Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 209 The Queen Mother of the West Appears

Chapter 209 The Queen Mother of the West Appears
Ye Guxin, the heart of the origin of the five elements, has already realized it a long time ago. Now as long as there is enough energy of the five elements, the origin of the five elements can be formed again naturally.At this time, the Queen Mother of the West also felt that something was wrong. Why did Kunlun's aura all rush towards the Kunlun illusion? Could something have happened inside?In an instant, his mind sank into the Illusion Orb.

All of a sudden, everything in the Kunlun Illusion appeared in front of her.The Queen Mother of the West saw that the phantom clouds in the phantom had condensed together, beating like a heart.Brake is mysterious.It was as if the illusion had come to life.When Queen Mother Xi saw it, her heart trembled and she thought: How could this illusion become like this? Could it be that something happened to the Emperor in it?Thinking of the Queen Mother of the West, she couldn't help but frown. You must know that Ye Guxin is the husband of Houtu after all, so no matter what happens, you can't let him have an accident in Kunlun.Thinking of the figure flashing, appearing in front of the illusion.

Seeing that a person she had never seen before appeared in the spring in the illusion, with an evil look on her face, Queen Mother Xi frowned slightly when she saw it, and asked, "Who are you? Why are you in my Kunlun? And why are you here?" What are you going to do in front of my Kunlun Illusion?" The tone was extremely cold.

The person in front of Queen Mother Xi was the phantom spirit that came out of the magic spring. Seeing Queen Mother West suddenly appear in front of her, she couldn't help but be surprised. After all, Queen Mother Xi was not afraid of illusions at all because of practicing Liuli Mingyu Jue, and it was precisely because of this back then. Only then did I get the Illusion Orb.Over the years, Huanling has always been very wary of her, always hiding in the Huanquan, rarely coming out, unexpectedly crashing a car at this time today.

With a twist in my heart, I have been hiding all these years, which really made Huan Ling feel a fire in my heart. Now that I have been discovered, I don't want to hide anymore. Besides, I can't hide.Might as well face it directly.He said directly: "Hmph, you stinky bitch, let me tell you, I am the master of this illusion. It can be said that I am the master of the world's illusion. I have been living in this illusion all these years, but you don't Just know."

When the Queen Mother heard it, she couldn't help but snorted and said: "Joke, the owner of my Kunlun Illusion has changed. This Kunlun Illusion was born from heaven and earth, and a congenital spiritual treasure - Illusion Orb was bred on the Illusory Spring. Illusion After the pearl is acquired by me, I can control everything in the illusion, when will it be your turn to be the master."

The phantom smiled evilly and said: "Actually, this is also a gift from you. When I was born in the phantom spring, I didn't have the phantom bead pressed tightly into the phantom spring. I can't tell. I didn't expect you to be so The mother-in-law was able to take away the illusion pearl without being afraid of the illusion, but she didn't expect that there was another me in the illusion spring—the illusion spirit."

Queen Mother Xi frowned when she heard this, and suddenly pointed to the cloud in front of her and said, "What's going on here, how did it become like this? And where is Ye Guxin?" It is to know exactly the news about Ye Guxin.

Huan Ling felt even more angry when he heard it, and thought: I, Huan Ling, has been hiding from you for countless years. Now when we meet, you want to point out me like a subordinate. It's not in vain, although I can't completely eliminate the impression of the Illusion Orb on me, but it's not much of a problem to resist it.You really think of me as your subordinate.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help saying: "Ye Guxin? That guy with a murderous look, heh, he was killed by me in the illusion long ago, and he has probably turned into a meatloaf now? You care about him so much, don't you and him Had a leg. If so, I'm really sorry, lol"

Upon hearing this, Queen Mother Xi turned her head abruptly, her breath became cold, and a burst of glazed brilliance flashed on her body.Looking at the phantom spirit, he said coldly: "I didn't want to care about you at first, after all, you are born with the same root as the phantom pearl. I didn't expect you to be so courageous. It's really amazing. Don't you think your cultivation can really compete with me? Is it out of your hands?" Indeed, the Illusion Orb in Queen Mother Xi's hand was originally the guest star of the phantom.

Illusion beads can set up any illusion in the world, and can break any illusion in the world.Can accommodate any environment in the world.The phantom is originally a fusion of phantoms. It can be said that the phantom is the most wonderful phantom in the world.He and the Mirage Orb appeared at the same time. If there is a positive in the world, there must be a negative.If the Illusion Orb is positive, then the Phantom Spirit is negative.

As a countermeasure, Phantom naturally has a way to counteract the Illusion Orb, so after being discovered by the Queen Mother of the West, Phantom doesn't plan to hide anymore.Going to fight one last time.

"Hmph, since you found out today, I don't believe you will let me go. Anyway, I don't want to live this life of hiding. In the worst case, I will escape from Kunlun. I am the ancestor of the world's illusion. There are very few who can kill me, as long as there is an illusion, I will be immortal, and the illusion orb can do nothing to me." The illusion said disdainfully.

The Queen Mother of the West smiled coldly, and suddenly raised her jade hand and took a jade hairpin from the top of her head. The jade hairpin was about three inches in size, the whole body was snow white, and there seemed to be liquid flowing inside.There is a jade phoenix on the handle, and the jade phoenix flutters with the wind, as if it has just left.This is indeed a piece of glazed jade that the Queen Mother of the West found in Kunlun back then. After thousands of years of refining, it became the jade phoenix hairpin on her head.This jade phoenix hairpin also sealed the soul of a phoenix whose body had been destroyed, and its power was even more immeasurable.For ten thousand years, this is the first time Queen Mother of the West has used this jade phoenix hairpin.

It can be said that this jade phoenix hairpin is not worse than some congenital spiritual treasures. In other words, congenital spiritual treasures are born from heaven and earth, without any cause and effect, so they are called congenital spiritual treasures, not all congenital spiritual treasures Baodu is as powerful as those Pangu axes and Xuanhuang pagodas.The acquired magic weapon can still surpass the innate spirit treasure in power, but the acquired magic weapon will inevitably be contaminated with cause and effect, and it is difficult to become a superior one.

When Pangu opened the sky and split the earth, from the chaos, countless spirit treasures were born in the world, and most of those spirit treasures are hard to compare with the acquired magic weapons.It can be seen that innate is not necessarily the strongest.Like the map of mountains, rivers, and land that Nuwa Empress refined from floods and shattered stars, it is much better than Xiantian.Inside since day one.Ordinary people don't think about it after being taken in.

When Huan Ling saw Queen Mother Xi take out the jade phoenix hairpin, he already knew that it was absolutely impossible to be kind today, but Huan Ling was not the kind of desperate person, he had already prepared a way out, he himself was born Born in an illusion, the illusion spring is his best shelter.He has already left a part of his body in the magic spring. As long as the magic spring does not disappear, even if he is destroyed now, he can still rely on the power of the magic spring to be reborn in the future.

Otherwise, do you think that phantom will really fight the Queen Mother of the West?Now he can't do without fighting, if he doesn't fight, even if he runs away, Queen Mother Xi will know herself, and in the future it won't be for being hunted down, now as long as this body is destroyed, he will be reborn with the magic spring You will never know that you still have this trick.It can be said that today's death is also the meaning of phantom.

But even if it was a fight to the death, the evil smile on Phantom's face had been put away, replaced by a serious face, and his fingers suddenly melted into a circle in front of him, and in an instant, the circle turned into a huge fan. Round light mirror.After doing this, the phantom smiled secretly and said, "Queen Mother Xi, I'm not afraid of you today, I'll follow up with any tricks. The light of illusion" After finishing speaking, a mysterious light suddenly shot out from the round mirror. Queen Mother of the West.

In an instant, Queen Mother Xi already felt as if she was already in another place, and the phantom was right in front of her.The ghost smiled and said: "Although you are not affected by the illusion, which greatly reduces the power of my environment, it is still effective after all, true and false, false and true, in the eyes of others, false is false, true What is true is true, but in my opinion, what is false is also true, and what is true is also false. Whoever says illusions can’t attack people.”


Huanling snorted coldly, and as soon as his words fell, Queen Mother Xi felt as if a mountain was being crushed on her body. Now Huanling is using the same strength as it used to deal with Ye Guxin, and wants to use gravity to press down on Ye Guxin. The Queen Mother of the West, but after feeling the weight on her body, the Queen Mother of the West realized that she had already been tricked by the Phantom Spirit. The flying phoenix appears from the jade phoenix hairpin.Under the pressure on her body, Queen Mother Xi suddenly waved the jade phoenix hairpin gently above her head.

This wave is indeed beautiful, without the murderous aura of ordinary people at all, only an indescribable sense of beauty, the void that the jade phoenix hairpin passed through silently opened a huge gap.

At this time, Ye Guxin was also in a wonderful state, and the origin of the five elements in the heart of the emperor was in the stage of recondensing into the heart of the original source.Five star clusters of different colors began to tumbling violently at the same time. Every time they tumbling, the size of the star cluster shrunk by one point, and if it didn't shrink by one point, the force of the five elements pouring in from outside was even more amplified.

This is only in Kunlun. If it weren't for the extremely rich aura of Kunlun Mountain, it would be unimaginable to support Ye Guxin's five elements at once.Not only is it the power of the five elements, but the cloud and mist that formed the illusion around it also slowly merged into the heart of the emperor when the heart of the emperor was beating.

I saw a cloud of white mist gradually appearing on the Emperor's Heart. The appearance of this mist made it impossible for people to watch the Emperor's Heart by themselves.A hazy feeling came from the Emperor's Heart.No matter how others look at this Emperor's Heart, they can only look at it roughly in the future.Moreover, this mist is also very useful.

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