Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 157 Hope In The Future

Chapter 157 Hope In The Future

After a brief silence, Xiao Yan frowned and said, "Teacher, do I, Xuanhuang Universe, have to participate?"

"That's right, if you don't participate, it's tantamount to abstaining, and it will be ruined," Hongjun nodded.

Luo Ya's eyes narrowed, "Teacher, if some people are stored in our internal body world, will they be spared?"

"No, because although the six of you are my disciples, they are not among the ranks of being wiped out in defeat, but once you lose the battle, you need to hand over the inner world and all the magic weapons you have. In addition, the entire universe will be destroyed and merged into other universes. Among them, so we can only fight with all our strength," Hongjun said solemnly.

"Taozu, what does it mean to integrate?" Hearing this, Aotian asked curiously.

"Immortal needs to condense the world in the body. As long as the soul is not scattered, you can rely on the world in the body to condense the real body again at any time. The god level must understand the law of time, create a godhead, be the center of the world, and give birth to life. As for the supreme, it is actually the same. The ninth level of god rank is divided into the third rank of the lower god, the third rank of the middle god, and the third rank of the upper god. The power to destroy the earth," Hong Jun said.

Everyone nodded. The reason why the Supreme can become the strongest in the universe is that they have condensed the golden body of law and have boundless supernatural powers.

"However, the golden body of the law of cohesion is not enough to rely on your world alone. It needs the help of the entire universe, and the energy is too great. Therefore, with the current accumulation of the Xuanhuang universe, there can only be seven at most. If there is one more, the universe will collapse. Apart from the teacher and Haotian, there are already five of you, and Haotian, after the death of the teacher, cut off part of it and turned it into the Nine Dragon Ring, which means that there are no places in our universe. No matter how hard we try, It is also impossible to step into the Supreme," Hong Jun said.

"So that's the case, no wonder some people are obviously very good, but they have been unable to step in for a long time," Tai Qingming realized.

"Yes, it is because of this that Alsat has been unable to condense the golden body of the law. It is not that he is not good enough, but he does not have this energy to support him. However, he can enter the grave with great perseverance and courage, or if he has a chance, even if he cannot cross If you enter, you can also be like Haotian, not the Supreme, but the fighting power is not inferior to the Supreme," Hong Jun said softly.

"Teacher, can it be increased by annexing other universes?" Zulong asked.

"Really, as long as it is annexed, the minimum will be doubled. In addition, the supreme is also divided into levels. If it succeeds, you will also be directly promoted because of the blessing of the universe. As for how much, it depends on personal opportunities," Hong Jun said.

"Teacher, what about the Lord?" Yahweh asked eagerly.

"Haha, the Juggernaut is not within your reach. The strongest of you is Xiao Yan, who is only at the third rank of the Supreme Being. The Supreme Sea radiates 3000 million miles. This is still far away. Besides, the Juggernaut cannot be entered by relying on external forces. You need to understand chaos. When your world can enter the black and yellow universe, feed on chaos and live freely, maybe the time will come. The way of domination is mysterious and mysterious, and it is wonderful. Let’s go slowly," Hongjun said with a smile .

"is teacher"

"Also, the Supreme God Soldiers must not be brought into the Ten Thousand Realms battlefield, as it will disrupt the balance, understand?"


"Okay, whether Xuanhuang Universe can really win depends on your efforts."

"Teacher, only 3 years is too short," Tai Qing said.

"Haha, the 3 years that the teacher said is 3 years of chaos, according to the Xuanhuang universe, that is 60 years," Hong Jun said.

"60." Luo Ya and the others were taken aback for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief. The time is still around the corner.

"You have to remember, it's meaningless to push the seedlings to encourage others. You can do it, and so can other walks of life. Only the truly strong can change the situation of the battle. For this reason, the teacher will conduct a bloody test in advance." After Hongjun finished speaking, Suddenly, with a light wave of his hand, a light curtain appeared in front of him. In the light curtain, it seemed that an extremely huge universe was approaching the Xuanhuang universe.

"This universe is the Zerg universe, which was collected for the master in the chaos," Hong Jun said.

"Zerg Universe" Luo Ya's eyes froze.

"Zergs are by nature killing and devouring everything, and the entire universe will soon be shattered. Take them as opponents in trials. Not only are the powers of Xuanhuang, you will also meet opponents. If such a universe cannot be defeated, then other It’s even more unnecessary, and at the same time, in this universe, there are many things prepared for the teacher, it depends on the following opportunities.”

"Teacher, is there a Supreme in this Zerg universe?" Taiqing said seriously.

"That's right, there are not only nine of them," Hong Jun said with a smile.

"Nine" Luo Ya and others became serious.

"Haha, they won't all come over, at most they will be the same number as you, but because the universes collide, they will be supported by the Xuanhuang universe, so there will be an endless stream of Zerg races," Hong Jun said with a smile.

"Teacher, how long will it take for this Zerg universe to arrive?"

"At the current speed, it will arrive in 5000 years," Hong Jun said.

"5000 years" everyone frowned.

"The rest will be left to you. As the teacher is the master, you should maintain justice. After 300 million years, the door will be opened for the teacher association," Hong Jun said, and then slowly disappeared.

After Luo Ya saluted again, they all stood up solemnly.

"Do these things need to be communicated to the entire universe?" Zulong frowned.

"The Zerg race is fine, but there is no need for the War of Ten Thousand Realms. After all, there are still 60 years left. The way of cultivation should not be hasty, but still need to move forward steadily. In fact, even if there is no War of Ten Thousand Realms, I will wait for the disciples and grandchildren below to say that they will not work hard." , rather than directly announcing it, the selection of Alsat God Kingdom is more appropriate." Ao Tiandao
"That's right, since the kingdom of God can be selected, I think the temple can also be selected, focusing on training," Taiqing nodded.

"I think it's ahead of the Zerg, let's see how the Alsat God Kingdom's selection works," Xiao Yan said.

"Then let's do this for the time being. After the Alsat God Kingdom selection is over, the six of us will discuss the details in the temple," Yahweh said.

"Ok, Ok"

As soon as the voice fell, the faces of several people were shocked suddenly. After a golden light flashed in Luo Ya's eyes, he said unexpectedly: "Ye Qing"

"Haha, I'm not mistaken, this little guy's skills are extremely strange, he directly found another way, the origin of the universe feels threatened," Aotian laughed loudly.

"It's really interesting. His exercises seem to restore the birth of the universe step by step, which is completely different from our strength relying on the universe." Taiqing was a little surprised
After Loya looked carefully for a long time, he suddenly shook his right hand lightly, and saw that the Nine Dragon Ring suddenly separated a ring exuding light, and after a light touch, it went towards the universe below.

"Perhaps in this era, we are not the protagonists anymore. I hope that in the future," Luo Ya said lightly, then suddenly a light flashed, and Gion appeared in Zixiao Palace, and said with a warm smile: "Emperor, we should go back home"

 That's it. In fact, I originally wrote this chapter, and I still need a lot of plots, but the grades are too bad. If I continue to write, I won't be able to write well. However, the content of the outline has been written. I hope that in the future
(End of this chapter)

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