Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 13 Forbidden Land Immortal

Chapter 13 Forbidden Land Immortal
Seeing Shopkeeper Qin taking the sword, Ye Guxin said to him: "You put a drop of blood on the sword, and only those who have your blood can use this sword in the future. Even if others get it, they won't be able to use it. someone is thinking about"

After speaking, he glanced around, and the people around who looked at the golden sword with fierce eyes couldn't help but freeze, Ye Guxin didn't know what these people were paying attention to.

Shopkeeper Qin also saw the gazes around him, quickly bit his middle finger, dripped a drop of blood on the sword, and saw that as the blood dripped onto the golden sword, the sword seemed to be like a sponge, and the blood was poured out in an instant. Absorbed.

As the blood disappeared, a thin red line appeared on the golden sword.

After Ye Guxin saw that Jian Ye had successfully recognized his master, he said to the shopkeeper Qin: "Okay, I'll take your wine, I promise to help you once, and we're done." Then he said to Liu Shaosan: "I don't care what you do. Hate me, but innocent people better not mess around. If you want revenge, I'd better find some good-looking people. I have to waste my hands and feet"

Hearing Ye Guxin's words, Young Master Zhou and the others felt a chill in their hearts, Immortal, is he an immortal?No wonder he is so powerful, maybe this person from the Eight Great Aristocratic Families is doomed.

When they were still surprised, Ye Guxin waved to the hundreds of altars of Baihua Niang in front of him, and the wine disappeared without a sound.And there is another page in his Conferred Gods, and the Conferred Gods have already been classified into different categories. He is divided into wine chapters, herbs chapters, materials chapters, spar chapters, pill chapters, weapons chapters, and armor chapters. Articles, articles on magic weapons, articles on exercises, and articles on seals.

The wine section is used to store the best wines in the world. Every time he drinks a good wine, he always collects a few jars. No matter how he wants to drink it, he will keep one jar in it.

The medicinal herbs section contains some precious and rare medicinal materials he picked.Generally, medicinal materials that are not very precious are not placed here, but are placed in their own space.

Each of the others also contained some precious items.Because he thinks that putting those low-grade things in Fengshen is an insult to it.

After Ye Guxin took away the drink, he teleported out of the city regardless of what they did.Wandering around aimlessly again.

After Ye Guxin disappeared, Zhou Shao and the others went home alone. As soon as they got home, they were reprimanded by the Patriarch, and then asked them to tell what happened. , his complexion finally changed.Still not caring about reprimanding him, he met with the other eight great families in the capital. There are only four of the eight great families in the capital, that is, the Zhou family, the Li family, the Liu family, the Yang family, and Liu Aoyue is also a member of the Yang family. It's just that she takes her mother's surname.

Her mother was the former eldest daughter of the Liu family.

After discussing with several other Patriarchs, the Patriarch of the Zhou Family still felt that the majesty of the Eight Great Families should not be offended, so he decided to invite the ancestors in the forbidden area. They all have instructions, if the family is not at the last juncture, they must not disturb their clean-up.

Now this kind of situation can't stop, after all, the dignity of the family cannot be offended.

family sanctuary
Heads of the Four Families
"Old Ancestor, that's how things are, I implore the Old Ancestor to come out of the mountain," the Patriarch of the Zhou family said to the forbidden area after explaining the matter.

At this time, a laugh came out.

"Hehe, Immortal, I haven't done anything for a long time, and it's time to go out for a walk, don't you think so, Lao Liu."

"Yeah, if things go on like this, this bone won't be able to move anymore, and it's time to move it," Lao Liu also said.

"Okay, let's go meet this person." At this time, another person said.

Not long after, eight people came out from the forbidden area. They wore the costumes representing the family. The Zhou family was golden, the Liu family was black, the Li family was blue, the Yang family was cyan, and the other four families were Dongfang and Nangong. , Ximen and Zhuge respectively represent the four colors of yellow, orange, black and white.

The four masters looked at the eight people and said respectfully: "Old ancestor"

"Okay, okay, you go back, we'll go back to this person now to see if he is a real immortal, but from what you said just now, even if he is not an immortal, he will not be too far behind."

"Hehe, some play"

These eight people are not too tall, because as long as they can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, they will generally reshape their bodies, but it is worth noting that they have a dusty aura on their bodies, and there are fairy spirits flowing all over their bodies. Qi.

(Stop writing, let’s stop here today. I caught a cold today, and I really can’t take it anymore. Do you have any opinions on the book review? I don’t know what opinions you have on adding the plot of the fairy sword. I haven’t written this paragraph yet. , I just don’t know what your attitude is?)
(End of this chapter)

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