Chapter 900: Palace Transformation (5)
The huge fire lit up the sky in an instant, like the legendary red lotus fire slowly spreading around the city.

The palace vehicle that the empress dowager was riding on stopped quickly on the road approaching the king's palace.

The soldier who reported the message rode a fast horse to a place a certain distance from the empress dowager. After reining in his horse and stopping, he fell off the saddle without any time to breathe, and reported in embarrassment: "South of the city, the south of the city is on fire—"


When the situation is unclear and messed up.Empress Dowager Jingxian's eyelids twitched suddenly, and then, a series of screams followed from the maid standing next to the sedan chair. She quickly lifted the curtain and looked at it. When she glanced over, she saw the raging fire, like The seawater poured in by the mountains and the sea is coming from the tendency to drown the palace.

Empress Dowager Jingxian's face turned pale and white, and she asked shortly, "Why did it catch fire? Where did it catch fire? Where is the city gate to the south?"

When the soldiers had no time to speak, they saw a sharp wind blowing in front of the palace road.Several black shadows jumped down from the palace wall.

Seeing this, the old eunuch hurriedly shouted: "Protect the empress dowager!"

The murderers who attacked were all armed with big knives and long swords, and they were first-class martial arts masters at first glance.When the queen mother walks in her own palace, she doesn't need to bring experts by her side. Therefore, most of the guards around her are decorations. When encountering a real expert, it is natural that they will be overwhelmed.

The thugs were cruel and sophisticated. Every time they cut, they aimed at the deadly places of the guards.After a while, dozens of palace guards fell down like straw.

The palace maid shivered softly on the ground.The eunuchs picked up the spears dropped by the guards on the ground and went forward to fight, and blood was already flowing in pieces within no time.

The old eunuch used his body to block the empress dowager's carriage, and asked in a trembling voice, "Who told you to come? Who is your master?"

"Empress Dowager." One of the men in black said, "Only after you die can you have an answer to Prince Li of Beiyan. After all, Princess Li was invited by you to Gao Bei. Now that Princess Li is dead, the Empress Dowager Up and down, it is even more necessary for Gao Bei to apologize to King Li, so as to quell the war that may arise between the two countries."

Empress Dowager Jingxian sneered: "It seems that you have already made up your mind to kill Princess Li first, and then put the crime on Ai's family. After killing Ai's family, not only will you be able to appease Bei Yan's guardian At the same time, you can sit back and enjoy the benefits of the fisherman. Next, in order to win the imperial power of the royal family, you will attack the king and the crown prince."

"The Empress Dowager insists on thinking this way, and we have nothing to do. However, no matter what, the death of Princess Li, just for this matter, someone must come forward to take this responsibility."

"Is your master Wen Liangfu?"

None of the men in black spoke.

Empress Dowager Jingxian let out a more sinister sneer from her throat: "If it wasn't for Wen Liangfu, then she would be the emperor of Ming Dynasty. Lord Wanli seems to be more afraid of that woman than anyone else. As long as she is killed, everything will be fine." manage."

Swish!The man in black raised his long sword upwards and charged towards Che Yu.The old eunuch standing in front of Che Yu closed his eyes tightly and shouted: "All blessings, Queen Mother!" It seemed that this was about to die heroically.

The empress dowager in the car was short of breath, and it was the first time that she felt so terrible that she had reached the end of her life.But she has to hold on, she is the empress dowager, the humble empress dowager.If she thinks back, perhaps what she regrets the most at this moment is that she has always put family fighting first and forgot the enemies outside her family who have long been eyeing their Gao family.

After the scimitar spinning rapidly in the night wind collided with the long sword stabbing at the old eunuch, the long sword and the murderer holding the long sword were knocked out together.

Then, the scimitar fell into the hands of the black shadow rushing rapidly in the darkness.

The men in black were shocked, and before they made any emergency response, the two scimitars in the man's hand were as fast as flying arrows, and within a short while, they wiped off the necks of several murderers nearby.

The assailant farther away saw this and ran away.

The old eunuch sat down on the ground with a slap. Looking at the man standing in front of him like a God of War, he felt so happy that two tears flowed down his face, and shouted: "The crown prince——"

The clothes on the Empress Dowager Jingxian seemed to be fished out of the water. Perhaps she has never been like this moment. She is so lucky to have such a grandson.

Gao Zhi turned his head, his cold black eyes only glanced at the embarrassed master and servant.Then, after seeing the guards with knives coming from the palace after hearing the wind, he put his fingers between his lips and whistled.

Upon receiving the whistle, the black horse galloped from the lane, panting for heat, and his blood was boiling.Without thinking, Gao Zhi flew on his horse, and without saying a word, he rode his horse and ran towards the palace gate.

Those who met him along the way all knelt down.When the horse arrived at the palace gate and passed through the palace gate, two columns of guards followed him on the left and right sides, facing the burning area of ​​the south gate of Xingzhou.

The fire in the south of the city illuminated Prince Fu's mansion.

Everyone who was discussing in the secret room was shocked by this.

"Is there a fire in the city?" Li Min asked.

"Yes." Meng Haoming's people, who just came back from outside inquiries, are 100% sure, "Countless people in Xingzhou are running for their lives. The fire is raging. If there is no heavy rain, there is no way to resist it. Maybe half of Xingzhou The city will be destroyed."

"Do you know where the fire started and how it started?" When Li Min asked this question, it was Xu Youzhen and others who were anxiously observing the map on the table.

"It is said that a warehouse was the first to catch fire. I don't know what was put in the warehouse. When the fire ignited, it exploded. The sparks splashed and then ignited nearby houses. Due to the rapid fire, many people reacted Don’t come. When people came back to their senses, the fire had already spread across the street. The common people saw that the house was empty, and they ran for their lives. Some people started to move things away from the house. Everyone panicked. .The soldiers from the city also ran over.”

Warehouses, flammable items, it sounds premeditated.Just being near the south gate, wouldn't it attract all the defense forces from the south gate?

Meng Haoming's face darkened, and he said to Li Min: "Young Mistress, I'm afraid this is an attack on the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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