The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 857 Father and Daughter Meeting

Chapter 857 Father and Daughter Meeting (2)
"How old was the abbot when he became a monk?"

"Under five years old."

So young, such a young age has such awareness.Naturally, Li Min didn't believe in the legend that after hearing the teachings of heaven, he suddenly became enlightened and became a Buddhist. Most monks choose to become monks because they have seen all the vicissitudes of the world.The younger you are, the more you make this choice, it can be seen that the greater the family's changes.

"My concubine doesn't know what the abbot experienced when he was a child. However, this concubine can feel that the abbot has love for everything, especially for his family. It must be that the abbot chose to become a monk because he took the overall situation into consideration. The abbot actually loves his family more than anyone else."

Liansheng was speechless after hearing her words, obviously what she said hit something in his heart.

Li Min sighed again: "When my concubine came out, my uncle, no, it was the prince, who told me a lot. Among them, the prince was most afraid of what kind of stimulation this concubine would receive after she became humble. In fact, this concubine always thought I am a very strong and strong person. The prince didn't take it seriously, saying that the stronger the person, the weaker he is."

"Is Li Wang sincere to you?" This was probably the most direct sentence he asked her, and it was so direct that it almost lifted the veil between the two of them.

Li Min couldn't help laughing softly: "The abbot's words are a bit like what my concubine's cousin asked my concubine. This concubine came out tonight without telling my cousin, and tomorrow I have to think about how to lie about it .”

Liansheng seemed to be stunned for a moment, then seemed embarrassed, and coughed twice: "This is the private matter of Princess Li——"

"No. The abbot has also had contact with the prince. The abbot naturally understands what kind of person the prince is."

Lian Sheng couldn't deny what she said: "The poor monk played a game of chess with the prince. The prince, the outside world said that the prince is a fierce and violent person. But in the eyes of the poor monk, from the layout of the chess game, The prince is a calm person. It can be said that the comments from the outside world are very different from the real people, and the rumors are terrifying."

"Actually—" Li Min said, "Whether the cousin or the abbot asks this concubine, this concubine knows that it is based on the concern and love for this concubine. , and stop."

At that moment, the wind lifted the two layers of veils, and it seemed that they could clearly see each other's faces.

A sneeze, above the heads of the two of them, seemed to be inappropriate, but it came in just right.

The two of them instantly looked up to the eaves where the sound came from, and saw the handsome man, wrapped in a green robe, with a jade belt around his waist, and a crown on his head, as if he was a dude of a prince or noble.If he didn't look carefully, Li Min really wouldn't be able to recognize him. The Second Master Tu in front of him is completely different from the black-clothed dead man he saw before.

Erye Tu lay reclined on the blue tiles with good weather tonight, sniffed vigorously, saw the two of them looking over, with fishtail eyes flying upwards, and said with a half-smile: "Under the moonlight, gentleman Beautiful woman, as beautiful as a painting. If Li Wang of Beiyan saw it, wouldn't he have to jump and draw his sword?"

"My lord is not such a narrow-minded person. On the contrary, after I arrived in Gaobei, I found that most of the people here are very narrow-minded."

Hearing her words, Second Master Tu frowned suddenly. He jumped off the roof wearing deer antler boots and pointed at Liansheng at her, "Is that how you treat him so well? I'm also the one who helped you." !"

"Didn't you tie me up and try to kill me?"

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!" Master Tu waved his hands repeatedly.

The corners of Li Min's mouth curved slightly: "I don't like contrived people very much."

"You say I'm contrived?"

"This concubine doesn't know who you are. Think about it, how dare I trust a person who doesn't even dare to reveal his true colors in front of this concubine."

Hearing what she said, Second Master Tu felt ashamed.

"You asked me who I am, didn't he tell me all about it just now?" Reluctantly, Second Master Tu threw the question to another person.

Liansheng didn't answer.

For this reason, Tu Erye's face was almost attached to the tip of the monk's nose, and he looked at it: "I said you are also weird. Obviously I have spent more time with you. Why do you treat her better than me? Because she is a woman ,I am male?"

"Nonsense——" Liansheng was forced by him, and he managed to utter two words.

Master Tu was a little proud of this, patted him on the shoulder, turned to Li Min and said, "Look, do we look alike? Of course, we grew up together. Although I am older than him Bigger, two years older. But, my father and his mother are real brothers and sisters."

The pair were cousins, and there was no doubt as to who the other brother was.

Second Master Tu also speaks frankly and frankly. He doesn't care about what others think at all. He raised his eyebrows at Li Min again: "Actually, you and I don't have any bond. But, unfortunately, this The two brothers are people I value very much, so, to you, I love the house and the bird."

If all the inferences are true, just like the Xu family hated that man and every woman and child of that man, this Second Master Tu and his family should also hate her, Li Min.

"Do you think it's strange? How can I love houses and birds? Logically speaking, I should hate you, just like hating Gao Zhuo. However, everything is fine, as long as there is a reason. Love or hate, There are reasons for this. It may be because you and your mother are completely different from Gao Zhuo and his mother. If we want to hate, we will naturally not be able to hate. After all, before that man met your mother, the two of us Brother's mother has passed away. If your mother was really greedy for glory and wealth, she would have brought you to Gaobei long ago. But your mother is willing to marry another man who doesn't love. Moreover, she died too Hurry up, knock down that man, and let Gao Zhuo's mother take the opportunity to enter."

A paragraph, suddenly said too much, Li Min listened hard.

After the palace guards patrolling at night passed in front of them, another group of people came from a distance carrying a sedan chair.

Seeing that the sedan chair is made of gold, the woman sitting on such an expensive chair is even more graceful and luxurious.The tiger mound wrapped around her body, inlaid with precious jade, and the phoenix crown on her head are almost the same level as the queen.

Seeing this woman's figure from a distance, Tu Erye and Lian Sheng both changed their expressions, and led her to hide in the dark.

"Isn't she sick?" Liansheng asked softly.

Tu Erye said: "Today your brother's people entered the palace in front of all the officials, and read a copy of her son in front of the queen mother. The queen mother had to punish her son. Her son knelt in the queen mother's yard for a day. She You must not complain. Later, General Min entered the palace to intercede for her son, and the matter was finally settled. Her son had gold under his knees, and after kneeling, he directly said that he was limp in her palace. I also find it strange. Logically, The mother and son should spend two or three days in self-cultivation and rest."

(End of this chapter)

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