Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 100 Devil Emperor

Chapter 100 Devil Emperor (Second Update)

"You did appear"

Just when the others were surprised and confused, Sakaski's complexion suddenly sank, without the slightest hesitation, he shot directly, billowing magma rushed out, and the fiery red flame seemed to be the only color, and he waved his big hand vigorously Finally, in an instant, a huge five-fingered rock palm, with destructive heat, pressed hard towards the white-haired man.

The white-haired man glanced at it, and stretched out his right hand lightly, only to see a black vortex growing rapidly from the palm of his hand, just like Loya's Nine Turns of Devouring Demons. It keeps getting smaller and smaller, and when it reaches the man, there are only a few sparks.

"What?" Seeing this scene, Kong Ming and Sakaski asked in surprise at the same time.

"Who is your Excellency? Why do you know my god-king's secret knowledge?" Kong Ming asked seriously, they have all seen this black vortex, it is the secret of the god-king!It seems that the ability to absorb everything, Polusalino suffered a big loss when he didn't pay attention for a while.

When the white-haired man heard this, he looked at Kong Ming and said with a smile: "I said that Brother Luo Ya passed it on to me, do you believe it?"

The white-haired man didn't answer the question directly, but asked rhetorically with a smile.

When Kong Ming heard the white-haired man's address, he said unexpectedly: "Your Excellency, do you know the King of God?"

"Of course I know. Brother Luoya is the person I respect the most. Please tell Brother Luoya that from today on, God will control the sky and the devil will control the earth. I will share the world with him equally," the white-haired man announced domineeringly.

"Demon?" Kong Ming was startled, and said loudly, "You, you are the Devil Emperor"

Hearing this, everyone looked at the white-haired man in surprise.

The white-haired man threw away the half-covered mask casually, looked at Kong Ming, and said with a smile, "Brother Kong Ming, you don't remember mine."

"You?" Kong Ming was taken aback for a while, and after looking carefully for a long time, he said in surprise, "You, you are Harley."

"Harley" heard this, everyone was taken aback.

"That's right, long time no see, brother Kongming." Haley laughed, as if he had returned to his innocent age.

"This, this, how did you become like this, God King sent many people to look for you back then!" Kong Ming couldn't believe it.

"I know, brother Loya is interested, but unfortunately I still need time before," Harley said gently.

"You are the escaped college student that Teacher Zefa said." At this moment, the flying squirrel said.

"That's right." After Harley nodded, he looked at everyone and said seriously: "My parents were killed by pirates back then. Brother Loya helped me avenge my blood, and later sent me into the navy. After a while, Teacher Zefa took us out to practice, and this time I met the Tianlong people. As a navy, I should take protecting the people as my duty, but what I didn't expect was that in front of the beasts of the Tianlong people, Lian Ze The Fa teachers backed away, and a group of innocent men and women were brutally killed in front of us because they didn't even give way, including even children of a few years old."

Hearing this, Kong Ming frowned, and said in a soft tone as much as possible: "Ha Lei, I know this matter has deeply affected you, and the God King is also very ashamed of it. You go back with me and discuss things carefully."

"Haha, Brother Kong Ming, no need, everyone has their own path to go, and my path is to overthrow the world government and rebuild a truly beautiful world." Harley's gaze was extremely firm.

"It turned out to be another naval traitor. Before you speak big words, you have to see if you have the ability." After Sakaski said coldly, a flicker came in front of Harley, and the fist covered in magma hit hard. out.

"No!" Kong Ming said anxiously.

After Harley looked at it, he tapped his finger lightly, and as circles of light waves radiated, Sakaski, who was punching, seemed to slow down in an instant, as if he had become much more sluggish.

The flying squirrel "Sakaski" immediately drew out his sword after seeing it.

When he was about to be rescued, the turbulent magma roared out of Sakaski's body, and he broke free from the restraint in an instant. Harley's eyes moved, and he immediately avoided it, and his fist hit the ground. The hot wind swept out, and a large area of ​​the floor was burned by the magma, turning into a fiery red hell.

"Priest, get out of here quickly," Bradley said hastily, looking at the flowing magma.

Everyone present jumped one after another, avoiding the fiery red magma that was spreading step by step.

After Sakaski lightly landed on the magma, he looked at Harley, who was also walking on the magma, with serious eyes.

"That's right, that's right. As expected of General Sakalski, it's the first time that I have broken my ability with the terrifying impact of magma," Harley praised.

"You want to be the second Loya, that's just a dream," Sakaski said coldly.

After Harley smiled lightly, he shook his head and said, "General Sakaski, you used to be the one I looked up to and the goal I pursued, but the so-called absolute justice in your heart allowed you to become the best soldier, but you are indeed You can’t become the most outstanding ruler, which is why you are crushed under the pressure of my big brother Loya.”

"Not good" Hearing this, Flying Squirrel was startled. Sakaski was usually calm and scary, but when someone said that he was inferior to Loya, it seemed to touch his reverse scale.

"What did you say?" Sure enough, Sakaski's eyes were frighteningly cold.

"Sakaski, Harley is the younger brother of the God King. This time, it's okay because of the friendship in the past," Kong Ming couldn't help but said.

After turning his eyes, Sakaski looked at Kong Ming and said seriously: "Do you think he is still the poor kid that Loya sent to the navy back then?"

"No matter what I become, my respect for Big Brother Loya will not change. Big Brother Kongming, I still have the same words. God controls the sky and magic rules the earth. No matter how big the world is, I will share it equally with Brother Loya." Haley laughed Finally, the body slowly floated up, and after a light push with the right hand, the roof of the villa exploded with a bang.

"Want to go" Seeing that Harley was about to leave, Sakaski waved his right hand, and a fiery red dog's head condensed with magma immediately bit at Harley.

Harley looked at the chasing dog-headed magma below. After a flash of light in his blood eyes, a silver-white light door suddenly opened. After the magma entered, it disappeared completely.

"Sakaski, I'm not afraid of you, I just see that I have received the favor of the Navy before, but you are no longer qualified to fight with me, or Brother Loya, and do your best as a general. If you don't pay attention, I'm afraid I'll be slaughtered by the people below me!" With a disdainful and teasing voice, Sakaski's fists were clenched.

Soon, a roar like a dragon and a tiger resounded over the entire holy land.

"I am the devil emperor, killing the descendants of the gods"

(End of this chapter)

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