Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 60 Blood Crystal Warrior

Chapter 60 Blood Crystal Warrior (please collect, please recommend)
When the whole island seemed to turn into blood crystals, Bonaparte's eyes froze, and after lightly clenched his right hand, the ground of blood crystals fluctuated. Gathering behind them, soon, a huge statue with a height of several tens of feet, which was casted by blood crystals, looked like a warrior, with bright armor and a long sword, slowly emerged from the ground.

Bonaparte opened his hands, and his whole body slowly blended into the center of the statue's eyebrows. With a flash of dazzling red light, the statue seemed to come alive.

"Blood crystal warrior, kill"

After the haughty voice sounded, an earth-shattering storm spread, and Luo Ya and Sakaski, who were facing them, were blown away in an instant.

When the two of them flipped over several times and landed just now, they looked at the imposing blood crystal warrior in front of them, their faces full of seriousness.

"What's that?" Panting, Doflamingo and Vinsmoke Gage also turned their heads to look at the terrifying figure standing between the sky and the earth, their expressions shaking.

"Loya, Sakaski, Doflamingo, Vinsmoke Gage, I'm giving you one last chance, submit to me, or die," Bonaparte among the blood crystal warriors announced coldly .

"Pretending to be a ghost, breathing fire!" After hearing this, Sakaski threw out another punch fiercely. However, the Lava Fist, which usually looked huge, looked like a small flame in front of the blood crystal warrior.

After seeing Bonaparte sneering, the blood crystal warrior stretched out his palm, which was bigger than the Cretan palace, and gently grasped it. With just one pinch, Sakaski's unique skills were destroyed.

"What?" Sakalski said in shock.

"Since you are determined to seek death, don't blame me." The Blood Crystal Warrior moved, raising his huge fist and descending from the sky with destructive power.

"Master, be careful"

Loya and Sakasky immediately dodged at a very fast speed. After their fists hit the ground fiercely, a terrible explosion sounded, and the ground was overturned, and the entire island was torn apart. There were bursts of mourning, and some remaining guards and maids on the island shouted miserably.

Doflamingo and Vinsmoke Gage, who were fighting, also broke away.

"Master" saw baby-5 pulling Mary Windsor and falling into a huge crack, and shouted with fear on his face.

Luo Ya, who managed to stabilize his figure in the air, took a look, and flicked the Demon-Eating Halberd in his hand, turning it into a set of black long whips, trapping the two of them, and pulling them together Back to his side.

"Master, it's too late to continue like this. He is now not only amazingly powerful, but also invincible. Hurry up and use the shadow clone technique to make a final fight with the strength of three future generals," Demon Devourer said seriously.

Loya frowned, the shadow avatar was his last trump card.

"Hahaha" At this moment, Bonaparte looked at the dilapidated island and laughed excitedly.

Not far away, Vinsmoke Gage, who was covered in wounds, was trembling slightly at this time, with fear on his face. Seeing that Lance and the other four gold fighters had returned to Bonaparte, he gritted his teeth, suddenly The combat boots under his feet emitted light, and he turned and ran.

When Luo Ya saw this scene, a trace of disdain appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect you, Vinsmoke Gage, to be such a cowardly and cowardly person. You are not worthy to be the overlord of the North Sea. Okay, okay, let you go. Today I will spare your dog's life, but Wen Leave the Smokey family to Beihai forever, or I will see it once and destroy it once." Bonaparte also saw it, and suddenly taunted loudly.

When Wensmoke Gage heard this, he turned his head with a look of embarrassment and anger, "Bonaparte, I will definitely be back."

After speaking, he left even faster.

At this time, Loya looked at Doflamingo next to him and said, "Aren't you leaving? Your ability seems to be able to fly too"

Hearing this, Doflamingo said with a hint of arrogance in his eyes: "He has no right to let me run away like this."

After finishing speaking, Doflamingo looked at baby-5 who was hiding behind Loya, and said seriously: "Baby-5, come here"

Hearing this, baby-5 shook his head and hugged Loya's right leg tightly.

Doflamingo frowned, looked at Loya coldly, and turned his head away after seeing Loya smile slightly, and didn't say anything more, now it's not about this time.

"It seems that my opponent is only you three." Bonaparte looked at the three of Loya and said coldly.

"Do you think you can really be invincible? Your ability is indeed terrifying, but let me tell you, the power of the navy and the government is beyond your imagination," Loya responded.

"Really? Then I want to see it," Bonaparte said disdainfully.

"I have a trick, maybe I can solve him." After Doflamingo said, suddenly there was another clone of Doflamingo next to him.

"Go." After Doflamingo said, the avatar rushed out immediately. When it was halfway, it suddenly turned into countless silk threads and sprayed out into the air. After Luo Ya and the others glanced unexpectedly, they saw The silk threads continuously flying into the air fell like a meteor shower, and the falling position just wrapped the blood crystal warrior and the four golden fighters, and a huge arc-shaped birdcage appeared in front of him.

"Destroy me." Doflamingo grabbed it fiercely, and the birdcage cut the ground, cut everything, and began to gather towards the center.


"Birdcage" Loya raised his eyebrows. In the future, Doflamingo intends to use this move to destroy the entire Dressrosa. Even the meteorite summoned by Fujitora cannot be destroyed until Luffy defeats him. It finally disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Bonaparte said disdainfully, and suddenly pulled out the blood crystal long sword that was shining with light at his waist, and with a strong slash, an astonishing sword glow swept out. After a huge explosion, it was seen that the thin silk thread was not broken, and the birdcage did not disappear, but Doflamingo himself did spit out a mouthful of blood, turned his head and said: "Quick, I will imprison him, You sink the whole island, sink it to the bottom of the sea"

Hearing this, Luo Ya suddenly put his hands on the ground, "The Prison of the Cage"

In the birdcage, countless vines rushed out of the ground, flashed with light, and turned black. After the battle with Sakasky, he was able to attach the armed domineering color to it.

I saw black vines quickly extending to the blood crystal warrior's body, and he locked him tightly.

"Doflamingo can't last much by himself, Sakaski, I'll leave it to you," Loya said, turning his head.

When Sakaski heard this, his eyes froze, and after he yelled, billowing magma surged out of his arm.

"If you do this, all other life on this island will be over"

At this moment, a faint voice sounded, and in mid-air, Drago, wearing a military coat, arrived, looking at the terrifying blood crystal warrior, raised his hands solemnly, and instantly the gust of wind wrinkled the sky. Dark clouds rolled in, and huge waves were set off in the ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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