Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 99 1 Trigger

Chapter 99
Not long after, in an elegant study room, Kong Ming looked at the two slaves kneeling on the ground in front of him, and said seriously to the man on the left with a thin face and a frightened and restless expression, "You mean, you The slave who was originally responsible for pushing the escalator under the Holy Land escalator, suddenly a light door appeared in front of you, telling you that after entering, you can ask for help from the Kingdom of God, and you will be able to regain your life, so you went outside the villa."

"Yes, sir, actually we don't know what's going on, but please save us, sir, we really don't want to go back to that hell," the skinny man cried bitterly.

Kong Ming heard this, and said softly: "Don't worry, if we can help, we will never give up"

"Thank you sir, thank you sir" the two kowtowed immediately.

"Take them out to have a good rest first, don't let them leave the villa without my order," Kong Ming said to a guard next to him.


When the two left with continuous gratitude, Kong Ming frowned, "It seems that someone used his ability to help them escape, but who was it? Why did he do this? Why not all of them? And the last one The most important thing is, since he has this ability, why should he send it to the Kingdom of God?

"Priest, this matter is really too weird. Do you want to report it to the God King immediately?" Although Bradley next to him couldn't bear the tragic death of all these people, he didn't want to cause the Kingdom of God to get into unknown troubles.

"Reporting is definitely necessary, but it takes too long to go back and forth, and the king of gods can't come in person at the moment," Kong Ming shook his head.

"What should I do?"

"Don't worry, let's see what Wu Laoxing has to say," Kong Ming said seriously.

. . . .

At this time, on the other side, in a magnificent hall in the Holy Land, the five elders gathered together again, and the atmosphere was rather dignified.

"Who did it?"

"This man is very capable, and some slaves are nothing at all, but the crux of the matter is, why did he send people outside the villa in the Kingdom of God?" He was wearing a dark red suit, no tie, blond hair, and a blond beard , the majestic old man with a scar on his chest expressed the same doubts as Kong Ming.

"There are only two possibilities. First: He hopes to use this to trigger conflicts between the government and the Kingdom of God."

"This is impossible, but some slaves, not only us, even the Kingdom of God will not"

"That's the second way, to test the attitude of the Kingdom of God towards the government, to see whether the Kingdom of God is currently against the government or supports it"

"This is very possible, but I think the most important thing now is to try to see if he can be forced out. Such people have been hiding in the Holy Land and are a big threat."

"Let Sakaski pass by and tell Kong Ming that money cannot make up for the majesty of the descendants of the Creator"

"What if he refuses?"

"Haha, if Luo Ya came in person, maybe there would be such a result, but Kong Ming, he is not qualified enough." The old man in a dark green suit, bald, with a two-shaped beard and a birthmark on his forehead sneered road.

. . . . .

Not long after, the villa of the Kingdom of God was surrounded by naval soldiers and guards of the Holy Land. Some servants from various countries who followed the king and representatives gathered outside in surprise.

In the villa, Kong Ming looked at Sakaski and the flying squirrel who came, and said with a hint of chill in his eyes: "Aren't they just a few slaves? Is it necessary to be so serious?"

"Kong Ming, you know my temper, and you are not my opponent, hand over all the slaves," Sakaski said lightly.

"Sakaski, don't be too arrogant." Hearing this, Bradley next to him got angry and stomped heavily on his right leg. The floor was immediately shattered. After a strong airflow swirled out, With a slight roar, a pair of extremely sharp black horns emerged from the top of Bradley's head, and the majestic power seemed to be unsealed, radiating out like a hurricane.

Seeing this scene, the flying squirrel behind Sakaski flashed lightly, used the razor familiarly, and came in front of Brandley. After the tail of the sword in his hand slightly hit the ground, the sharp edge made people Startled.

After Sakaski glanced at the transformed Bradley, he looked at Kong Ming, whose face was also much colder, and said: "Hand over the slaves, the five elders will sign the contract with the First Bank immediately, but if you don't Agree, not only will I take away the person, but the contract will also be voided. The seriousness of this, Kong Ming, you have to think carefully about it."

Kong Ming raised the corner of his mouth, shook his feather fan lightly, and said coldly: "Sakaski, I really can't beat you. I was hesitant about this matter, but now I will protect these slaves from the Kingdom of God. If you If you dare to take people away, all contracts will be voided, and the god king will directly annul the ten-year agreement and be born early."

Sakaski frowned, and then said forcefully: "So what? When have I ever been afraid of Loya?"

"No!" Hearing this, the flying squirrel was slightly surprised, looked at Kong Ming and said, "Kong Ming, they are just a group of slaves, there is no need to make trouble like this."

"Flying squirrel, is this still a problem with a group of slaves? You directly led troops to surround the villa of my kingdom of God, and then ran in to threaten. Why, I really thought that my kingdom of God was a soft persimmon. If you take people away today, How can the Kingdom of God gain a foothold in front of other countries? How can I explain to the King of God?" Kong Ming said coldly.

"So, do you want to go to war?" Hearing this, Sakaski's right fist with a black glove turned crimson, and the temperature in the room began to soar instantly. It hit the ground, making a piercing hissing sound.

"If you have the ability, you can try it yourself." Kong Ming also tore his face directly. At this time, he can't retreat!As soon as he retreats, the news will immediately spread to the kings and representatives of the countries who are attending the meeting, and will even spread to the whole world soon. The equal status that the Kingdom of God has worked so hard to establish with the world government is completely over.

In addition, if such a thing is reported back to the Kingdom of God, even if the God King protects him, other people will disdain him as the left priest.

When Bradley, who was next to him, heard this, he blocked Kong Ming's face. After a flash of his right fist, his armed domineering air covered it, and he fixed his eyes on Sakaski.

"Hahaha, good, good, it's no loss that the left priest of the Kingdom of God, who is in charge of millions of people in the Kingdom of God, can do this for a group of ordinary slaves, it is really admirable."

Just when the situation on the scene was about to explode, there was a sudden burst of soft laughter.

After everyone looked up in surprise, they saw a light door suddenly opened above their heads. A man had beautiful long silver hair, a flower mark on his forehead, a half mask on his cheeks, and a pair of blood eyes that were extremely majestic. The young man who seemed to be slightly satisfied fell from above, and a black and gold cloak rolled slightly behind him, majestic and luxurious at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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