incredible high school life

Chapter 181 The Last Struggle

Chapter 181 The Last Struggle
But this is just a demonstration, and it won't waste too much time, so the round is over, but the final score is also a tie between the two teams.

All four of them have super high athletic talents. In the end, if the physical education teacher hadn't stopped the game, I don't know when the volleyball match will end.

The game ended smoothly with a tie, and Qiu also struggled out of the torture smoothly. Now he feels that his endurance has further increased, and he doesn't know whether it is good or bad.

The class ended quickly with the sound of volleyball, and Qiu was relieved.

"I really hope that I don't have to take classes like this again in the future." Qiu slumped on the chair. He was exhausted after one class. He really didn't want to go to class like this. His heart is not good. If this continues, it will be over sooner or later.

"Actually, I'm quite happy." He talked to him.

Qiu glanced at him, of course he was happy.Senior school girls circled around him, and a group of people followed him whatever he wanted to do, and everyone looked happy in front of him.

But he was different, the three he knew were always confrontational, they were all very proud girls, how could they compromise.

"Just as long as you're happy." Qiu had nothing to say, and he was quite envious of Kazumi, who had such popularity.After all, he has a good personality, is also handsome, and is among the best in sports and grades. It is not difficult to understand why such a person is popular.

However, he seems to be having a hot fight with the light novelist teacher Xia Shizi at the moment. If the girls in the school find out, it may cause another storm.

Qiu stared at Kazuto carefully, such a person, even if he likes some figurines and light novels, the girls will understand.

After all, it is still a face-to-face society.

Qiu deeply realized it.

The time of the day was extremely fast. Except for a special physical education class, Qiu did not encounter any accidents. Everyone was the same as usual, and it was still the same peaceful college life. Qiu seemed to have returned to normal.

"It really feels like a dream." Qiu complained while laying on the bed. Such a peaceful life almost made him think that the previous thing was a dream.

But the sufficient strength in his body kept telling him that he was not dreaming. After he returned home, under the test of his father Yan, he basically understood his current situation.

Probably because of the divine power, his current physical limit is close to the strength of his father's first transformation, and this is because his body has such strength when he has not mastered the divine power.

"Now that I meet that nasty woman again, I shouldn't have the ability to resist." Qiu looked at his fists and said unconsciously.

"I really hope to meet that woman next time, so that I can try my new power."

This is entirely possible, Qiu Cong knew from Senior Yue Jian that the other party might come to invade again, so he was also looking forward to this moment.

League of Small Western Nations
Except for a dozen small countries that have already been controlled, other small countries are gathered here.

They discussed the plan for this time.

"This is information from Northern Europe. Odin is going to carry out his plan against Japan recently. At that time, the two great envoys under their command will be dispatched. This is our chance."

"As we all know, the current treaty does not allow gods to attack at will, let alone humans, but for the power of the main god level, as long as they don't attack humans, and the trouble is not too big, no one will care about it. , but if we want to make an envoy to him under his nose, presumably he will not stand idly by even if he violates the rules, so we only have this chance, as long as the Japanese gods and Odin do it, we will be right Their gods can do it"

"Because we are a small country and there are no living gods, so Odin can't do anything to us, but his angels are not restricted by this regulation. It is also recognized internationally that angels can do anything at will. Fortunately, The power of our fallen gods is enough to create a divine envoy, which has gathered the power of dozens of our small countries. I believe that he will not lose to any divine envoy."

"Come out, Aaron." The president of the league said to the door.

At this time, a strong man with scars and blond hair walked in. He was wearing a white military uniform.

"Chairman, what do you want me to do?" Aaron stood upright, his piercing eyes fixed on the surroundings.

"It's okay, I just want to introduce you to everyone." The chairman of the alliance nodded with satisfaction, "Aaron is the only general in our country. He joined the army at the age of 20, and it has been 13 years since he has achieved great results."

"His loyalty to the country has also been tested, so I chose him." The chairman of the alliance and the leaders present explained.

"What if it's just your one-sided words?" A leader of a small country said dissatisfiedly, but he obviously didn't tell them about it.

"Yeah, yeah, why don't you choose people from our country? They are also very loyal." Some leaders were also dissatisfied. They were not notified.

"At this point, we have nothing to do." The chairman of the alliance frowned. Although he had a little selfishness, he definitely had no intention of wasting everyone's efforts.

This is all the power that everyone has worked so hard to collect. Naturally, he can't waste this power. Aaron is definitely the strongest person in their country, and he can be ranked among the top three even in the league.

The voice of the chairman of the alliance made the conference room that was noisy just now quiet again. What they are now facing is a matter of life and death. This kind of matter will not be difficult to discuss after solving their enemies.

"It seems that everyone understands the current situation." The chairman of the alliance nodded again, "Although there are two main gods in Northern Europe, there is only one who has thoughts about us. Our primary goal now is to solve this problem first and ensure our own survive."

"According to the intelligence over the years, Odin originally had four envoys, two weaker and two stronger, the strongest of which is the first envoy Brunhilde, as long as she makes a move, our army No one can even survive." The tone of the alliance chairman was very heavy. They had made many plans, but they were all destroyed by Brunhilde. They hated her to the bone.

"The second envoy, Caesar, is suspected to be the Caesar in history. He is very friendly to humans and rarely attacks us, but his strength is definitely among the ranks of high-level envoys."

"As for the third and fourth envoys, the intelligence records have already fallen in Japan, so the power of Japan can be guaranteed."

"And our current goal is to combine with Japan to kill these two angels, and at least severely injure these two angels. Even if they have gods to help them heal their wounds, we will have decades of peace. "

"I have already had a dialogue with the high-level Japanese, and they fully support our plan, so we only need to send our envoys there to contribute to the Japanese side, and maybe we can get decades, or permanent Peace."

The chairman of the alliance said in a deep voice, this is their last straw, and these small countries can only rely on this plan to determine their own future.

If it succeeds, it will continue for decades or even perish.

If they are defeated, they will be invaded by the angry Odin. When they have no power to fight back,
Here their fate is decided.

(End of this chapter)

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