Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 212 The Spiritual Roots of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 212 The Spiritual Roots of Heaven and Earth
Heaven and earth spirit root
Just when Xi Wangmu's hand was about to touch Ye Guxin, Ye Guxin suddenly turned around, saw the white jade hand, and couldn't help but raised his hand to block Xi Wangmu's hand. A cold breath suddenly came from her hand.

After Ye Guxin felt it, he frowned slightly, it was too late to stop it, and the aura didn't seem to be dangerous.After the cold breath circulated in the body for a week, it did not cause any harm to Ye Guxin, but dispersed into Ye Guxin's body and disappeared.Very strange.

What Ye Guxin didn't know was that that aura was the reason why people dared not touch Queen Mother Xi. As soon as Queen Mother Xi touched a woman of the opposite sex, the aura would come out automatically, instantly turning a person into an ice sculpture. He had already turned around, and just wanted to retract his hand, but unexpectedly, Ye Guxin raised his hand to block it again.

After seeing Ye Guxin blocking her hand, Queen Mother Xi couldn't help being startled, she couldn't help but said in her heart: It's over, Ziye Guxin will definitely become an ice sculpture now, if so, then how can I explain to Houtu? Could it be that Ye Guxin wants to touch it? mine.He didn't even look at Ye Guxin when he thought about it, but there was a look of sadness on his face, thinking that Ye Guxin could not escape the ending of the past.

Indeed, in the heart of the Queen Mother of the West, Ye Guxin still has some good feelings for Ye Guxin. Ye Guxin's aura has many similarities with hers, and Ye Guxin's aura of giving it up to me that flashes from time to time is always light. Gently fluctuating the thin string in her heart.If she didn't know her own body, maybe Queen Mother Xi would develop feelings for Ye Guxin.Her body is a shackle to her heart.

Ye Guxin, who was next to him, saw Queen Mother Xi suddenly showing a sad expression for some reason, and asked in a strange way: "Madam, what's wrong with you, is there something sad about you? If it's something that I, Ye Guxin, can't do, I will never refuse "Indeed, Ye Guxin absolutely felt that he owed Queen Mother Xi a favor when he took Huang Zhongli. Now that he saw Queen Mother Xi's sad look, he thought it was something embarrassing.I hope it can be resolved once and for all.

When Queen Mother Xi heard Ye Guxin's voice, her delicate body shook violently, her eyes suddenly raised to look at Ye Guxin, her face was replaced by a look of shock.He couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice: "Why are you all right? Men will turn into ice sculptures when they touch me. Why are you still fine now?" He said with an unbelievable expression on his face.

When Ye Guxin heard it, he thought of the icy breath just passed from the hands of the Queen Mother of the West, and knew there must be something wrong, so he couldn't help but said coldly: "The Queen Mother of the West, do you want to harm me? There was a burst of cold breath, so it was your fault." After speaking, the breath on his body had completely locked on Queen Mother Xi's body, and Ye Guxin would be able to react instantly whenever Queen Mother Xi made any changes.

Although Ye Guxin put on a guarded look, Queen Mother Xi's heart began to get excited, and she kept churning, thinking: He said that he felt the breath on my body, and my hand did touch him , but now he has nothing to do. Could it be that he is the person Hong Jun mentioned back then.Thinking about Queen Mother Xi, the more she felt that Ye Guxin was the one in her life.Think about it, Ye Guxin is the husband of the Houtu, so she should be asked to snatch the husband of the Houtu, not to mention that Ye Guxin will never leave the Houtu, but with her heart, she would not do such a thing.

The Queen Mother of the West looked at Ye Guxin to make sure that there was nothing wrong with him, and then slowly told Ye Guxin the whole story: "Is it also strange why, after your hand touches me, you feel a chill Your breath has entered the body?" Ye Guxin nodded silently.The Queen Mother of the West saw it and said: "This is indeed my reason, but it is beyond my control. What I practice is the Glazed Jade Jue from a small piece of good fortune jade plate that I got when I was born. In terms of Liuli Mingyu Jue, there are few people who can compare with it, but I am the only one who really practiced it. This Liuli Mingyu Jue started and ended because of me, it can be said to be God's will." Said There was an unusually lonely look on his face.

"It's not that I don't want to pass on my kung fu, but that my kung fu has a huge flaw. As long as I practice the Liuli Mingyu Jue, my body will become incapable of touching the opposite sex, otherwise there will be only permanent Turning into an ice sculpture is the end. When you met me just now, I thought you had also turned into an ice sculpture, so that's why you had that look on your face." As he spoke, he glanced at Ye Guxin and continued: "But this is not the case. There is no way, the ancestor Hongjun once helped me observe the way of heaven, and knew that my husband is one: not in the way of heaven, but traveling in the way of heaven, not in the five elements, but in the source of the five elements, not born among people, but growing in the soil , is not between heaven and earth, but is the emperor of heaven and earth."

"For thousands of years, I have been unable to figure out what this sentence means, but today after I met you, nothing happened, and I finally understand that the person that sentence refers to is you." Said Queen Mother Xi's eyes Looking at Ye Guxin seriously, he said: "Ye Guxin"

Taking a careful look at Ye Guxin, he turned around suddenly and said: "What I didn't expect was that when I realized it, I had already lost it, and I wouldn't have it. I didn't expect you to be the husband of Houtu. People, good fortune tricks people." When Queen Mother Xi said this, her tone was indescribably depressed.

Ye Guxin has been listening to Queen Mother Xi explain everything clearly, and finally knows what happened before. Although she sympathizes with Queen Mother Xi's matter, she already has Houtu, and now Houtu is still seriously injured and unconscious. How could it be possible to accept the Queen Mother of the West again.There can only be a trace of regret in my heart.If it's anything else, he will definitely help if he can, but he can't help with emotional matters.

The Queen Mother of the West turned to look at Ye Guxin. Ever since she knew that Ye Guxin was the person Hong Jun had said in those years, Queen Mother Xi's feelings towards Ye Guxin had changed drastically. "Actually, I'm really envious of Houtu. Really, if she has you as a husband, she can be said to have owned the whole world. I know you can't betray Houtu, and I'm doomed to live alone."

When Ye Guxin heard it, she couldn't help calling out "Ma'am..." but couldn't finish the rest.There was just a trace of apology flashing across his face.Queen Mother Xi shook her head when she saw it and said, "Okay, let's just pretend that what happened today has never happened. Don't you want Huang Zhongli? I'll get it for you in a while. Now let's go and see Huang Zhongli. Spiritual root." Although it is said that it has never happened, it has already happened, how can it be forgotten, not only that, but also the tone of Queen Mother Xi towards Ye Guxin has changed, it is extremely soft.

How could Ye Guxin be ignorant of such an obvious change in her, but he could do nothing but smile wryly. In the end, he had no choice but to follow Queen Mother Xi to a place with unusually strong aura, surrounded by all kinds of strange flowers and plants. in the eyes.Everywhere.But these Queen Mothers of the West didn't care, but quickly came to the place where the aura was the strongest, and stopped. After Ye Guxin stopped, she glanced in front of her.

I saw a small tree half a person's height standing on the ground in front of me, but unfortunately, the tree had withered, and bitter branches hung on the trunk, showing a feeling of sunset.The Queen Mother of the West looked into her eyes with a hint of sadness and said: "This is the Li Linggen of Huang Zhong that I got in Houtu back then. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to plant it back then, so it withered to this point. If you want it, you can take it. Anyway, it’s just a decoration for me now.”

Ye Guxin glanced at it, and he was not polite, Fengshen appeared in front of him, and the two huge characters on the surface radiated light and instantly covered Huang Zhongli inside.In an instant, the standing Huangzhong Liling tree was suddenly uprooted without a sound, and the roots under the tree were pulled out of the soil one by one.

Although the upper tree body has almost withered, the roots below are still full of vitality and vitality under the extremely rich aura around it. After Ye Guxin saw it, he smiled faintly, and when all the roots appeared, the yellow plum It turned into a ray of light and entered the Fengshen.

After Ye Guxin saw it, he smiled faintly, casually recruited Fengshen into his hands, opened it, and saw that there was an extra page inside, and it was Huang Zhongli. There is a big difference, I saw that the originally withered and yellow tree body seemed to be injected with some vitality suddenly, and the dead branches slowly grew new shoots.

Seeing that Ye Guxin has such a magic weapon, Queen Mother Xi couldn't help saying: "I didn't expect Guxin to have such a magic weapon. Why have I never heard of it?" Her tone was extremely intimate, and even Guxin called out up.Ye Guxin couldn't help but frowned when he heard it, but he didn't say anything after thinking about it, he just said: "Nothing? This magic weapon is a god-conferring one. It's a treasure I got when I practiced the Emperor's Art back then. It's a world of its own. Putting spiritual things in, they can grow in the most suitable environment. That is to say, they have some storage functions. There is no ability to attack."

The Queen Mother of the West smiled and said: "That is also extraordinary. I think there has never been such a treasure in the world. The one that can make spiritual things grow is a treasure that is hard to find in the world. You are so lucky to be alone."

Ye Guxin said calmly: "Okay, ma'am, I'm free anytime, but Houtu's injury can't wait, I still have to go to the three mountains and five mountains to see if I can have a chance to get one or two spiritual objects."

(The previous chapter was originally Chapter [-], but I made a typo, forgive me.) !)
(End of this chapter)

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