Chapter 901: Palace Transformation (6)
After all, the commander who was born in the army is very clear about the tactics used on this kind of battlefield.After a little analysis, it has hit the nail on the head.

"Which army is guarding the south gate?"

The people she led, after arriving in Gaoba, each had their own tasks, and none of them had time to spare.Like Meng Haoming, he brought Gongsun Liangsheng's kit with him, and, before setting off, he had already received Gongsun Liangsheng's education, and he paid more attention to investigating the situation of the troops in Gaobei, especially Xingzhou City, than anyone else.Listening to the master's question now, he almost answered clearly immediately without hesitation.

"The four gates of Xingzhou City, as the capital of Gaobei Kingdom, are naturally guarded by the king's personal guards, and no one else can intervene. Therefore, even the powerful Wu Prime Ministers like the crown prince and Wen Liangfu cannot It is possible to intervene. However, the king has been ill in bed all year round, and he has long been unable to personally command. These troops should have fallen into the hands of the queen mother who is in charge of the government. However, according to the investigation of the minister, the queen mother cannot suppress these soldiers at all. .”

The empress dowager is a woman, and she must have no prestige in managing the army.Generally, female rulers should rely on powerful male assistants to indirectly control the army.Before the empress dowager, she could only rely on the Wen family to control the military power, that is to say, part of the military power was in the hands of the Wen family.

Fortunately, Empress Dowager Jingxian is definitely not a stupid woman, it is impossible to only believe in the Wen family.If she was cheated by the Wen family in the end, then she would have nothing.

"Part of the military camp outside the city gate is controlled by the Wen family. However, the defense of the city gate is managed by the Empress Dowager to the Yu family."

"The Yu family?" Li Min narrowed his eyes, thinking that the old lady's balancing act was at its peak, so he simply used the Yu family, which the Wen family hated the most, to prevent the Wen family from betraying him.

Although the Yu family said that they supported their nephew, the crown prince, to ascend the throne, the Yu family was different from the Wen family and belonged to righteous people.Therefore, the Yu family is less likely to usurp power than the Wen family.

"If Captain Yu is in Xingzhou, he will be responsible for the defense of the south gate." Meng Haoming pointed out the key point on the map.

Different from the Ming Dynasty capital, there are nine admirals who manage the garrison of the capital on behalf of the emperor.According to the previous analysis of Xingzhou's troops, only the Yu family and the Wen family are in charge of the internal and external. If the king is there, the internal and external are all in the king's hands.As for the four city gates of Xingzhou, there must be major and minor ones.There must be many differences in the heavy responsibilities of each city gate.

The South City Gate is the closest to the Imperial Palace and the Prince's Mansion, and it is the most populous city in Xingzhou, with flourishing commerce. An accident is the place that is most likely to cause chaos.Unlike the east and west gates, the south gate is not close to the river. If there is a fire, it is difficult to get water nearby for rescue.These are the reasons why the enemy locks it as the target of attack.The Yu family had expected this a long time ago, so their eldest grandson was arranged here to control the vitals.

From this, a few people thought, if the Wen family led an army to attack the city, could this Xingzhou be able to hold on, relying only on the existing strength?Should they take advantage of the chaos and run for their lives?

Xu Youzhen suddenly remembered something, and asked anxiously, "By the way, where is Wang Shaoyi?"

"Didn't Wang Shaoyi be arrested by Yu Shizi?" Li Min said lightly.

But Xu Youzhen read the most terrible news from her words, and sighed: "It turns out that Prince Yu is also an accomplice."

Of course, without Yu Shinan's help, if this Wang Shaoyi fell into the hands of anyone else in the palace, he would have to be regarded as a real assassin and end up in the same fate as Li Hui.

"What did my cousin and Shizi Yu say?"

"He is the eldest grandson of the Yu family, Captain Yu, the rising star of Gaobei Kingdom, what can I say to him? Can he listen to me?" Li Min narrowed his eyes again.

Xu Youzhen slapped Gordon: "He is the king's man, but he has a very close relationship with the crown prince—"

If Yu Shinan is the king's man, then of course he is the eyeliner arranged by the king next to the crown prince.

A king is a king, and like Emperor Ming, he has to guard against what his son might do to him.

Hey, it was the turbulent sound of the courtyard door being blown by the wind.

Xu Youzhen's hair stood on end suddenly, and she whispered to Li Min, "I think those who are here to secretly investigate the situation are not just high and low people."

If they are going to leave, they have to guard against these uninvited guests.

Just thinking about it, the news of the fire at the city gate undoubtedly stimulated these assassins who were waiting.I saw a few figures passing by the wall, and while Chunmei and the maidservants were resting on the table as if they were tired from crying, they broke into the door with a big knife in their hands.


A cold arrow was caught off guard, and it hit the back of the first assassin who broke into the door from behind, pierced through the heart, and killed him with one shot.

This kind of archery is not the eighth master, not Zhu Li, nor the eleventh master, but the third master who once worked hard to help the prince in the Longevity Garden and even forgot his own performance.

Zhu Li stood at the door, wearing a blue cloak, hunting in the wind.His eyes are basically blind in the dark, exactly the same as Concubine Jing.

Like this, it can be hit with one arrow.It was the bystanders who almost bit their tongues in shock.

Ma Wei helped the master carry the quiver and swept across the room. It was obvious that the person who died in the legend was not actually dead.

He and his master had thought about it a long time ago. Having dealt with Li Min a lot, they all knew that Li Min was close to death, and it was almost impossible to want Li Min to die.Because of this, he and his master rushed to the Prince's Mansion.It is conceivable that those who want her to die must have the next move.

A few black shadows realized that there was an enemy behind them, and some of them drew out their knives, but after seeing clearly who the arrow was, their movements slowed down.

Immediately after, a familiar voice rang out: "Third Master, don't come here without any harm. I didn't expect that Third Master didn't receive the instruction last time, and made the same fatal mistake again."

This voice made Li Min, who was listening to the development of the situation in the room, narrow his eyes: that person?

Meng Haoming and Xu Youzhen looked at her in puzzlement.

It's about the year when Lord Wanli gave her to be buried with her husband. As a result, some people were anxious like something, for fear that she would not die in the end, and when the imperial decree arrived, they sent people to the Duke Hu's mansion to kill her at the same time.Zhu Li was there at the time, and he slapped her and protected her from running.For this reason, Zhu Li was often scolded by the person in front of him almost exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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