Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 156 The Battle of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 156 The Battle of Ten Thousand Realms
Not long after, outside the Xuanhuang universe, amidst the turbulent chaotic airflow, a simple, remote, vicissitudes and ancient palace stood there.

At this moment in the palace, only five people were sitting on one of the futons, the first person on the left was Taiqing, the second was Emperor Yan, the fourth was Jianzu, and the remaining two were They are the Supreme Beast Hall of the Xuanhuang World, Zulong. I can see that his every move reveals supreme majesty, and a pair of golden pupils are full of awe-inspiring aura, which makes people dare not look directly at him. Holding a book of scriptures, with a smile on his face, and a white halo behind him, the whole person looks full of sacredness. He is the Lord of the Lord,

When a bell rang, everyone's eyes moved and their figures flashed. Luo Ya had already arrived in the hall. Looking at the few people present, he said with a smile: "Sorry, my strength is low, and I am slow."

"Haha, don't be slow, Dao Ancestor hasn't come yet?" Xiao Yan stood up with a smile after seeing it, and greeted him.

Looking at the handsome man in front of him, Luo Ya cupped his fists and said, "Emperor Yan, thank you for your shot."

"You're being polite, the Heavenly Emperor died for Xuanhuang back then, how can we allow the demons to be presumptuous?" Xiao Yan shook his head.

"That's right, but in the end Daozu made the move," Jianzu Aotian sighed.

"Junior Brother, you are welcome to come to Zixiao Palace again." At this time, Taiqing said with a little excitement in his eyes.

Looking at Taiqing, Luo Ya suddenly knelt down and bowed heavily, "Senior Brother, thank you, if it wasn't for you, Junior Brother probably wouldn't be able to come back."

"Junior brother, what are you doing, get up quickly," Taiqing said hastily.

"This is the Zixiao Palace, you have to put on a show, and you have to use different occasions." This is, Zu Long suddenly glanced at it, and said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Taiqing frowned, but he has a quiet and inactive personality, and generally doesn't want to engage in unnecessary fights, but he doesn't want to, and Luo Ya can't do it. After standing up, he said coldly: "Are you itchy? Believe it or not, I shattered your Yongyeon again."

Zulong's eyes narrowed, he stood up, and said coldly: "Haotian, do you think it's the same as before, come here if you have the ability"

"Yo, you have stepped into the Supreme, and you are getting fatter. Come on, if you are not convinced, we are in Bibi, and I will let your Dragon Clan become the mount of the Celestial Clan again." Luo Ya disdainfully said that in order to increase the strength of the Celestial Clan, he Aiming at the Dragon Clan, his combat power has already reached the Supreme, but the Zulong had not yet entered the Supreme, so how could it be his opponent? In the end, the Dragon Clan naturally surrendered honestly.

"Come on," Zulong said without fear.

"Ancestral Dragon Emperor, why are you so angry? Now that we are supreme, we should be more tolerant towards the gods," Yahweh suddenly laughed.

After Loya glanced at it, he pretended to be surprised and said, "Lord, I didn't expect that you would also step into the supreme realm."

Yahweh smiled coldly, "Haotian, you didn't expect it! I stepped in with the power of faith that you dismissed."

Hearing this, Luo Ya took a closer look, shook his head and said: "No wonder you are so far behind Emperor Yan and Sword Ancestor. With the help of external force, although you have stepped into the Supreme, it is not the right way."

"What did you say?" Yahweh's eyes turned cold.

"Well, it's fine if you don't listen. In fact, I don't want to be ambitious with you. Although we had conflicts back then, when we came back this time, although you didn't help, you didn't make trouble. I am a little grateful. If you want , let's live in peace, if you don't want to, go out and fight again," Luo Ya said.

After hearing this, Zulong and Yahweh snorted and sat down again.

"Junior brother, take a seat." Taiqing smiled after seeing it.

"Yes" After everyone took their seats, Xiao Yan looked at Luo Ya who was sitting next to him, and said with a smile, "I have thousands of fine wines in my Endless Fire Domain, do you want to have a drink after the meeting is over?"

"Of course, I originally planned to visit Fireland," Loya said.

"Okay." Xiao Yan smiled.

At this moment, Hongjun appeared on the high platform in front of the six people.

"Meet the teacher"

"Greetings to Taoist Ancestor" the six saluted.

After taking a look, Hongjun looked at the third Luo Ya, and said seriously: "Haotian, do you know your mistake?"

"The disciple knows his mistake." Luo Ya said shamelessly, although there was the reason of Yao Chi back then, there was also the reason of his overconfidence.

"Your character is too arrogant, fierce, and you don't know how to restrain yourself. That's why you haven't been able to step into the Supreme, and that's why you suffered a disastrous defeat back then. I hope that when you come back this time, you can guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and make further progress," Hongjun said.

"is teacher"

"In front of your teacher, you should pay back your favor to Taiqing again," Hong Jun said.

"Yes" Luo Ya said, looked at Taiqing, kowtowed again: "Brother, Haotian will never forget the great kindness"

"Junior brother is serious," Taiqing said softly.

After Hongjun nodded, he said: "The reason why I called you to Zixiao Palace today is that there will be great changes in the chaos. As a teacher, together with the nine rulers, we will start the battle of the ten thousand realms, hoping to slow down the crisis."

"Teacher, what is the crisis?" Taiqing asked curiously after listening.

"You don't need to know this for the time being, let me talk about the first thing first, Xiao Yan, Aotian, Zulong, Yahweh, are you willing to formally join my sect?" Hong Jun said.

After Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, they all kowtowed and said: "Yes"

"Okay" Hongjun waved his hand, and saw an ancient black banner with an ordinary appearance flying out.

"Xiao Yan, you have an unrestrained personality, prudent handling of things, emphasizing love and righteousness, and utter understanding. I will give you this Pangu Banner. This is an extremely honorable weapon. It is obtained by Chaos as a teacher. It can release Chaos Sword Qi and destroy the world." Jun said.

After Xiao Yan saw it, he immediately expressed gratitude: "Thank you teacher."

Hongjun waved his hand again, and saw that the four swords, which were extremely sharp and shining, flew towards Aotian.

"Aotian, you have a fierce personality, justice in your heart, the ability to resist demons, and a benevolent heart. I will give you the Four Swords of Slaying Evil. I hope you will kill evil spirits and uphold justice," Hong Jun said.

"Thank you"

"Zulong, you are the supreme dragon clan. Although you are a little proud, but you can't stop liking and disliking your heart, and misunderstood the great cause of Xuanhuang. As a teacher, I will give you the Zulong sword, the dragon robe, and the heart-protecting pearl." Hongjun waved his hand. Although the three pieces are not supreme divine weapons, they are still infinitely powerful.

"Mr. Xie" Zu Long said excitedly.

"Lord, although you entered the Supreme through faith, you have great perseverance and great ambition, and your teachings guide people to be good. As a teacher, you bestowed a god-killing gun." Hongjun waved his hand again, a terrifying golden gun that revealed endless killing flew out.

"Thank you, teacher," Jehovah said gratefully.

"As for Taiqing, Haotian, you have already given it, so I won't give it away"

"Yes, teacher." Luo Ya and Da Qing understood that they were indeed treasures.

"The six of you who come under my sect can preside over the battle of the myriad worlds," Hong Jun said.

"Teacher, what is the Battle of Ten Thousand Realms?" Zu Long asked curiously.

"The so-called Battle of Myriad Realms is the battle of the universes born of chaos. It will be presided over by six people including you. It will start once every 3 years. Hundreds of billions of elites will be selected for a decisive battle. Whoever wins will be rewarded by the master," Hongjun said indifferently .

"Hundred billion" Luo Ya and others frowned.

"Teacher, what if you fail?" Xiao Yan asked immediately.

"Except for the six people like you and the Supreme Realm that may appear in the future, all of them will be destroyed," Hongjun said indifferently.

"Destruction" everyone looked at each other after being startled.

(End of this chapter)

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