incredible high school life

Chapter 182 Aaron Departs

Chapter 182 Aaron Departs
They still don't know the news that the Japanese god has disappeared, and the Japanese side has not told them this information.

However, these things were all carried out under the instruction of Qingxue. She knew that Japan would have another ancient god to replace their god, and she had a strong desire to fight, and her strength should not be underestimated, so when those high-level officials talked to her , she nodded in agreement.

She doesn't think there are too many helpers. Last time Odin's envoys were held back by Yan, who was cheating, but this time it was different. If they attacked at the same time, Yan could only face Brunshire. Germany.She was going to face Caesar. In this case, they didn't know if they could win, so just to be on the safe side, it was one more helper.

"If you have any other proposals or hidden strengths, you can come up with them. This is our only chance." The meeting is still going on, but it is coming to an end.

"If there are no words, this meeting will come to an end." The voice of the chairman of the alliance echoed in the empty conference room.

Everyone remained silent. They were a small country after all, and they had done their best to cobble together an envoy. In this era where envoys are high-end military power, their limit is just like this.

It’s no wonder who made this a society where the weak can prey on the strong. Their small countries either resist or perish. This is the only truth in this world.

"Then let's stop here." The chairman of the alliance sighed. When will the difficult situation of their small country change?
Their only two ways out now are resistance and joining, but for small countries like them that still want to maintain their independence, this is impossible.

In this era, except for some big countries that can still maintain their independence, the small countries that joined the various alliances have been annexed one after another, and only these small countries outside the alliance are still lingering.

In addition to providing population and territory, these small countries cannot give more promotion to big countries, so these small countries that are tasteless and wasteful can survive until a few years ago.

But Odin's ambition changed their situation. The Nordics subdued them secretly. They declared that if there are small countries that do not obey their orders, they will conquer by force.

Some small countries that were afraid of the big powers turned to the Nordics one after another and were annexed by the Nordics, but they, the small countries that wanted to maintain their independence, were still resisting.

Even though they were beaten back by the Nordic army, they still have the ability to resist in this regard. They have accepted assistance from countries that are not used to the Nordic style, so they can still survive militarily.

But their high-end combat power is not comparable to that of the opponent. There are very few restrictions on the envoys in the alliance treaty. Although Odin's envoys do not often attack, their army will definitely be defeated once they do. , even if you use any method, you can't change this situation.

This is absolute power. They don't have such combat power and can only be bullied by others. This is the truth of this world.So they have been searching the country for the residual power of various local gods in the past few years, and this is how they created their only divine envoy.

With the angels, they are still the weakest force, but their wish is to ensure their independence. Now they only need to smash Odin's ambitions and hurt Odin's vitality, and their goal will be achieved. Other alliances have to think about it if they want to invade them, this is their purpose.

"When will we have the ability to guarantee peace?" The chairman of the alliance looked at the empty conference room, and he was spread out on a chair, looking at the cloud of cigarettes in his hand forming above his head and muttering to himself.

"Your Majesty, I will succeed." Aaron behind him said with a firm voice. He is a soldier of this country, and his duty is to protect the independence and integrity of the country. He will not look at his country like this disappear.

"I hope." The chairman of the alliance took a deep breath, his voice was a little low, he knew how risky this action was, and it also took their last hope.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, even if I die, I will kill Odin's envoy." Aaron had a resolute look on his face. He knew that he shouldered the hope of the entire alliance this time, and His Majesty trusted him so much. He is willing to repay with death.

"Aaron, you are the hope of our entire country. If possible, I hope you don't die and come back alive." The chairman of the alliance said slowly in a deep voice.

Aaron is the most outstanding military genius in their country. He has climbed to the position of general in just a few years since he joined the army. He has extremely strong strength and command ability, and he is a rare talent.

Besides, he's still young.He was also unwilling to let him accept this power at the beginning, but Aaron chose to accept this power himself.

"If things go on like this, this country will perish sooner or later. If this country perishes, then the meaning of our military existence will not be worth it. Therefore, if you can do anything to restore all this, please let me go." Aaron said .

"Even if you die on the way forward, this is the glory of a soldier and our best destination."

Aaron's voice moved the chairman of the alliance. He moved his thin lips, and finally agreed to the plan, allowing the soldiers of his country to fulfill their last duties. This is his selfishness.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Aaron's voice brought the chairman of the league back to reality from his memories. He finally said, "Is there anything you want in the end? I will definitely satisfy you."

"I want the country to protect my good family."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"Don't worry, even if our country perishes, I will protect your family." The chairman of the alliance made a promise, which is his promise to a soldier.

"Then I am willing to dedicate everything to the country." Aaron knelt on the ground with his hands on his chest. This was his last oath.

"Let's go, Aaron, I will be here waiting for you to come back, waiting for you to come back and see our country become stronger." The chairman of the alliance laughed, "Your family is also waiting for you, so you must come back."

"I will definitely come back after I complete the task." Aaron slowly walked out of the door amidst the voice of the chairman of the alliance.

"I am coming to Japan, Odin's envoys, I will definitely protect this country from your hands." Aaron's figure disappeared in this country, and he has already rushed towards Japan.

At the same time, the Nordic side also announced that they will visit Japan tomorrow.

 This whirlpool has just begun, what kind of situation will Japan in the whirlpool face?
  guess part
(End of this chapter)

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