Chapter 213
When Queen Mother Xi heard this, her body trembled slightly. Although she knew that this day would come sooner or later, if she didn't know that Ye Guxin was the one she was destined for, Queen Mother West would definitely not have any mental fluctuations when he said this, she knew With Ye Guxin leaving, he might not enter Kunlun again in the future.But she still asked, "Guxin, will you come to Kunlun in the future?"

Ye Guxin couldn't help frowning when he heard that, he knew what Queen Mother Xi meant, but he couldn't promise her at all.He sighed in his heart, the Queen Mother of the West was just a poor person, she thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, please, why don't I, Ye Guxin, come, I just hope you won't turn me away in the future."

When Queen Mother Xi heard a smile appeared on her face for the first time, that smile was like the sun in winter, illuminating the surroundings, and the surrounding flowers and plants drooped down one by one as if shy during this smile.She doesn't care whether Ye Guxin is here for real or fake, even if it's fake, if Ye Guxin can say that, it means that he still cares about her a little bit, she knows that it's impossible for her to grab Ye Guxin from Houtu, but I also hope that Ye Guxin's heart can reserve a small corner for her.

"How come? I must be waiting for your arrival in Kunlun Yaochi. Guxin, can I have a small request." As he spoke, there was a flustered look on his face, with hesitation on his face.At this time, Queen Mother Xi didn't have the aura that a queen mother should have, as if a child wanted something and was uneasy.

Seeing that, Ye Guxin felt that he owed Queen Mother Xi something in his heart, so he nodded quickly and said, "You say, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it for you."

When the Queen Mother heard it, a blush suddenly flashed across her face, and she said in an inaudible voice, "Can you give me a hug, I've grown up so big, and no one has ever hugged me before." The voice was like an ant , but Ye Guxin's hearing ability is what, even ants feel like thunder in his ears, and the words of Queen Mother Xi appeared in his ears clearly.He couldn't help frowning, looking at Queen Mother Xi, she looked like a little girl now, she lowered her head shyly, not daring to look at Ye Guxin.

Although Ye Guxin intends to refuse her request, but looking at the appearance of that little girl, Queen Mother of the West, even if he is the man she loves, but good luck tricks others, it is impossible to give her any promises in this life, this time it should be regarded as compensation for her , sighed.Slowly walked to the front of the Queen Mother of the West.

Slightly hugging her into his chest, the bodies of both of them trembled in an instant, you must know that Ye Guxin had only had such intimate contact with Houtu, and the Queen Mother of the West was even more pure and pure, never touching a man's body , she only felt a strong masculine breath emanating from Ye Guxin's body and permeated into her heart, a sense of security and relaxation that she had never had before flashed at this moment.He couldn't help but bury his head in Ye Guxin's chest.

Seeing the look on Queen Mother Xi's face, Ye Guxin wanted to push it away, but couldn't bear to push it away. He felt Queen Mother West's body was extremely cold, as soft as a ball of water.Queen Mother Xi didn't want to get up from his warm embrace at all. After this time, she might not have this chance in the future.This is the first time, and it may be the last.The two hugged each other quietly like this, watching the sun set in the west little by little.A bright red rainbow appeared in the sky.

Ye Guxin took a look, patted the hand holding Queen Mother Xi's shoulder lightly, and said: "Now that the sun has set, I should go too." Queen Mother West opened her slightly closed eyes, and whispered " En" said.He sighed in his heart: "This time is still here. Knowing that he can't keep him anymore, he slowly lifted his head from Ye Gu's arms.

Ye Guxin and Queen Mother Xi slowly separated, and Queen Mother Xi said softly, "Guxin, I'll get you the yellow plums now. If you bully Houtu in the future, I won't agree. Be sure to treat her well." Ye Guxin nodded The head said: "Houtu is my wife, how can I not love her, you don't have to worry about it. Take care of yourself in the future, if you have time, I will come to see you."

The Queen Mother of the West nodded, and quickly left here to get the Huang Zhongli.Seeing Queen Mother West leave, Ye Guxin couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and thought in his heart: This world is really unpredictable, if he didn't know it before, he would never have thought that he would have such an intersection with Queen Mother West when he came to Kunlun.The Queen Mother of the West is indeed good, but unfortunately, I can no longer promise her that there will be no more twists and turns in the relationship between myself and Houtu, and the most important thing now is to refine the heaven-defying pill.Wake up Houtu.Hope all goes well then.

Ye Guxin was thinking slowly, when the Queen Mother of the West came over with a jade box in her hand, brought it to Ye Guxin and said: "Guxin, here is the Huangzhong Li you need. If you need anything in the future, as long as it is I have some in Kunlun, and you can take them as you like. After Houtu recovers from her injury, I hope she can come and accompany me often.”

Ye Guxin took the jade box, put it away without looking at it, nodded and said: "I will, as soon as Houtu is healed, I will let her come to see you." After speaking, Cheng fell silent, After a while, he said in a deep voice: "I'm leaving, take care of yourself in the future." After finishing speaking, he quickly disappeared into Kunlun without losing his head.

Only the Queen Mother of the West stood there quietly watching Ye Guxin's disappearing back.Suddenly a voice appeared behind her and said: "Niangniang, have you really fallen in love with the Emperor?" This person was Caiyun.After seeing the happy and lonely expression on Queen Mother Xi's face, she felt uneasy, so she followed, only to see Queen Mother West like this.

The Queen Mother of the West had discovered Caiyun a long time ago, and she was not surprised by her question, and said: "Caiyun, I have always regarded you as a sister, and you know my body, as long as someone touches it, it will melt into a It is an ice sculpture. But you also know the criticisms of the ancestor Hongjun." Caiyun nodded when she heard it, and the Queen Mother of the West did not hide this matter from her.

Caiyun said: "I know, isn't it: not in the way of heaven, but travels in the way of heaven, not in the five elements, but in the source of the five elements, not born among people, but grows in the soil, not in the world, but is the emperor of heaven and earth. This sentence "Suddenly she read the last line, "Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of Earth. Could it be that someone is Emperor Ye Guxin?"

Caiyun couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.Queen Mother Xi nodded when she saw it and said: "It's Guxin. I just found out about it and confirmed it. After he met me, nothing happened. He is destined to be the only one in my life." The Queen Mother of the West sighed, and continued: "It's a pity, but we have nothing to do with each other." Hearing what the Queen Mother of the West said, Cai Yun didn't know how to persuade her.He could only silently guard behind her.

Ye Guxin left Kunlun, but there was a trace of concern in his heart, knowing that he would never forget that beautiful figure in Kunlun Mountain in the future.This may be a debt of love that I will never be able to repay.

After thinking about it, I have stayed in the Kunlun illusion for almost a year. Time has no meaning at all to these practitioners, it is just a synonym, but it is different now, because the auction will be held after a year. Will be held again.

Since the last auction was successfully held, everyone has known about this auction, and everyone saw that the deadline was approaching, and one after another took out their unused items to auction, and wanted to sell those unused items to the auction. Auction off, and then buy some items you need.No longer have to search everywhere for help like before.

This also made the North Fear of Luzhou once again become the focus of all walks of life. The scene of Qingdi throwing billions of gold in the fairyland back then made people talk about it for a long time, and what he got was indeed more than what he was worth. Take the lock As far as the divine tower is concerned, it is a treasure that is hard to find in billions of gold.After being bought by Emperor Qing.He gave it to his daughter, Qing Nu.

Qingnv also used the fire spirit fruit among the five elements spirit fruit obtained at the auction to build a foundation, and it became a fire and wood dual attribute, and when she practiced again, she improved by leaps and bounds.Thousands of miles a day.After getting the God Locking Tower, his strength increased even more.I finally know the great power of the God Lock Tower.However, the Ten Thousand Swords Formation and the Great Rebellion Five Elements Formation were used by Emperor Qing to guard the mountain gate.But no one dared to underestimate it.

Ye Guxin thought about it, in this auction, many people should bring out their precious magic weapons for auction, and there will be absolutely no silence, but if there is no finale, it may be difficult to surpass the first time.I have a lot of elixir, so at worst, I will take out the five-element spirit fruit this time. Last time I only auctioned two kinds of fire and water, and now I will take out two kinds of gold and wood. Now I am not afraid of not having the five-element spirit fruit. The five-element spirit fruit on a five-element spirit tree in God is about to mature.

Thinking that Ye Guxin quickly returned to the temple, he immediately ordered the people around him to call some of his apprentices in.Now Ye Guxin's apprentices are all in Luzhou in the north, and they are living a relatively healthy life now. You must know that in the last auction, Ye Guxin's treasure hall has added a lot of high-grade magic weapons.A few of them also got a few pieces each, after all, Baoduo is not overwhelming.Everyone will dislike their magic weapon too much.

After a while, Tian Nan and his juniors came to the temple, and when they saw Ye Guxin who was sitting on the top, he hurriedly called out respectfully: "Master, you are back." Ye Guxin nodded, looked at the seven disciples below, Sighing in my heart, I thought: Maybe I am really not a good master, and I really have too little time to teach them.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Tian Nan, have you ever blamed Master? Master has always cared little about you and just accepted you. Now you can be said to have cultivated all by yourself. My Master Is it very incompetent?"

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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