Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 219 Full-scale war

Chapter 219 Full-scale war

Li Xiaoyao knew what was going on as soon as Yue Nu asked Wu Lingzhu about it. They were definitely with Bai Yue. Now that Bai Yue died, they came. Could it be that they really refused to give up.Hastily said: "Although I am Li Xiaoyao, I really don't know about the Lingzhu. I can't help you with this matter." He spread his hands, expressing that he didn't know.But I thought in my heart: Hmph, if you want the five spirit beads, go ahead and dream. I have hidden that water spirit bead a long time ago, and you can't find it no matter how hard you look for it.

Yuenv had hated Li's advice a long time ago, knowing that Li Xiaoyao definitely knew the whereabouts of the other Five Spirit Orb, and seeing that he refused to admit it, she smiled coldly and said, "Okay, if you don't tell me, I will naturally have a way for you to tell. It's just a pity that people in this town will die because of your words." After speaking, he waved his hand suddenly and said: "Kill!" A couple of people entered the town in a short time.Looking at that murderous look, how can he do anything good.

A cold light flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes and said: "Slow down." Yuenu raised her hand again when she heard a smile, and the team stopped immediately when they saw it. "Don't you think this is too cruel?" Li Xiaoyao said angrily.

The moon girl shook her head, and said lightly: "We in the devil world have always respected the strong, and the weak preyed on the strong. There is no such thing as cruelty. To achieve the goal, the most common method is not to use the means. Our purpose this time is just Lingzhu, I don't want to make more troubles, but if you don't cooperate, then I can only use my method to achieve my goal." He said with a look of disdain.

Li Xiaoyao could tell that the people in front of him would definitely be the same as what he just said. If he really didn't hand over the Five Spirit Orbs, they would really slaughter the entire Yuhang Town.He wanted to fight them desperately, but who knew if they would blame his family and people in Yuhang Town after his death.

Thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said: "You guys are ruthless, I'll take you there. If you want Lingzhu, you can come here." After speaking, he suddenly looked behind reluctantly, and used his spiritual sense to send a voice transmission to Lin Yueru: "Yue Ru , I will lure them away now, and you hurry up and find someone to rescue me in Luzhou or Shushan in Beibei. You must not come out now." After speaking, a huge sword suddenly appeared at the foot, and it flew into the air in an instant.He flew in the direction of the back mountain.

Yuenu suddenly glanced secretly at the inn in front of her, but she didn't say anything. Of course she knew that there were still people in the inn with her cultivation base, but that cultivation base was really too weak, she could easily crush hundreds of them to death. Don't think they can cause any danger to themselves.A faint smile.After saying "go", he followed Li Xiaoyao unhurriedly.

And Lin Yueru who was in the inn knew that she could not be rescued after receiving Li Xiaoyao's orders, so she could only ask for help. She had also heard that the North Fear of Luzhou was the territory of the Emperor.It seems that some kind of auction is still being held now.After thinking for a while, he suddenly said to his aunt: "Auntie, let's go separately. I will go to Luzhou in Beibei, and you will go to Shushan. Then we will meet here, how about it?" Now Aunt Li also recovered because of practicing Shushan's sword art In youth, she looks like a beauty.Her name is Li Ying.

Li Ying nodded and said: "Okay, then you have to be careful, Xiaoyao is in danger now, the cultivation base of the two of us is too weak, I once heard Xiaoyao say that the emperor is one of the best in the world He is a character whose cultivation level is even more unpredictable. As long as you invite him here this time, Xiaoyao may be saved. It’s not too late, let’s start now.” After speaking, the two left in two directions.

And Ye Guxin at this time also knew that Hen Li would definitely not be alone this time, if he was alone, then he would definitely not be an opponent at that time.Back to the North Fear of Luzhou.After returning to the Northern Fear of Luzhou, he entered the auction directly.And now, a magic weapon has just been auctioned off.Ye Guxin walked directly to the stage without looking at it.

Seeing Ye Guxin coming, Tiansheng Tianyang didn't know what it was, so he stepped aside respectfully.And the people at the auction saw Ye Guxin wearing tight black clothes, with a cold and expressionless face.And seeing Tian Sheng Tian Yang stood aside respectfully.

Whoever has this honor in the North Fear Luzhou is the owner of the North Fear Luzhou, the initiator of the auction, and the emperor Ye Guxin who has gathered a series of legends to have such power.And some people who knew Ye Guxin knew it at a glance.When the people at the auction saw Ye Guxin appearing suddenly for some reason, they couldn't help but fell silent.See what Ye Guxin has to say.

Ye Guxin came to the high platform coldly, and said: "I'm really sorry today, the auction will end here." Hearing Ye Guxin's words, the venue below exploded in an instant, and everyone shouted why.And the young girl in VIP Room No. [-] was also very puzzled.

This time his father Qingdi didn't come, he just gave Qingnv the VIP card and asked her to come and play.She also took a few baubles at the auction this time.Unexpectedly, Ye Guxin suddenly said that the auction would not be held.Can't help but be very strange.

Ye Guxin looked at the tumultuous scene below, and couldn't help but let out a cold snort, which instantly spread throughout the venue, and the scene immediately fell silent again.Ye Guxin nodded and said: "There is a reason why I don't continue the auction. My principle, Ye Guxin, has always been to repay favors and repay grudges, but I seldom take the initiative to provoke people. Because of the matter of becoming enlightened, He Li actually arrested my daughter and hurt my wife. If I can bear this tone, what kind of face will I have to exist between the heaven and the earth? What face will I have to face the world's mountain gods and lands."

"From today onwards, if I let Hate Li become enlightened, I, Ye Guxin, write the three characters upside down. If there is Hate Li, there will be no me, and there will be no Hate Li. I will never die with him. Today I will mobilize all my strength and I hate Lidou, and I don’t have the energy to continue the auction. If this brings you any inconvenience, I, Ye Guxin, will be here to accompany you.”

When the audience heard Ye Guxin's words, they were really blown away in an instant, and the Bull Demon King was a big fan. The person who admired him the most in his life was Ye Guxin. When he heard that Henli actually hurt his wife and kidnapped his daughter, he immediately stood up Loudly said: "Hmph, just because he wanted to become enlightened, Henli killed the Empress Wu, the descendant of Empress Nuwa, and now she has arrested the only daughter of the Emperor, this is simply too much deceit. Today, I, Lao Niu, will go to order soldiers and horses. I will fight with that Henli, even if I lose, I must let Henli understand that I, Lao Niu, have never been afraid of him." He said with an angry look on his face. .

And following the words of the Bull Demon King, there was an endless stream of voices responding immediately, but most of them were watching from the sidelines to see who was the winner in this fight, and to see Ye Guxin's appearance, this time is definitely a one-off Generous.The world is about to shake.

Ye Guxin took a look below and said: "Now, please leave the venue, I welcome those who want to go together, but if you want to make trouble, don't blame me for being cruel. Zhang Cong, gather all the people and horses immediately, And hurry up to find the location of Henli. Today I want to show the world how powerful our mountain god land is when we gather together. Let the people in the world who dare to underestimate us know that our mountain god land is not just for anyone rubbed by people."

Ye Guxin's seven disciples came to the venue quickly when Ye Guxin was angry. When Zhang Cong heard Ye Guxin's words, an extremely excited and excited look flashed across his face.Hastily should be.He had already said silently in his heart: This time, everyone in the world must know the power of the land of the mountain god. Our land of the mountain god will no longer be the kind that has no dignity and is allowed to be rubbed by others.We already have our own emperor, our own home, and the most important power.Now the heavens and the earth will shake under our feet.

Ye Guxin looked at the apprentices below, and said: "This time I don't care about you, you play to your heart's content, and I don't care about the rest, but I, Ye Guxin's apprentice, was beaten up by someone, you beat me back, if you can't beat me back, I will Don't come to see me. Hurry up and get ready." After Zhang Cong sent Ye Guxin's order, all the mountain gods and lands were very excited when they heard it. They have practiced for so long, what is it for, and they are so proud day.And today finally came.

Countless lands of the mountain gods have come to North Fear Luzhou at an unprecedented speed, and with their arrival, they also brought news of hating them. If anyone in this world has the most accurate and quick news, it must be the land of the mountain gods.If it was Hate Li alone, maybe the land of the mountain god might not be found, but they came with a large number of people, how could they hide it.They are in the Nanzhao Kingdom.

Ye Guxin looked at the land of the mountain gods gathering continuously on the temple, nodded and said: "Everyone, our land of the mountain gods has always been looked down upon by people, even though things have changed now, they still don't care about us very much in their hearts. We want people to know that our land of mountain gods can still change the sky and the earth. We can change the wind and rain, steal the sky and change the sun. Today we want to let people see the rise of our land of mountain gods. From now on we can say with confidence, I am the mountain god, I am the land, Who are you afraid of?" Ye Guxin's last sentence turned into a loud roar that spread throughout the world.An awe-inspiring aura emanated from him.

Countless mountain god lands were aroused by Ye Guxin's heart's long-cherished wish, and at the same time he yelled: "I am the mountain god, I am the land, who am I afraid of?" This loud roar pierced the boundary of space , Instantly spread throughout the world.People in the entire earth fairy world can hear the heartfelt voice of this mountain god land.

Yes, the current Mountain God Land has this qualification and this strength, and its own strength has long been greatly improved because of practicing the exercises in the Emperor's Bible.It can be said that Ye Guxin used the Dihuang Bible to create countless lands of mountain gods with profound cultivation.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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