Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 204 Meet the Queen Mother of the West

Chapter 204 Meet the Queen Mother of the West
Ye Guxin followed Kaiming, watching as he walked, this Kunlun was indeed worthy of being called a sacred mountain.Compared with other places, not only is the aura abundant, but also all kinds of exotic flowers and plants are endless.There are rare things that are hard to find outside, but they are everywhere here.There is also a hint of admiration for the Queen Mother of the West.

Ye Guxin walked across the Kunlun Mountains like a horse watching the flowers, and came to the Yaochi, and saw a dense air rising continuously above the Yaochi.The tumbling made this fairyland not like a thing in the world.There is a pavilion in the Yaochi, and there are two people in the pavilion, one is Queen Mother of the West, the lord of Kunlun, and the other is Caiyun.

When Kaiming saw that he had arrived at the Yaochi, he immediately said: "The Yaochi has arrived, forgive me for being humble and dare not enter, but you can enter by yourself, the empress is waiting in the pavilion." After finishing speaking, he quietly left here.Ye Guxin saw it, but didn't say anything, anyway, he already knew where Queen Mother Xi was.

Without hesitation, she walked directly to the pavilion. As the distance shortened, the stunning appearance of the Queen Mother of the West also appeared in Ye Guxin's eyes. Although her appearance can change the color of the world, to Ye Guxin, it is different Ordinary women are no different.Although some people have a perfect appearance, their hearts are unbearably ugly. It is just a disaster for this kind of people to get that perfect appearance.

What is beauty, in Ye Guxin's heart, the definition of beauty is in the heart, a beautiful heart makes a person beautiful, and a bad heart makes a person ugly.So I was only a little surprised by Queen Mother Xi's appearance, but there was no expression on her face.Caiyun standing in the pavilion saw a man who seemed to have an indelible sadness and loneliness on his body, and he basically knew everyone in Kunlun that this stranger should be the "legendary" Emperor Ye Guxin.

Hastily walked over and said: "You are His Majesty the Emperor, my mother is waiting for you, please come with the little maid." Ye Guxin nodded slightly, did not speak, followed behind Caiyun, and came to the Queen Mother of the West.After Ye Guxin came in front of her, he felt a natural aura of superiority emanating from Queen Mother Xi, making people feel inferior.

This aura was not intentional by the Queen Mother of the West, and Ye Guxin could tell whether it was intentional or not, but Ye Guxin couldn't touch him at all, and before he came to him, he was given the cold and lonely aura on his body. Blocked out.These things only happened in an instant, Ye Guxin's figure didn't stop, she moved like flowing clouds and flowing water, and sat in front of the Queen Mother of the West.

After Ye Guxin sat down, Queen Mother Xi, although there was no change on her face, she was shocked in her heart. You must know that even if the aura on her body was unintentional, it is not something ordinary people can resist.Although surprised, but did not show it, he gently picked up the exquisite tea set on the stone table, and poured a cup of tea for Ye Guxin.

The tea in the teacup exudes a strong aroma, which instantly spread to the surrounding space. The Queen Mother of the West picked up the teacup and took a shallow sip, and said, "Ye Guxin, I basically know what you do and what you do. Because, I also admire it in my heart, but I don’t know what is the reason for your sudden visit to Kunlun this time.” Queen Mother Xi’s voice was soft and majestic.

Ye Guxin also picked up the teacup in his hand and took a sip slowly, instead of answering her immediately, he said: "I, Ye Guxin, have always been a drunkard. It can be said that I have no drink and no joy. Today I can drink such a superb drink with you. Tea really has a different feeling." After taking a sip of this unknown tea, Ye Guxin felt a faint cool breath circulating around his body, and the endless tea fragrance was exuded from his mouth.

The Queen Mother of the West smiled lightly and said, "Really? It seems that I really took the wrong one this time, but even if I did, I don't have any wine in Kunlun. I don't know if this is my bad hospitality?" He took a playful look at Ye Guxin.I am also very curious about Ye Guxinxi Queen Mother. His rise time is only a few thousand years, but his experience in these thousands of years is indeed so wonderful, such a legend, which is much more exciting than his own life.

Ye Guxin smiled and said: "Don't dare, on the contrary, I should thank you for letting me experience the fragrance of tea that is different from wine here. I just don't know what this tea is called." Upon hearing this, Queen Mother Xi said indifferently: " This tea is just picked by me in my spare time. It is called Tianxiang tea. If you like it, I still have quite a few, so I can give you some.

Ye Guxin didn't refuse, and said directly: "Thank you very much. This cup of tea can really make people intoxicated, but I still prefer the taste of wine." Queen Mother Xi smiled, and suddenly said: "I also know that you Ye Guxin If you have nothing to do, you will never come to me, if you have anything to say, if you can help, I will never refuse."

Ye Guxin took a quiet look at Queen Mother Xi, and said: "Indeed, there is one thing I need your help with when I come to you. If you allow me, Ye Guxin will never forget it. If there is anything in the future, as long as we ask each other, we will definitely help you." Put down what you are doing and come here." After speaking, he stared quietly at the unhurried Queen Mother Xi.

Upon hearing this, the Queen Mother of the West glanced at Ye Guxin, as if she wanted to see through his heart, took two sips of tea slowly, and said: "I don't know what made you do this, but I know that your character It's rare for a human being to ask for help, why did you make it this time?"

After thinking about it, Ye Guxin is not afraid of people knowing, after all, there is nothing shameful, and he said with a hint of sadness in his tone: "Some time ago, my wife Houtu was seriously injured and needed many elixir, you also know that I, Ye Guxin When it comes to fighting, I would never say that I backed down, but I really don’t have many elixir. I had no choice but to come to my mother, hoping to get a taste or two of elixir, and I will be cured like a queen in the future. I will definitely bring her to thank you. "

The Queen Mother of the West couldn't help being surprised when she heard "Houtu" and said: "Houtu? You said that Houtu is your wife. How is this possible? How can people from all walks of life not know about it? I don't have any news." Surprised Qing, Liu In words.It can be seen that Houtu really surprised her.She knows who Houtu is, and when Houtu was the ancestral witch, the two of them were friends in boudoirs. Unfortunately, after Houtu was forced to enter the end of the sky, the two of them had nothing to do with each other. got engaged.

Ye Guxin didn't hide it from her, and said: "Houtu and I didn't hold a wedding, but we two have long been inseparable from each other in our hearts. After Houtu recovers, we will definitely hold a wedding. I hope you can do the same." join."

The Queen Mother of the West regained her composure, and said: "Houtu can be regarded as my boudoir friend, and he often came to my place back then. Now that Houtu is in trouble, how could I not help you? If you need any elixir, as long as I have it, Absolutely not stingy."

When Ye Guxin heard this, he hurriedly said: "I heard that you have a spiritual root here, Huang Zhongli, I hope you can give it to me. Naturally, I will repay you in the future." When Queen Mother of the West heard this, she couldn't help saying: Huang Zhongli, you Ye Guxin is really powerful, and he wanted Huang Zhongli when he came. Originally, there were only seven Huang Zhongli each time, and after the spirit root withered, there were only three left.In Queen Mother Xi's heart, it is also a treasure.After thinking for a while, he said: "Huang Zhongli's spiritual roots have withered and have been cut off long ago, and there are only three left in my Kunlun. These three can be said to be the only three in the world. In fact, the Huang Zhongli back then I also asked for it from my younger sister Houtu, so I will give you one now, it’s nothing. But you said that you and my younger sister Houtu are in love with each other, and I, as a sister, have to rely on you. If you can enter my Kunlun illusion and come out, then I will offer you Huang Zhongli with both hands."

When Ye Guxin heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said: "I once said that I, Ye Guxin, have never been afraid of any challenge. I dare not enter your Kunlun fantasy realm. But I hope that after I come out, my mother can take Huang Zhongli's hand with me." Leave the withered spiritual root to me." As he said that, there was an aura of "Although there are tens of thousands of people, I have always been in the past", under this aura, Ye Guxin's figure seemed to be countless times taller.

Seeing Ye Guxin's appearance, even the Queen Mother of the West could not help but flash a brilliant look in her eyes, but that look was immediately replaced by a gloomy look.Sometimes she also wants to be like a woman in the world, to love passionately, to try the feeling of being loved, but unfortunately what she practiced is the purest kind of skill in the world, that is Liuli Mingyu Jue.

When the world was not opened, a rare treasure was born from the chaos, the good fortune jade plate, which was later smashed by Pangu's ax when Pangu opened the sky, and turned into fragments and scattered on the wild land.Back then, Taoist Hongjun was able to realize Taoism because he got the largest fragment of the good fortune jade plate in Kunlun Mountains.

The Queen Mother of the West is also a god born from Kunlun. There happened to be a small piece of jade plate next to her birth.In the end, she sorted out a set of her own practice formulas with her own cultivation methods, and that formula was the Liuli Mingyu formula she practiced.

But because the jade piece contained too few Dao back then, there was a major flaw in her formula, that is, she could not enjoy the love and love in the world, and her body was also transformed by practicing the glazed jade formula. She became what the world calls a natural stone girl.And as soon as the opposite sex touches her body, it will immediately turn into an ice sculpture. There is no way in the world to save the ice sculpture turned into by Liulimingyujue.

The Queen Mother of the West is also a woman, and she wants someone to get rid of her loneliness for thousands of years, and she also wants to have a shoulder to rely on, but because of her own reasons, the Queen Mother of the West has almost given up this idea.Back then, there were still a few close friends in the boudoir to relieve loneliness, but unfortunately, in the prehistoric period, almost all of them were physically damaged.Now I can only work with flowers and plants every day.It's sad.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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