The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 858 Father and Daughter Meeting

Chapter 858 Father and Daughter Meeting (3)
Li Min's eyes suddenly flickered when he heard the words of the two of them: In this way, isn't this woman the third prince Gao Zhuo's mother—Concubine Xi?
A eunuch walked up to the sedan chair that Concubine Xi was riding in, knelt down, and said, "I want to tell you, Madam, it is said that two people were let in at the north palace gate tonight."

"Who?" Concubine Xi asked.

"The other party said that the young master was sick in the palace, and the young master invited a doctor outside the palace."

"Don't invite people from the imperial hospital, please invite doctors outside the palace. What is the little master, this palace doesn't know, so he has the guts to hide it from this palace and the queen mother, and take advantage of the king's critical illness, what is he trying to do?"

The eunuch replied: "The other party didn't say which young master it was, but only showed the sign that allowed him to enter and leave the palace."

"Who's in charge of the gatekeeper?"

"The person in charge of guarding the north gate tonight is not someone from that family, but it is said that Ye Langzhong appeared."

Hearing this, Li Min felt that the arms on both sides were grasped by the hands of the two men around him at the same time, and then they took her, of course rushing to escape and hide in another direction.

When the three of them were looking for a place to escape, the two men were looking for a reason at the same time.

"The people from the North Gate were recruited easily?"

"Of course they won't recruit them. They all know that Ye Langzhong is my man. Can they succeed if they recruit? It must be, the goblin's eyeliner is placed near the palace gate. It's just that we didn't notice it before."

"How does she know that we will act tonight?"

"Maybe we messed with her son, and she became vigilant instead."

At the closed corner door in front, Mr. Tu leaned against the door panel, as if giving a secret signal, and took a look at it.After the door was opened, a young eunuch's face was revealed. Seeing that it was Master Tu, he immediately opened the door for them.Let the three of them in.

"Where is this place?" Liansheng asked warily.

Hearing this, Second Master Tu turned his head and stared at him: "How many years have you not returned to the palace? You don't even recognize your own territory?"

Hearing this, Li Min's feet stopped, and when he looked up, he could see the same old plum tree as Beiyan's thousand-year-old plum tree, planted in the yard here.The difference is, I don't know if the climate here is abnormal, the old plum trees here don't bloom like Beiyan.The bare branches, like extremely modern intersecting wires, staggered in the night sky, making Li Min seem to be lost in time and space for a moment, and saw another world she was very familiar with.

When the two men in front noticed that she had stopped, they looked back and saw her standing in front of the plum tree in a daze, the expression on her face after the veil was blown away by the wind was something they had never seen before.In an instant, panic flashed through the hearts of the two of them, and it felt like she was going to disappear with the wind.


Li Min came back to his senses, and saw the two anxious faces in front of him.Then, he narrowed his eyes: Min'er?

Just listen to their attitude of calling her boudoir name, as if it's a matter of course.It's not because of any blood connection, it's just that her name seems to be like that.

Seeing her doubts, Lian Sheng said: "That man is also your own father. We made an agreement with your mother at the beginning. Whether it is a man or a woman, if your mother is willing to give birth, she must have the word Min. Because he Figured it out, figured out that your fate carries this Min."

I feel that her own father is a bit unusual, and if she is destined to have this Min, could she know where she came from.

"Hide here for a while." Tu Erye said to the two of them, "I'll send someone to investigate the situation and see what that goblin is trying to do. Then go to the next step. After all, if this goblin finds out that she is here Here, the Empress Dowager may be in trouble."

A group of people entered the house, and after closing the door, Tu Erye sent someone to investigate the situation.Several people sat in the room and found that the room was very clean.The furniture was placed neatly, even the toys and books that the children had played in the palace before were neatly placed on the shelves, without any appearance of being moved.

Liansheng stood in front of a crib used by a child, and did not speak for a long time.

Second Lord Tu poured water for the two of them, as if saying to Liansheng: "In the past, that man, before he fell asleep, came to clean up your house himself. Later, it was your elder brother who took over the palace where you lived."

"Why bother?" Liansheng's voice was very soft, "The poor monk is a monk. If he says he is a monk, he will definitely not come back."

"But aren't you back now? Even if you just come back to take a look."

Liansheng had nothing to say again.

"The two of you are different from Gao Zhuo. You two are brothers. My father always said that if you hadn't become a monk, you would definitely help him. He has a quick temper and needs a broad-minded person like you the most. Assistant."

Liansheng didn't seem to want to talk about this issue any more, so he walked to the window and stopped looking at anything in the room.

Li Min took a sip of the water here, and it was as cold as bone-chilling, making her frown.

The people who went to inquire soon came back and told them: "The empress Xi has gone to the king's place."

Sure enough.

"If she plans to spend the night in the king's palace tonight—" Tu Erye frowned, and looked at the other two people. He might not be able to visit the king tonight and had to go home.

"Since this person was alarmed—" Li Min didn't know what the two of them thought, but he could think of the woman's next actions, "She will definitely stay there, and it will be even more difficult to see you later."

The other two knew that she was right.After tonight, the Queen Mother will definitely be alarmed. By then, it will be difficult to see that man.

"Tell me first." Li Min suddenly looked up at the two of them, "How did that person get sick?"

Dr. Li came here mainly to treat people.If you go there, you can really go there and meet people, but it's probably just a rush.For a doctor who treats people, it is a very important step to understand the patient's disease situation in detail.If you can't get it from the patient's mouth, you must get it from other people who are close to the patient.If you can understand how the patient develops the disease in advance, it will be more beneficial for the doctor to focus on the key places for examination in a short period of time when examining the patient, and prescribe medicines aimed at the cause.

After understanding her thoughts, the other two looked at each other for a while.

To be honest, they were not fully sure whether her medical skills could save the man, and they had a little doubt in their hearts. Therefore, they did not have full expectations for her healing.

In this way, their purpose of bringing her here is really different from her purpose.They brought her here to recognize relatives, and she seemed to be thinking of treating people's illnesses.

Second Master Tu couldn't help laughing at this: "Do you really think of yourself as a doctor?"

(End of this chapter)

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