Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 101 The Holy Land Explosion

Chapter 101 The Holy Land Explosion (Part [-])

When Kong Ming led the people out of the villa in a hurry, he saw Harley standing above the Holy Land with his hands raised high. At this time, the white clouds in the sky seemed to spin up, forming a huge vortex covering the entire Holy Land, and the color of the vortex gradually changed. It turned black, and traces of red thunder shot out from it.


After another shout, fearful shouts rang out from all over the Holy Land, and one by one Tianlong people with bubble caps were pulled up into the sky in fear.

"Today we will recreate the world." After Harley said domineeringly, a monster with a sheep's body and human face, eyes under his armpits, and tiger-toothed and human-handed monsters appeared behind him. The sky spread, and many naval soldiers and holy land guards shook back and forth uncontrollably, and glaring cracks appeared on the surfaces of tall buildings.

"You're bold" At this moment, five beams of light rushed out and hit Harley directly.

"Five Elders" Kong Ming's eyes froze.

"Hahaha" After Harley laughed loudly, he waved his hand lightly. A blood-red flower that looked like a mandala enveloped him. The mandala represented hell, the other shore, the flower of the underworld. , that red like fresh blood, rendering a sea of ​​blood.

Five terrifying attacks hit it, only destroying a few petals, and then slowly disappeared, as if it was absorbed like Sakasky's magma.

"Is this the strongest power of the government? It's simply vulnerable." Harley said disdainfully, looking at Wu Lao who rushed towards him, his right foot was in the void, and after stepping lightly, he saw a sharp handle on his body Abnormally, a treasured sword without a scabbard emerged, circled around him, and rushed towards the five elders.

Seeing this scene, Bradley said in surprise: "Priest, this devil emperor seems to possess multiple abilities just like the god king."

"That's right, what's going on?" Kong Ming frowned.

"Oh my God!" At this moment, the flying squirrel next to him looked at Wu Lao who was blocked by the five swords in the sky, and suddenly dared not say anything.

"What's wrong?" Kong Ming asked.

"These five swords, if I hadn't noticed, are all one of the most powerful craftsmen, and each one is equipped by a peerless swordsman!" Flying squirrels use swords themselves, so they know all the world-famous swords by heart. in my heart.

"Oh!" Kong Ming frowned.


"Little guy, you are too presumptuous"

At this time, following a rumbling sound, the entire Holy Land trembled slightly, and a cyan-blue film of light that seemed to be as solid as a substance instantly enveloped the entire sky above the Holy Land, and the Tianlong people who had been sucked up immediately turned to the ground again. As it fell, guards rushed up to catch it.

"Sure enough, there are still people, come out for me." After taking a look, Harley twisted his right hand, and a dark, shiny, arc-shaped circle of light emerged, and with a strong wave, it rapidly became larger, like a black giant. Like the sun, heading towards a certain place with astonishing destructive power, the buildings and houses along the road were destroyed one after another,

After hearing the sound of a beast reverberating, an incomparably bright blue light burst out vigorously. One end had two blue flame-like tails. It looked like a demon cat monster burning with flames. The monster opened its mouth slightly, and the roaring flames roared. As soon as it came out, a huge black energy group exploded violently in mid-air immediately, and a large number of buildings were destroyed by the remaining waves of air.

"What is this? Devil fruit power?" Kong Ming asked in surprise when he saw the huge light and shadow that looked like a cat and looked like a mountain.

"Little guy, don't have a little ability, you will be invincible in the world, get out of here!" I saw that the majestic voice sounded again, and the blue flame roared out again, as if penetrating through the space barrier, directly killing the people in the air. The Devil Emperor was instantly submerged, forming an incomparably huge fireball.


When Kong Ming was a little worried, after a bang, Harley had already rushed out from inside, with a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth, he frowned and said, "This flame can actually attack people's souls!"

"No, this is another traveling beast, and has already entered the star realm. If I can evolve to a mature stage, it will be no problem at all, but it is not enough now. This person is definitely not from this world. There seems to be another person Now, your accumulation is not enough, you are not an opponent, go quickly." A slightly surprised voice sounded in Harley's body.

Hearing this, Harley's eyes narrowed, and after slightly raising the corners of his mouth, he said solemnly: "Sure enough, the holy land has a different response, but there are too many hidden darkness in the world, and it is too slow to change step by step, gorgeous buildings are built on ruins.”

"Blow me up"

After hearing a loud cracking sound, everyone turned their heads in surprise, and saw that the magnificent World Conference hall not far away exploded with a bang.

"Not good, hurry up and save people." A government official saw this scene, his face turned pale with fright.

Seeing this scene, the "Bastard" five elders became angry. The kings and representatives of the world's allied countries really held meetings inside. Once something happened to them, the whole world would be in chaos.

As soon as the words fell, the earth trembled again, and the light and shadow of another black giant ape emerged. The size of the giant ape seemed to be larger than that of a demon cat. The stick shadow descended from the sky with the power of destruction.

"It's Planet Giant Ape"

"Hahaha" the Devil Emperor watched the golden stick fall, and after laughing excitedly, a flash door appeared behind him. After the whole person merged into it, he disappeared completely. After the golden stick fell, the terrifying force directly shook the whole The Holy Land was torn apart.

This scene made everyone present open their mouths.

After seeing the devil emperor fleeing, the flame demon cat and the black giant ape dissipated one after another. At this moment, a majestic voice sounded: "Five elders, come here immediately!"

"Others immediately go to fight the fire"

"Yes, Lord Im," the five elders said respectfully.

"My lord, this..." Outside the villa, Bradley said with a pale face as he looked at the ground torn apart by the golden stick shadow.

"A big event is about to happen, hurry up, report this matter to the God King immediately, especially the matter about Harley," Kong Ming said seriously.


. . . .

A few hours later, in Kong Ming's villa, Bradley said with a pale face, "Priest, just checked, and more than 30 kings and representatives died."

Kong Ming's face was startled, the feather fan in his hand paused slightly, and he said seriously: "Sure enough, something big is going to happen."

"Priest, what does that Devil Emperor want to do?" Bradley asked in confusion.

"Don't you understand? Soon, there will be a big explosion in the holy land, and more than 30 kings of the alliance countries will die. The news of the representatives will spread all over the world. Although the era of the great pirate is chaotic, the countries are still stabilizing their regime, but now that Harley is doing this, not only the oceans will be in chaos, but all the kingdoms will also be in chaos, the prestige of the world government will drop to the lowest point, and an unprecedented bloody era is about to come." Kong Ming shook his head with a sigh.

"That's what he's for"

"No, he wants to take advantage of this time to expand the power of his demon temple and destroy the privileges of the Tianlong people. At the same time, he will lure all the people and transfer their hatred to the world government."

"Then what about my kingdom of God?"

"I don't know, this matter needs to be decided by the God King himself. This is the beginning of an era of destruction, but it is also the inheritance of a new era. Let's go now," Kong Ming said.

"That contract"

"The contract is meaningless, let's go," Kong Ming waved.


When he just walked to the door, suddenly a guard ran in and reported: "Priest, Princess Vivi of the Kingdom of Alabasta is kneeling outside with the seriously injured King Cobra."

"Princess Weiwei" Kong Ming was taken aback.

. . .

And just when there was a mess outside, when Kong Ming was about to leave, two figures in golden costumes knelt down in front of the Throne of the Sky among the most noble flowers in the Holy Land.

(End of this chapter)

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