Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 208 Infinite Changes

Chapter 208 Infinite Changes
Infinite change
Seeing countless poisonous snakes rushing towards him, Ye Guxin couldn't help but frown. He wanted to destroy them, but he didn't know how much weight he was carrying, and he already felt like he was about to be overwhelmed and out of breath.But even so, Ye Guxin had no choice but to take a deep breath.

Then he blew fiercely at the group of snakes in front of him, and suddenly there was a strong wind, and the snakes flew up.The powerful air flow mixed with the true strength in Ye Guxin's body made it impossible for countless poisonous snakes to escape being crushed. But also because of this, the boundless weight on the body instantly sank, and Ye Guxin's kneecaps made a fierce sound in an instant.

"Okay, today I will see how long you can last, and double the weight"

Ye Guxin felt that the weight on his body had increased after Huanling finished speaking.An extremely depressive feeling spread from his body to his mind irresistibly.A strong anger flashed in Ye Guxin's chest. "I didn't even see the phantom, and I was forced to be so unbearable. I wonder when I, Ye Guxin, was so embarrassed." Thinking about it, a cold light flashed in my eyes, "I, Ye Guxin, am not afraid of challenges. Even if you have the right time and place now, but—— - My heart is invincible, then I - is invincible"

Suddenly, the Emperor's Heart began to beat rhythmically. The Emperor's Heart has always replaced Ye Guxin's heart function.In this world, even those who have reached nirvana cannot destroy the Emperor's Heart.But since the Emperor's Heart replaced the heart, it hasn't beat again.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the Emperor's Heart suddenly "thumped". At the moment of this beating, Ye Guxin felt as if the weight on his body had become lighter at this moment.But the jump disappeared afterwards, and the weight regained.It seemed that the beating just now was just an illusion of his, but Ye Guxin knew that when his cultivation base reached his level, how could there be any illusion.

And just now, he definitely didn't feel wrong, the Emperor's heart definitely beat a bit.Thinking about it, a gleam of light flashed in Ye Guxin's eyes, and he thought: Could it be that you have to be under pressure to feel it?The beating power of the Emperor's Heart is definitely not small. When it was beating just now, the weight on the body seemed to disappear.Well, today I will fight.A trace of determination flashed in Ye Guxin's eyes as he thought about it.

He suddenly smiled and said: "It's so comfortable, Huanling, is that what you are capable of? Don't you feel ashamed to show off such a little weight in front of me? You said that you are the world here. It's just bullshit. "As he spoke, he deliberately turned his body, only to hear Ye Guxin's body making a crackling sound as he turned.It was obviously the sound of bones.During Ye Guxin's turning, the bones in his whole body seemed to be falling apart.Bursts of severe pain came to my mind.But because of the thoughts in his heart, there was no displeasure on his face, but a mocking look on his face.

Seeing the sneer at the corner of Ye Guxin's mouth, the phantom hidden in the void couldn't help but feel a fire burning in his heart, but he calmed down instantly and thought: Impossible, I just imposed the power of the earth on him. Power, it doesn't make sense to be like this, is he cheating on me?After thinking about it, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "Okay, Ye Guxin, since you want to taste the taste of being a meatloaf so quickly, wouldn't it be too cruel if I didn't fulfill you? This kind of thing, How could such a "kind" person like me do it. I will fulfill you now. Hahaha..."

No matter what Ye Guxin meant when talking about the phantom, he doubled his weight again, and suddenly intense pain came from every part of his body, and instantly gathered at the location of the Emperor's Heart, the Emperor's Heart I didn't feel much about the pain, but as the pain became more and more intense, the Emperor's Heart, which had no reflection at first, suddenly and slowly emitted a golden light.

The light was very weak at the beginning, as if it could be blown out with a little breath, but with the appearance of the light, the Emperor's Heart trembled slightly, but disappeared for an instant.It was this slight tremor that made Ye Guxin see hope.

He laughed again and said: "It's too light, it's too light, it's really too light. Phantom, you are really too weak." Wanting to anger Phantom and ask him to add more weight, Ye Guxin believed that under the endless pressure Next, he must be able to understand the heart of the emperor.At that time, it was time for him to explode.

When Huan Ling heard this, he couldn't help but look at Ye Guxin's body that was kneeling on one knee, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that you are really sick. Since you are crazy, I will help you. Ten times." This multiple is for Huan Ling , is already his limit, and after doing these things, Huanling thinks that Ye Guxin will never last long in this situation, so he doesn't care about him, and goes directly to his hometown.It is indeed the place where the Mirage Orb used to be - the Mirage Spring.Back then, the phantom was trapped in the phantom spring by the phantom and could not come out.But ever since the Illusion Orb was taken away by the Queen Mother of the West, this place has been dominated by phantom spirits.It even built a palace in the magic spring.

At this time, Ye Guxin was already unconscious due to the weight of his body, but these were not what Ye Guxin could understand now. His mind had completely entered the heart of the emperor, and he could only see that the heart of the emperor was under the boundless pressure. Under the sky, the golden light became more and more intense, and five round holes were suddenly cracked on the originally flawless Emperor's Heart.The hole was only the size of a bead.

Then the sources of the five elements in the heart of the emperor suddenly entered the five holes one by one, one by one. After the source of the five elements entered, they were perfectly combined with the heart of the emperor.There is no gap.After the origin of the five elements was combined with the heart of the emperor, five different rays of light instantly flowed on the surface of the heart of the emperor.

After getting the power of the five elements, the Emperor's Heart began to vibrate slowly, first there was a slight tremor "plop, plop..." The Emperor's Heart slowly moved under Ye Guxin's gaze. Throbbing, the throbbing is getting stronger and stronger as time goes by.At the end when this jump reaches its apex.

Every time the Emperor's Heart beats, Ye Guxin feels that the weight on his body is much lighter. Until now, Ye Guxin can no longer feel the gravity around him, and his body is the only one that has ever been better, with an incomparably tyrannical force circulating in his body , colorful light looming around.

Ye Guxin suddenly closed his eyes, and slowly accommodated himself between the heaven and the earth. With the help of the origin of the five elements, Ye Guxin easily entered the heaven and the earth. connected together.Every time the Emperor's Heart beats, the surrounding space vibrates.

"Plop, plop..." All changes in the space stopped, completely controlled by Ye Guxin's Emperor's Heart, and everything in the world seemed to be Ye Guxin himself at this moment.The endless aura of heaven and earth poured into the heart of the emperor at this moment.

"Plop" every time the Emperor's Heart beats, part of the surrounding spiritual energy will be pulled into it by it, especially the power of the five elements.However, the power of the five elements entered inside without restriction, and gathered under the primordial spirit again, turning into five clusters of bright nebula. The nebula kept rolling as the power of the five elements entered continuously.

The original source of the five elements has been melted into the heart of the Earth Emperor, and the Emperor's Art automatically operates to re-condense the source of the five elements.This Earth Emperor's Art is indeed a wonderful book between heaven and earth, and Ye Guxin is the only person who has practiced the Earth Emperor's Art since his emissary. No one can say clearly what will happen to this Earth Emperor's Art.

Originally, the Emperor's Heart did not beat, but by coincidence, Ye Guxin made the Emperor's Heart even more perfect and achieved another cultivation method.It can be said that the current Emperor's Heart has broken away from the restrictions of the Emperor's Art.The origin of the five elements in the body is recondensing, but Ye Guxin's mind is drifting in an unknown place.

He seems to be in a huge time period, the chaotic world, the birth of the prehistoric, the appearance of creatures, the powerful formulas, everything, every scene, everything from the ancient prehistoric to the present is completely in front of Ye Guxin repeat.The battle of liches, the great power of the innate spirit treasure.Fragmentation of the prehistoric.The shattering of the starry sky.The loss of countless powerful people.It was deeply imprinted in Ye Guxin's mind.

Then came Ye Guxin's life, from birth to the death of both parents, being constantly abused by the children.I hid in the corner and licked the wound silently, watching the children playing with envy in my eyes.But no one can give him even a little warmth.Knowing that in the end, I became more and more lonely and indifferent.Ye Guxin formed today.

Then it fell in love at first sight with Houtu at the end of the sky, and after going through hardships, until now, countless fragments kept flashing before Ye Guxin's eyes.After seeing these, Ye Guxin's heart was shocked again and again.In an instant, his mind reached an indescribable height at this moment.A sense of enlightenment flashed in my heart.He doesn't know how long he has been here, he only knows that he seems to have experienced countless years, from chaos to the present.

At this time, the phantom was in his own phantom spring, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him seemed to be completely different, and quickly flew out of the phantom spring, only to see that the clouds that had been changing all the time suddenly stopped mysteriously In the air, and the cloud and mist seemed to be a person's heart beating, constantly agitating.Every time you beat it, you can feel that the cloud and mist are less.Moreover, the aura of the entire Kunlun was frantically rushing toward the center of the cloud.

When Huan Ling saw it, his eyes couldn't help but freeze, and said: "How could this be, how could this be, could it be that these visions were created by Ye Guxin, this is impossible."

(I am going to release a new book, I wonder if you have any comments?) (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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