Chapter 12
Only Ye Guxin knew the meaning of his words, and there was no other meaning in his words, it was just a pity for those few sips of wine, I don't know if Zhou Shao and the others would vomit blood and die on the spot if they knew his thoughts.

"Senior, what did you do to us? Why can't I feel the existence of the Nascent Soul? Could it be..." Zhou Shao hurriedly checked his body after the wine ball entered his body. Don't be surprised by this check. Cha Dian scared himself to death, he couldn't feel his Nascent Soul, as if he had never had a Nascent Soul.

He thought of everything he could do, but it still didn't work at all. He looked at them again and found that their expressions were the same as his.

He knew that they might also have their own situation, and the man in black in front of him must have used some method to imprison his own Nascent Soul, or he might have directly abolished the cultivation bases of the others. Lost.

"You don't have to think too much, your Nascent Soul has already been imprisoned by me. It is impossible for you guys to break my prohibition based on your current cultivation base. If you want to break the prohibition, it depends on you. This is the opportunity, otherwise the imprisonment will be released automatically after three years. It depends on whether you are willing to wait, so you can do it yourself. I hope that when I see you again, I will not come to kill you." Ye Guxin saw the horrified expressions on their faces road.

After Ye Guxin drank the wine in his hand, he walked towards Shopkeeper Qin. Seeing Ye Guxin walking towards him, Shopkeeper Qin instinctively took a few steps back, but thinking about it, even Zhou Shao and the others didn't look at him in his hungry eyes. What the hell, if he wanted to harm him, even if he fled to the ends of the earth, it would be useless.

Ye Guxin also saw clearly what he was doing, and finally saw that his expression had returned to normal, and couldn't help admiring.

"Treasurer Qin, I wonder if you still have Baihua Niang here?"

"Here, how much the young master wants, we don't have many here now."

"How much more, the price is negotiable." Ye Guxin frowned and said.

"Well, how can I take your money? Now there are only more than 100 jars of wine left in the wine cellar. Even if it is some small kindness of the old man, I gave it to you. I hope you don't dislike it." Shopkeeper Qin Seeing Ye Guxin frowned, his heart skipped a beat, and he said hastily.He is also a businessman. Seeing that Ye Guxin wanted Baihua Niang, he gave it to him and wanted to buy him a favor. Maybe he would help him if something happened in the future.He didn't know that his decision saved his family in the future.

Ye Guxin declined again, seeing that he couldn't refuse, so he accepted it.

"Zhang San, call two people to help bring up all the wine in the wine cellar." Shopkeeper Qin immediately asked a waiter named Zhang San to bring up the wine.

At this moment, Liu Aoyue saw that her Nascent Soul was sealed. Although she knew that the man in black in front of her had unfathomable cultivation, but as soon as his eldest lady got angry and her head became hot, she yelled at Ye Guxin.

"What kind of senior are you? Didn't you just offend you and imprison our Nascent Soul? You are saying that even if we are wrong, our family should take care of it and when it is your turn to take care of it It's gone." When she was still talking, Zhou Shao and the others had already held her back.

When Ye Guxin heard her say this, he frowned again.

"In front of me, put away your young lady's temper. This trick doesn't work for me. I want to take care of it because you guys attacked me first. My basic principle is: people don't offend me, I don't offend others , If people offend me, I will offend them."

"If you want to blame, blame you for messing with me first, hehe, as long as you can bear it for three years, there are still benefits for you, it depends on whether you want it or not." After finishing speaking, he turned around and ignored them. .

At this time, Zhang San also moved all the wine in the wine cellar, and said to the shopkeeper Qin,

: "Boss, the wine is here, can you take a look?"

"Okay, go down, you will get double this month's wages"

"Thank you, shopkeeper, thank you shopkeeper," Zhang San kept thanking shopkeeper Qin after hearing that he was going to process money for him.

"Senior, the wine is here, look..."

Shopkeeper Qin wanted to continue, but was too shocked by what was happening before him to speak.

I saw Ye Guxin grabbing the air with his left hand, and countless golden light spots suddenly appeared in the air, all of them gathered towards his hand.A small golden sword formed in Ye Guxin's hand, and two small golden characters "Earth Emperor" appeared on the sword body.

"Okay, I can't ask for your wine in vain. I will give you this little sword. If you have any difficulties, just say what you want to say to this golden sword, and then drip water on the sword. One drop of blood, if I can help, the golden sword will be wiped out. If I don't agree, the golden sword will not react." He said and handed the golden sword to the shopkeeper Qin.

Shopkeeper Qin rubbed his hands on his clothes excitedly, then took the sword over.

(Because my original manuscript is gone, I want to add the plot of the fairy sword to the original content. I don’t know what your opinions are, please explain in the book review)

(End of this chapter)

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