Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 220 Gathering in Nanzhao

Chapter 220 Gathering in Nanzhao
Following Ye Guxin's words, he set off from the land of mountain gods in Luzhou in the north, and quickly flew to Zhaoguo in the south.No, it should be said that you have escaped. You may not know the land of the mountain god, but there is one skill that is absolutely impossible to not know, and that is a drop in a thousand miles.This is the housekeeping skill of the land of the mountain god.How can you not be proficient.

At this time, Nan Zhao's hateful eyes were also very serious. He had just checked that the way of heaven that he had been blinded by himself had been broken. Reverse yin and yang.Even if it wasn't for Ye Guxin to be broken, now Ye Guxin definitely knows that he has gone to the lower realm, and has already captured his daughter.It seems to be speeding up.The five spirit beads must be obtained first.

Suddenly he said to the door: "Shang Lao? Come in." As soon as he finished speaking, a strange old man came in suddenly. It was Shang Lao he was talking about. The name of the bird is: Shangniao.Its shape is like a chicken with three heads, six eyes, six legs and three wings.It is also a fierce beast in the wild.After many years of practice, with the help of Henli, he finally transformed into a human being.Its mana is also amazing.

As soon as he came in, he quickly asked: "Devil Lord, what do you want me to do?" Henli nodded and said: "I checked the Heavenly Dao just now, and now Ye Guxin may know that I have gone to the lower realm and kidnapped his daughter. With Ye Guxin's personality, it is absolutely impossible to let it go. Maybe, he has already gathered his people to come to us."

When Shang Lao heard this, he couldn't help but frowned, thought for a while and said: "Devil Lord, we have already got one of the five spirit beads, and the moon girl also sent a message that Li Xiaoyao was caught, that is to say, the second one The Lingzhu has also been obtained, but the other three do not have any sound training, I think we should go back to the Demon Realm first, and then make a long-term plan, after all, the Immortal Realm can be said to be the territory of the Emperor. We are inherently disadvantaged."

Hearing this, He Li shook his head and said, "No, we have no way out. Since the moment I went down to the realm, we have already embarked on a road of no return. If I can get the five spirit beads, everything will be reversed." , if I don’t get it, then everything I have will be lost in this game.” Hearing this, Old Shang couldn’t help asking in doubt: “A game?” His face was full of doubts.

Henli nodded and said: "It's just a game. In fact, life is a game. I can't miss this opportunity again. Otherwise, I don't know when I will have such an opportunity. I have already used the Qiankunkanli technique on the five spirit beads. With the power of the blood in the Empress Nuwa's body, I found the five spirit beads that were left by the Empress Nuwa with the breath of the Holy Spirit. You should hurry up and find them back."

Old Shang nodded and said: "The devil master, where are the other spirit beads? I'll go and find them now." He Li smiled and said: "The fire spirit beads are in the body of the fire phoenix in the mulberry forest. , but the Golden Lingzhu is in the body of the Qilin Beast in the Nuwa Temple. And the Wood Lingzhu is about to ask the Witch King of Nanzhao Kingdom. Well, you hurry up and get them back, I will make arrangements now and will come soon Ye Guxin, I will have a fight with him sooner or later. No one can hide."

Old Shang also knew that things had reached this point, so there was indeed no way out, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go find the Lingzhu now, those one or two phoenixes, unicorns, etc., they are in the eyes of ordinary people. There are divine beasts inside, and I, Old Shang, didn't take them seriously. There won't be any accidents. I'll go right away." Without stopping for a moment, he walked quickly and quickly in the directions Henli had mentioned. Go, after all, the sooner you get the Lingzhu, the sooner you can rest assured.

At this time, Li Xiaoyao was also caught by Yuenv. Although Li Xiaoyao's cultivation was not low, it was not enough in Yuenv's hands, and there were countless people from the devil world around him, so he didn't hit him a few times. , was captured alive.Yuenu said coldly: "Hmph, Li Xiaoyao, if you don't hand over the Lingzhu, I'll kill the town. I, Yuenu, don't have what you call compassion. I'll count to three now. If you don't say it, Then you can’t blame me.”

Li Xiaoyao knew that the Lingzhu might not be able to keep, but his goal had been achieved, Yueru had already left Yuhang Town, even if he was caught now, someone would definitely come to rescue him in the future.Before Yuenu could start counting, she raised her hands and said, "Stop reading, I'll tell you, my little brother, that Lingzhu is in my stomach, and I'll spit it out for you right now. Really, isn't it just a pearl?" Broken beads? Is it such a fuss?"

After speaking, he raised his breath suddenly, opened his mouth suddenly, and then saw a blue bead flying out of his mouth, Yuenu stretched out her hand to grab the water spirit bead without the slightest hesitation.At this moment, a cold light suddenly flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes.The fairy sword that was at his feet suddenly returned to his hand.With a loud shout in his mouth.

In an instant, the fairy sword in "Xiaoyao Shenjian" turned into a stream of light and flew towards the seemingly defenseless Yue Nu.The speed of this sword was extremely fast, and those around were not prepared for Li Xiaoyao's sudden attack.It was too late to rescue everyone, but the exclamation came out.

But the moon girl who seemed to be unaware of it suddenly smiled mysteriously, twisted her body mysteriously, and then suddenly pointed at Li Xiaoyao, and saw a black brilliance suddenly shot out from her hand. Xiaoyao disappeared into his mind before he could react in a hurry.

Then Li Xiaoyao fell to the ground with an unbelievable expression on his face. Who is Yuenu, she is also number one in the Demon Realm, her own experience is rich, so how could she not guard against Li Xiaoyao? Sure enough, Yuenu discovered it before. His sly smile.The body is already ready to go, so it will hide from that impossible time.But the ray of light just shot out is the energy of the magic moon essence of the demon world.The moon girl absorbed the power of the magic moon from the demon world to cultivate.A body of cultivation is even more terrifying.

Yuenu grabbed the water spirit bead in her hand, glanced at Li Xiaoyao on the ground, and said calmly: "The devil said that he wants to bring Li Xiaoyao back alive, and take him away together. We will go back now, and now the devil has arrived. Nanzhao Country. Let's go there." After speaking, he jumped up and flew in the direction of Nanzhao Country.The people behind Yuenu didn't hesitate at all, one of them took Li Xiaoyao in his hand, and they flew towards Nanzhaoguo together.

At this time, Ye Guxin also came to the demon city next to Nanzhao Kingdom with countless lands of mountain gods, and set up camp here.Ye Guxin took a look at the surrounding land of the mountain gods, all of them were full of excited expressions, they had already regarded this action as an explanation to all walks of life about the rise of the land of the mountain gods.How could you not be excited.

Ye Guxin looked at the Nanzhao Kingdom not far away, and countless people from the demon world could already be seen walking around on the border, and the whole Nanzhao Kingdom was shrouded in black demon energy.Ye Guxin's expression turned cold, and he suddenly yelled to the opposite side: "Henli boy, you actually kidnapped my daughter and hurt my wife. After you did this, don't you dare to come out to see me?"

This sentence was directly sent to the whole Nanzhao Kingdom by Ye Guxin with his true strength, even if the people in Nanzhao Kingdom didn't want to hear it.Of course Henli heard it too, and Heli frowned when he heard it, and said softly: "What a Ye Guxin, you came really fast, although it's not the time to fight, but it's no harm seeing you. "

Speaking of his figure, he also floated up into the sky, and seeing Ye Guxin in the distance, full of arrogance, he couldn't help but praise: "Okay, it is indeed a character." After looking at it, he said: "Okay, Ye Guxin, although I expected that you would Come, but I didn't expect you to come so fast, but it doesn't matter, there will be a battle between the two of us sooner or later. It's just that today is not the time. Do you think so?"

Ye Guxin heard it, looked at Henli's eyes with a strong murderous look, and said coldly: "Hmph, Henli, I never took the initiative to provoke you, but you bullied me again and again, and this time you even raped my daughter again." I was kidnapped, so is I, Ye Guxin, really that soft persimmon that can be rubbed by others? Between the two of us, there is you without me, and there is me without you. There is no third result."

Hateful and indifferent, he smiled and said: "The time when you, Ye Guxin, rose up was just a few thousand years. Compared to us cultivators, these few thousand years are just a blink of an eye. To us, time It doesn't make any sense at all. But until the extinction, when the catastrophe comes, it will inevitably become a painting cake, I don't want to be a painting cake, so I do everything possible to achieve extinction and reach eternity."

"Now I have the Five Spirit Orbs, and enlightenment is imminent, but I have always been curious. You used to be just a small land, but you can reach today's state in just a few thousand years. I don't believe that the Emperor's Art will It’s so amazing, and it’s always been my wish to play with you.”

Ye Guxin heard a cold snort, and said: "Hmph, where is there any invincible skill in this world? If my heart is invincible, then I am invincible. If you want to become enlightened, I will make you enlightened. I, Ye Guxin, write it upside down. I Waiting for you." After finishing speaking, the murderous aura in his whole body suddenly subsided, and then his figure dropped down.

Henli saw it, but didn't say anything. After all, today is definitely not the time for fighting. He also returned to Nanzhao, and suddenly walked to the room where Ling'er was held. All kinds of light.Henli didn't even look at it and walked in directly.

Now Ling'er has recovered her sanity, and she also knows that she was taken captive. She saw that the room was unguarded and wanted to go out, but she never thought that there are so many restrictions in the room. Surrounded by a white bubble.Make the whole body unable to move.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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