has the most experience in taking care of pregnant women. Last time her husband specially arranged this person in her team for the same reason.

Aunt Shang said: "Back to the eldest young lady, I have shown the old slave and Fang Nanny all the things that Nanny Li brought. Clothes, shoes and socks, especially thick socks, she said she would bring a few more pairs, and she said she had knitted two A thick woolen hat, I don’t know if the eldest grandma likes it or not. Besides, I brought some medicinal materials. I heard that the traditional Chinese medicine in Gaobei is similar to that of Ming Dynasty, unlike Donghu people who believe in witch doctors. The Chinese medicinal materials used are similar to ours It's the same as Ming Dynasty. Therefore, I didn't bring too many medicinal materials, only the important ones."

(End of this chapter)

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