Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 59 Battle of King Bonaparte

Chapter 59 Battle of King Bonaparte (for collection, recommendation)
"Dog Nip Red Lotus"

"Tianmu God Needle"

In the middle of the air, following the shouts of Sakaski and Loya, viscous fiery red dog head magma shot up from the ground one by one, and the sharp wooden blades with metallic luster were directed towards their central throne. Bonaparte attacked fiercely.

"Soul Blood Wall" Bonaparte spread his hands calmly, and saw two blood-red crystal walls densely covered with black lines appear in front of his eyes. After two powerful attacks collided with it, they burst out like thunder. The loud noise inspired a terrible wind.

However, when the wind and waves gradually dissipated, I saw that the two crystal walls were not damaged at all, like the strongest shield in the world, nothing could be broken.

The faces of Loya and Sakaski suddenly turned serious.

"Is the future general's strength only at this level?" After Bonaparte smiled disdainfully, he suddenly said with a cold face: "The soul snake bites"

After the black lines on the wall seemed to be active, after a slight twist, the wall exploded with a bang, and dozens of ferocious black snakes bit at Loya and Sakaski respectively.

"Demon Devouring Heavenly Halberd" Lou Ya shouted, and transformed into a divine soldier, shooting the halberds in all directions, beheading the soul snake that was rushing towards him.

Under the fierce punch of "Big Flame" Sakaski, terrifying magma ran across the sky, and all the soul snakes were burned instantly. After the magma flowed slightly, it turned into ferocious volcanic rocks with a bang. Dancai rushed towards Bonaparte from different angles.

At the same time, Sakarski himself, under cover, prepared to approach.

"Sakaski, be careful." Loya, who had just killed the last soul snake, said worriedly after seeing this scene.

Looking at Sakalski who was killing him, Bonaparte slightly raised the corner of his mouth, black lights flashed in his blood-red eyes, and after his body shook, he shouted: "Soul Storm-Volume"

I saw a terrifying black storm rushing out of his body with bursts of miserable cries, and Sakaski's figure was instantly swallowed by the storm.

In the soul storm, Sakarsky looked at Bonaparte who was not far away, and was just about to make a move, when suddenly a sense of extreme fatigue hit him, as if he hadn't slept for countless days, and his eyelids were extremely heavy.

"Not good, master, this crystal soul fruit not only has amazing defense, but also can directly affect the human soul. If Sakaski didn't pay attention, it was eroded." After seeing it, the monster devoured it and said quickly.

Hearing this, Luo Ya grabbed the Demon-Eating Halberd and said in a loud voice: "Second gear-Chi You"

Fiery red blood flowed out, and Roja flickered, rushing directly into the storm. After swiping the halberd in his hand rapidly, a black dragon circled out.

"Dragon Howls"

After hearing a huge explosion, the soul storm exploded, and Bonaparte in the air took a few steps back. After the storm disappeared, Sakaski suddenly woke up. After landing in a panic, he looked at the Bonaparte.

"Okay, okay, it's Lieutenant General Loya. Speaking of which, you two are really outstanding, so how about it! As long as you are willing to submit to me, I can give them the position of Golden King, ranking above the Twelve Golden Warriors , In the future kingdom, the rights are second only to me, with unlimited money and rights, which is much better than you being the dogs of the Tianlong people," Bonaparte said appreciatively.

Loya smiled coldly, landed next to Sakaski, and said, "Are you okay!"

"Bastard" Sakaski's face was ugly and scary at this moment, his fists were clenched, and his whole body was trembling slightly. Since his debut at the Naval Academy, he has never suffered such a big loss, except for those at the level of One Piece. As a legendary pirate, he won directly and overwhelmingly.

In particular, he asked himself that he was the leader of Loya, Kuzan, and Polusalino, and he couldn't tolerate him needing Loya's rescue.

I saw that with Sakaski's anger, the earth began to shake, and after a series of rumbling sounds, ferocious magma was spewed out from the ground.

Seeing this scene, Bonaparte's gaze became much more serious.

"I want your life!" I saw that Sakaski stepped on the ground and shot out like a cannonball. He punched Bonaparte with hot magma with his fierce punch.

"Soul Blood Wall"

The solid crystal wall appeared again, and Sakaski's fist hit it straight.

"It's useless, you can't break through my defense" Bonaparte sneered.

Hearing this, Sakalski shouted, his own pride and will came together, and he saw that the impenetrable wall began to tremble, and as the fire slowly spread, there was only an explosion, and the center of the crystal Pierced by magma.

"What?" Bonaparte was startled, his hands flashed red, covered with a layer of solid blood spar.

The two immediately fought hand-to-hand in mid-air. The strong wind of the collision was like an invisible sharp blade, and dazzling cracks appeared on the houses on the island.

"This guy..." Loya glanced at him for a while, and frowned at Bonaparte, who was not at a loss in the hand-to-hand combat.

"Master, his eyes seem to have insight, so he can block Sakaski," said the Demon Devourer.

"Really? Let's see if he can see the two of us." After Loya said coldly, he jumped up suddenly, holding the Devil-eating halberd and rushed up, and began to besiege Bonaparte with all his strength.

When Roja also joined, Bonaparte couldn't hold it any longer, and his body was gradually covered by crystals, but even so, he was still beaten back by Loya and Sakasky.

Although the "bastard" was not yet defeated, Bonaparte, who was trying to become the strongest in the world, could not let himself be at a disadvantage. After roaring angrily, the black soul storm radiated again.

"Let's do this again" I saw the blood in Luo Ya's eyes flashed, he suddenly opened his mouth, and a vortex emerged in an instant, and suddenly a wave of heavenly power descended, and the countless residual spirits in the soul storm seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and they all rushed out. Headed towards Loya's mouth.

"What?" Bonaparte's face trembled, and even Sakalski looked at it in surprise, and Loya was belching a lot.

"It's so good to eat" the comfortable voice of the Devouring Beast sounded again, the remnant spirit was invisible and elusive, making it difficult to defend against.

"Why, just this trick" Loya sneered as he looked at Bonaparte who was showing a little panic.

Bonaparte's face darkened, "Do you think you can defeat me like this? You underestimate the crystal soul fruit too much. In this case, I will let you understand what true power is."

Bonaparte spread his hands, and saw a rhombus-shaped blood-red crystal protruding from the red mark between his eyebrows after a slight electric arc flickered.

"Crystal Soul Kingdom"

After the solemn voice, the sky and the earth trembled slightly. After Loya and Sakaski watched closely, they saw everything on the palace island, no matter the land, houses, or trees, turned into blood-red crystals. Black lines run through it.

"Superman Fruit Awakening"

Loya said seriously that once the fruit is awakened, it will be able to affect things other than the ability user itself, and can make the surrounding things become a part of his ability, making his ability more powerful, and the scope and effect of use will be more terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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