Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 98 Negotiations

Chapter 98 Negotiations
Two days later, the Kingdom of God was not present at the meeting, and representatives from the Kingdom of Goa and the Kingdom of Crete were both absent. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that this discussion had changed from a facade to a secret one.

In a villa in the Holy Land, Kong Ming looked at a middle-aged official opposite, and sneered: "From yesterday to now, I have talked too much nonsense. Do you think that's possible?"

"Priest Kong Ming, although [-]% is a bit too much, the government has also made a decision for this. Whoever dares to touch the First Bank will directly use the generals to suppress it. Once this news gets out, it must have a great impact on the development of the First Bank. If there is a big boost, the overall profit will increase,” negotiator Volod explained.

"Joke, let me count for you. The First Bank currently has 130 branches all over the world, with a daily turnover of more than 5000 billion. You need 500%, which is more than [-]. Billion, if this is the case, why would my Kingdom of God still be a bank? I wouldn’t lose such a big loss if I do whatever I want.”

"And if there is such a serious loss, then my Kingdom of God would rather transfer all the wealth and personnel back to the Kingdom of God"

Volod frowned and said, "How much does the priest think is appropriate?"

"Ten percent, this is already an additional huge amount of output in addition to the franchise fee. In fact, it is reasonable for this ten percent to be paid by the Kingdom of God," Kong Ming said seriously.

"One percent, how is this possible! Priest Kong Ming, you seem to be too dishonest." Volod said in surprise, the bottom line given by the five elders was [-] percent. He didn't say it was too much, but it couldn't be less than this amount. what!
"One and a half at most, and this half is already tens of billions of Baileys. It is enough to pave a Bailey road directly for the general! If you still don't want to, please tell the five elders, the general of the Kingdom of God I have to personally send troops to eliminate the Hundred Beasts Pirates, which also represents the incompetence and inaction of the world government." Kong Ming slapped the table and said seriously.

After Volod's expression froze, he smiled and said, "Priest Kongming, don't be so angry, [-]% may be a little more, but you know [-]% is impossible, just dealing with Kaido, it must not be money measurable"

"Isn't it the government's responsibility to deal with pirates?" Hearing this, Kong Ming sneered.

"Priest, there are no outsiders here. It's meaningless to speak official words like this. If it's an ordinary pirate, the government will naturally have no hesitation, but this time it's one of the Four Emperors of the New World, and it may be the one with the strongest single-handed ability. And this is only the first time, and there may be more in the future, which requires a large amount of manpower and material resources, and the priest should know that the First Bank not only stores the Bailey and money of ordinary people, but also seems to have some criminals, even pirates." Volod said meaningfully.

After Kong Ming was stunned for a moment, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, "Are you scaring me?"

"Of course not, just stating the facts"

"Then let me tell you what the truth is. The truth is that if it is not a god teacher, the god king will not restrict himself in the kingdom of God. You don't have to forget what happened to big-moM, one of the four emperors back then," Kong Ming said seriously.

Volod frowned. In this negotiation, what he was most afraid of was that Kong Ming would talk about Loya's strength. This king of the air, who surpassed the three generals of the navy and the four emperors of the pirates, was enough to suppress everything.

Seeing that Volod was shocked, Kong Ming said with a smile: "Let's do it! One step back, [-]%. This figure is the highest that my kingdom of God can give. If it doesn't work, then there is no need to talk about it."

In fact, the problem of the First Bank is not only limited by the time limit of Loya. To stabilize the First Bank and become the largest bank in the world, it is impossible without the world government. As for returning to the Kingdom of God, it is a threat. The income of the First Bank cannot be easily given up.

"Twenty percent." After Volod murmured, just as he was about to continue to say something, bursts of cries came from outside, "Help, help!"

"Please the kingdom of God save us"

"You are looking for death"

"What's going on?" Kong Ming turned his head and asked with his eyes fixed.

Not long after, a silver-armored man with a firm face came in from the outside, cupped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, many slaves from the Holy Land suddenly came outside our villa, crying for help. The number of slaves is small." less than 20 people”

"Impossible, the slaves are all wearing explosive collars, and they are closely monitored, how could they escape?" Volod stood up immediately after hearing this.

"I just saw that they don't have collars," said the man in silver armor.

"What?" Volod was slightly taken aback.

"It's a blessing for these lowly slaves to let them serve the descendants of the creator. They even want to resist. Lord Volod must arrest them all immediately. Not only they themselves, but also the families behind them must all be killed. "Light" I saw a tall man in a neat suit behind Volod, with cold eyes.

"Fart" Hearing this, the silver-armored man who came to report his complexion sank, and he smashed the ground with one step. After grabbing the man with his right hand, he grabbed the man's throat and lifted him up. The surging momentum swept the scene
The man who spoke turned red from being pinched, and was too frightened to speak.

"Bradley, what are you doing?" Kong Ming said seriously after seeing it. The man in front of him is really Bradley, the giant god of the Kingdom of God, and also his personal bodyguard.

"Priest, if these people are brought back, they will die," Bradley turned his head and said loudly.

"Put people down first," Kong Ming said.

After hearing this, Bradley threw the trash and threw the man on the ground.

After hesitating slightly, Kong Ming looked at Volod who was equally serious, and said, "Let's do this! The Kingdom of God has bought all these slaves. You can set a price."

Volod smiled wryly, and said: "Priest Kong Ming, I understand your kindness, but I really can't make up my mind about this, but the priest Kong Ming, the Kingdom of God agrees, and King Luoshen also nodded in person. The nobles of the world own the world. You'd better leave all the privileges alone, otherwise it will affect the signing this time."

After Kong Ming frowned, he said, "First Bank's profits are increasing by half."

To be honest, he doesn't care about the life and death of a mere group of slaves, but the Kingdom of God needs to maintain a name of benevolence and righteousness that is different from the world government.

"It's not about money, it's because I can't make the decision at all, so let's do it! If the priests must be saved, they can be kept temporarily. I can fight for this time, but in the end, the five elders need to nod," Volod said.

Hearing this, Kong Ming nodded, and suddenly smiled: "Volod, it seems that my attitude towards you has been a bit bad these two days, you are a nice person!"

"The priest was joking," Volod said after shaking his head, and left with the people.

After Kong Ming took a look, he turned to look at Bradley and said, "Are you sure they didn't wear collars?"


"What's going on here? If they have the ability, they should run away directly. Why did they come to my place to make a fuss?" Kong Ming frowned.

"What does the priest mean?"

After Kong Ming remained silent for a while, he suddenly said seriously, "I think something is going to happen."

"What happened??" Bradley was surprised

"Come on, let's go and see them," Kong Ming waved.


 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, my favorite brothers, please support me a lot

(End of this chapter)

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