Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 203 Entering Kunlun

Chapter 203 Entering Kunlun
Enter Kunlun
Ye Guxin didn't pay much attention to the other medicinal herbs in the courtyard, and went straight to a big tree with lush branches, looked up, and saw ginseng fruits hanging quietly on the tree, swaying with the wind from time to time Twice.It moves like a child about three months old.Adorably tight.

When Ye Guxin came under the ginseng fruit tree, he could feel that the land under his feet seemed different, it was as hard as a diamond, and it didn't look like land at all.I couldn't help but praise in my heart, "This ginseng tree is really extraordinary. I think even in the prehistoric period when there were elixir everywhere, ginseng fruit trees were among the best.

Ye Guxin didn't want to stay longer in Wuzhuang Temple, after admiring the ginseng fruit trees, he came back to his senses, his left hand turned into a sword finger, and he slashed down on a straight branch.When the branch touched his sword energy, it was like a knife cutting tofu, and it fell from the ginseng fruit tree in an instant.Ye Guxin wouldn't let this baby fall to the ground, and Fengshen immediately took the tall branch into it.

Thinking that one was not enough, he cut another one from the tree. Ye Guxin's cutting is very charming, each branch is in the most inconspicuous place, and when cutting, he always cuts off the whole branch, so that Those who are interested will not find the flaws.After cutting off two branches, Ye Guxin was not greedy, and hurriedly withdrew and left Wuzhuang Temple.After coming to a place far away, unfold the Fengshen to have a look.

I saw that the two branches had been planted in a piece of soil that was the same as the land in Wuzhuang Temple according to his wishes, and endless spiritual energy was circulating around, slowly nourishing the ginseng fruit tree in Ye Guxin's mind.Seeing that the two ginseng fruit trees showed no signs of withering, Ye Guxin knew that one day they would grow into towering trees, and by that time ginseng fruit would no longer be the sole product of Wuzhuang Temple.Thinking of Ye Guxin, he couldn't help admiring the magic of Fengshen.

Think about those elixir, although they should be found at the auction, but there is one that can't be found, that is, Huangzhong plum.The Queen Mother of the West didn't know the planting method and environment back then, so the spiritual root withered, but although the yellow plum withered, the spiritual root was still there.Ye Guxin believes that as long as Huang Zhongli is transplanted into Fengshen.It can definitely make it dead again.Rejuvenate.

Kunlun Mountain, born of gods and men, is thousands of miles wide and thousands of miles high, where saints and immortals gather.Five-colored clouds and five-colored flowing water emerge, and the sun and the moon hide from each other and become light.There are Liquan and Yaochi on it.In the Yaochi, there is the Queen Mother of the West, the Lord of Kunlun.Kunlun has always been called the most holy mountain in the world by all walks of life.The scene inside is indeed three points better than the fairy mirror

Ye Guxin actually wanted Huang Zhongli, so he had to go to Kunlun to meet the Queen Mother of the West. The Queen Mother of the West was an ancient goddess with profound skills. Judging from Ye Guxin's current cultivation level, it is difficult to be her opponent.But Ye Guxin didn't come here today to fight.Ye Guxin's cloud journey is so fast, he has already arrived at this sacred mountain, Kunlun, in a short while.

I saw innumerable birds and animals on Kunlun Mountain, the fragrance of birds and flowers, and all kinds of exotic flowers and plants that could not be seen from the outside were everywhere in front of Ye Guxin.I couldn't help thinking: Kunlun Mountain is worthy of being the number one sacred mountain in the world, and there is indeed a reason for it.I don't know how much better than I am afraid of Luzhou in the north.It's just that I don't know if the Queen Mother of the West can get along well.

Thinking about it, he wanted to enter the Kunlun Mountains. Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of Ye Guxin. The figure was extremely huge. Its body was like a huge tiger with nine heads and a human face. He looked at Ye Guxin seriously and said: " Who came here, we know that this is the West Kunlun where the Queen Mother of the West lives." This person is indeed the guardian deity of Kunlun Mountain, the Enlightened Beast.Its voice was as huge as a thunderbolt, and it was shocking.

Ye Guxin couldn't help frowning when she heard that, she didn't want to fall out with West Kunlun, so she said flatly: "I am Ye Guxin who is afraid of Luzhou in the north, and I came here this time to meet the Queen Mother of the West, and to discuss something."

The Enlightened Beast has guarded Kunlun Mountain for countless years, and no one has seen it before. Ye Guxin also knows the name of Emperor Ye Guxin. He knows that the person in front of him is not something he can put on airs. There was something else in front of him.Unhurriedly said: "It turns out to be His Majesty the Emperor. My wife is enjoying the flowers in the garden now. The little god will go and make a report to see if the queen will receive you. Otherwise, the little god will not dare to let you enter Kunlun."

Ye Guxin didn't want to make trouble, so he nodded slightly and said, "You go, I'll be my lord here. Naturally, I won't embarrass you." After speaking, he quietly looked at the surrounding scene.

The Enlightened Beast saw it, and immediately left to inform the Queen Mother of the West.After all, Ye Guxin is not a small person now, his past deeds, coupled with the auction, made his reputation known to everyone, everyone knows it.It can be said that the most famous person in all walks of life is Ye Guxin.

In a paradise surrounded by all kinds of flowers, a stunning woman stood quietly inside. This woman was standing in the garden, countless flowers were competing to bloom, but no matter who came, they could see it at a glance. I found that no matter how brilliant these flowers bloom, that woman will always be the most beautiful one inside.

That woman did not have the glamorous aura of ordinary women, but exuded a faint aura of majesty. This aura always flashed from time to time. It was a kind of aura produced by being in a superior position for a long time.If it is a low-ranking person, it will never be possible to produce such a breath.But even so, a trace of loneliness kept flashing on her body.

For tens of thousands of years, I have been alone, without a friend to talk to, anyone will feel this lonely feeling, gods, immortals, demons, everything in the world is not much different from human beings, it can be said that gods are also Humans also have feelings, but because of cultivation, these feelings have faded, and it seems that they are not very important.But this does not mean this kind of feeling, the feeling is nothingness.

This person is the Queen Mother of the Gods born in West Kunlun.Whenever the Queen Mother of the West feels lonely, she always comes to this garden to feel the tranquility here.All the flowers and plants here are planted by her.In her heart, these flowers and plants are like his children.

At this moment, Caiyun, who was serving her by her side, suddenly walked in, and the sound of her footsteps woke Queen Mother Xi up from the peaceful atmosphere, and asked, "Caiyun, what's the matter with you coming to see me at this time?" Is it?" In Queen Mother Xi's heart, she never regarded Caiyun as a handmaiden, but as a sister, but how dare Caiyun call her sisters with Queen Mother Xi, she has always been respectful to Queen Mother West.

When Caiyun heard Queen Mother Xi's question, she quickly and respectfully replied: "Your Majesty, Brother Enlightened just now said that a person suddenly came from the foot of Kunlun Mountain and wants to see you." Queen Mother West walked out of the sea of ​​flowers slowly, thought for a while and said : "A person came? Did Kaiming say who that person is? Why do you want to see me?"

Caiyun thought for a moment: "Brother Kaiming seems to say that that person is Ye Guxin, who is the god of the mountains and the emperor of the land. The world is called the emperor of the earth. The servant girl has also heard his name and deeds. But why do you want to see you? I don't know."

The Queen Mother of the West was startled, and thought in surprise: "Emperor of the Earth?"How Ye Guxin came to me is really strange.I heard that he held some kind of auction recently, which seemed to be a sensational one.Thinking and wanting to meet this generation of strange people, he said to Caiyun: "Caiyun, you go and talk to Kaiming, let him lure Ye Guxin to Yaochi, and then you go down below to prepare some treats, and bring out some of those fairy fruits to treat guests When Caiyun heard this, he hurriedly said: "Yes, empress." There was also a hint of joy on her face, one must know that no strangers have entered Kunlun for a long time.

This time, there are not only people, but also the emperor who is well-known in all walks of life. Now Ye Guxin's reputation is indeed unmatched by anyone. The establishment of this auction can be said to be a great merit in the world.When the auction ended, Ye Guxin also felt a colorful cloud entering his body from the sky and the earth.And he felt that the world seemed to be different in his eyes.Even so, Ye Guxin did not absorb the light of merit, but stored it in Fengshen.He knows that as long as he absorbs the light of merit, he will definitely improve his cultivation by a big margin. This is a power as miraculous as the power of faith in the world.But Ye Guxin didn't want to do this.This light of merit, he will have other uses in the future.

Caiyun told the Kaiming Beast who had been waiting for the news that the Queen Mother of the West was willing to meet Ye Guxin, and Kaiming didn't dare to keep Ye Guxin waiting, so he hurried back to the foot of Kunlun Mountain, and saw Ye Guxin just as before, standing quietly, with his face on his face. It was peaceful, as if nothing in the world could surprise him.

After Ye Guxin saw the Kaiming Beast coming down, he watched him quietly, and the Kaiming Beast didn't say much, and said directly: "Your Majesty, my mother has promised to see you and asked me to send you to Yaochi, where the mother is waiting." .” He started to lead with his hands, which meant to lead the way ahead.

Ye Guxin smiled lightly and said, "Then I'll have to work." In his heart, he was [-]% sure that the Queen Mother of the West would meet him, and even if he didn't see him, he had to go to Kunlun. After all, the only place where Huang Zhongli was known now was Xixi. Kunlun.For the sake of future soil, why not break into Kunlun.

The enlightened beast hurriedly led the way, and Ye Guxin quietly followed behind him, watching the surrounding scene while walking, there are really rare and rare beasts inside, countless.When the Great Desolation was broken, many ancient beasts escaped the catastrophe by hiding in the Kunlun Mountains under the protection of the Queen Mother of the West.In the end, all of them lived happily in Kunlun.

(Today in the book review area, I saw that Longxing Tianxia No. [-] gave me four monthly tickets, and I was really moved. Everyone knows that I have never asked you for any monthly tickets, because I know my update speed It’s not as good as most VIPs, and I don’t have the face to ask, hehe, thank you.) (To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please log in to www.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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