Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 155 Heavenly Court

Chapter 155 Heavenly Court
At this time, outside the star of Zefu, the Donghuang Bell, which is as big as a star, can be seen enveloping several monstrous figures of demonic flames. Around it, millions of golden armored soldiers are chasing and killing Generals of the Demon Race.

"Haotian, if my demon clan can kill you once, I can kill you a second time." Inside the Donghuang Bell, a burly figure exuding a thick cloud of blood tried his best to block the demon-devouring power inside the bell, Shouted extremely unwillingly.

Hearing this, outside the Eastern Emperor Bell, on top of a golden cloud that radiated thousands of miles away, Luo Ya, with an astonishing reputation as a civil and military man, shook his head and smiled, and said: "You are just a mere magic commander, how dare you dare to treat this emperor?" It's ridiculous to speak out."

After finishing speaking, he flicked his fingers lightly, and after another bell rang, several demon commanders inside the bell were instantly shattered amid boundless wailing, and the endless energy was shattered by the Eastern Emperor Bell one by one. Absorbed.

"The Emperor"

"Congratulations on the return of the Emperor of Heaven"

At this time, after a flash of figures, Monkey King holding a golden rod, and his gorgeous armor was stained with some blood, accompanied by Alsat, whose face was slightly pale, and several powerful masters came in front of him.

Looking at the excited figure in the golden armor, Loya smiled gratifiedly, and said softly: "Wukong, you have a heart, if you didn't show up last, it is estimated that Alsat and the others would be difficult to resist the seven demon emperors."

"Emperor, it's serious, how can I say that I am also the Monkey King conferred by the heavenly court, protecting the emperor is what I should do" Sun Wukong laughed.

"Haha, okay." After laughing, Loya looked at Alsat, and said in a gentle voice, "Although your deity is not here, but thanks to your help these years, you are the apprentice of the senior brother, that is, the family, Taibai"

"Chen Zai" saw an old man with white beard and hair and a soft face, came out with the floating dust, and after lightly swiping the floating dust, a bunch of babies exuding terrifying power flew out, one by one. fell in front of Alsater and others.

"It turned out to be a holy treasure." Soon, a bald man behind Alsat said in surprise.

The magic weapons and treasures in the universe are originally the heaven and earth Xuanhuang, and above them are the venerable level, the immortal level, the holy weapon and the supreme magic weapon, which actually correspond to the cultivation base of the universe, the star realm, the stars, the venerable, Immortal, God Rank, and Supreme, Immortal is divided into Marquis and King, and God Rank is divided into Nine Heavens, after crossing, you will enter Supreme.

The venerable needs to master the space, the immortal needs to condense the world, and the divine rank needs to understand the law of time and condense the godhead.

Saint soldiers are the configuration of the god-level powerhouses, after all, there are too few supreme god soldiers.

"Alsat, your deity should have stepped into the ninth level of the god rank, which is the same as this emperor's cultivation level. This is just a wish. If you have anything to ask in the future, feel free to come and speak," Luo Ya said.

"Thank you, uncle," Alsat said gratefully.

"Haha, in addition, Santoni belongs to you, but after all, I have a bond with this emperor. I plan to be introduced into the heavenly court. I don't know if you are willing." Luo Ya asked.

"Uncle Master is serious, Santoni is nothing to worry about. If Uncle Master needs anything, Uncle Master can bring half of the entire kingdom of God." Hearing this, Alsat said immediately.

"Then there's no need." After shaking his head with a smile, Luo Ya waved his hand lightly, and saw bursts of golden light floating in the sky from the God Conferred List.

"Years flow, yin and yang are eternal, heaven, come out" After the solemn order, I saw a bright beam of light in the list of gods rushing straight to the top of the galaxy, and after radiating out with circles of terrifying waves, magnificent, huge, golden lights Wan Dao's palace seemed to be floating in the white clouds, looming, and the whole palace seemed to be connected as one, protected by four heavenly gates, exuding a supreme coercion.

After the "Supreme Heavenly Court" roared, the entire heavenly court was even more brilliant and could not be seen directly.

"This heaven..." Alsat looked a little shocked after looking carefully.

"Heavenly Court is actually the most powerful Supreme Divine Weapon of my Celestial Clan." After Luo Ya smiled slightly, a stream of light flashed suddenly, and a token with rising purple energy appeared in front of Luo Ya.

"Hall Master Order" Alsat waited to see, and quickly knelt down to worship.

Luo Ya's face also trembled, and he bowed his head with tears in his eyes: "Teacher"

"From today onwards, you will be the master of the Heavenly Palace of the Xuanhuang Universe, in charge of the virtual universe, and come to Zixiao to obey," Hong Jun's voice came out.

"Tuer Zunzhi" Luo Ya respectfully took the token after listening to it, and immediately countless messages echoed in his mind. After accepting all of them, he glanced at the token in surprise, and saw an ancient text written on it The word "day".

At this time, after Hongjun had disappeared, Luo Ya looked at the token in his hand, hesitated slightly, stood up, turned his head and said: "Li Jing"

"Chen Zai" a burly man holding a golden pagoda came out immediately and knelt down.

After one o'clock in Luo Ya, a beam of light shot at Li Jing's forehead, "I am reincarnated in this life, and there are still many descendants, ministers, wandering stars, and you will lead the four heavenly kings, the three altars, the great gods of the sea, and the thousands of miles. , Shunfeng is responsible for searching”

"The minister takes orders," Li Jing replied loudly.

After Loya nodded, he looked at the heaven above his head and said in a concentrated voice: "The gods return to their place."

"Yes..." After the gods suddenly turned into beams of light and entered the stretching palace in the main heaven, the light of the entire heaven suddenly became brighter.

"Ha!!" After Loya shouted the same, he shot into the most magnificent Lingxiao Temple in the heavenly court. Soon after golden rays of light shot out in the heavenly court, all the people in the distant Santoni Kingdom suddenly The planet with life disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Alsat, this is for you" Following the rumble, a misty token landed in front of Alsat.

"This is an order from heaven, you can contact me directly in the future"

"Thank you, Uncle Master" Alsat said gratefully, only to see that magnificent heaven suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Alsat stood up and said with emotion: "It seems that uncle is not going to rank Heaven above the seventh-level kingdom of God."

"Why do you say that?" a person next to him asked curiously.

"Because today's universe is basically in the hands of the seven great kingdoms of God. If the uncle wants to reorganize, he must eliminate one or two, and the seven kingdoms of the gods are all under the five palaces. The uncle owes his rebirth this time. Of course, the uncle Maybe don't care about the sole rule anymore," Alsat lamented.

"This is normal. If the Emperor of Heaven is willing to change, I can give all the territories under my command. These are all imaginary. To us, they have no meaning other than a burden."

Alsat nodded in agreement. Even if there were no billions of stars, the Heavenly Court still existed above the seventh-level divine kingdom. The universe depends on the level of magic power, not the number of people. Because of the young blood, and now its reincarnation is completely mature.

(End of this chapter)

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