Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 233 Fighting Before the Battle

Chapter 233 Fighting Before the Battle
Fighting before the war
Ye Guxin also nodded when he heard what Henli said. After all, if someone came to help out, it wouldn't make sense if he didn't let him have a chance to make a move.Anyway, Henli was right in front of him, and he couldn't escape even if he ran.Said: "Okay, we're limited to ten games, let them also show their skills. Exercise your muscles and bones." After finishing speaking, he suddenly turned and returned to his own camp.

The camps on the two sides were separated by ten miles, but it was Ye Guxin and Henli who joined hands to set up a huge barrier in the center, which has restricted the power emitted by those fighting people from spreading to those around them.Ye Guxin and Henlilian's barriers, here really no one can break.And what Ye Guxin came out of was the Five Elements Barrier.

The five elements inter-generate and restrain each other, they are connected together, endlessly, once the enchantment is formed, the enchantment is already connected with the surrounding world and the five elements. If you want to break the enchantment, unless your strength is stronger than the surrounding five elements. powerful.But looking at the present, apart from those saints who died, I am afraid that no one can have such abilities.

Ye Guxin and Henli each said the matter, and in an instant, both sides shouted, each of them wanted to go up, after all, this is to show their face in front of thousands of people, if you win, then tomorrow your name will be known in all walks of life No one knows, no one knows, what kind of scenery it should be at that time.

Henli didn't know how to do it, but when Ye Guxin saw the mess on his side, he couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Hmph, that's enough, I'll decide this matter." All fell silent.

Ye Guxin took a look, and said: "Together there will be ten games. We will have six people on our own side, and four people from those who will help us. You can discuss who it is. But I don't want to see the chaos just now. scene."

Hearing Ye Guxin's words, they discussed for a while, and slowly selected ten people, namely Ye Wushang from Asura Realm, and the mysterious Yi Tianxing and Niyuntian.There is also one called Yuluo.These four were chosen by those who came to help.According to Ye Guxin, they all have great mana.Just nod.

And the ones selected by the land of the mountain gods are not weak.One is his apprentice Zhang Cong.And there is Lin Shu, the two brothers Lin Sen.One is called Mo Xuetu.His cultivation base has also improved by leaps and bounds because of the emperor's scripture.One is You Shan and the other is Miao Yufeng.Several people's cultivation bases can be regarded as the top few in the land of mountain gods.

Ye Guxin glanced at them indifferently and said: "Brothers selected you today to let you open your breath for our mountain god land, and let you tell the world that our mountain god land has risen. After you go up, you must Go all out. Let the world see the power of our mountain god land."

The six people in front of them didn't speak, but their determination could be seen from the firm look in their eyes.Seeing this, Ye Guxin couldn't help but nodded secretly.Mo Xuetu looked at Ye Guxin with a flash of excitement in his eyes, and said, "Your Majesty, let your subordinates fight for the first match today." He said with fighting spirit on his face.The momentum of the whole body is even higher.

Ye Guxin nodded when he saw it, and said: "Go, I will give you a quick shot here. Fight hard." He patted him on the shoulder as he spoke.Mo Xuetu's eyes flashed with determination.Directly entered the competition venue with a thousand miles of grain.Suddenly, a picture surrounded by blood energy appeared above his head.But it was the blood river map.

It was a magic treasure that he obtained, and later he refined it with the blood essence of some fierce creatures. If he was ingested by it, he would suffer the torment of the soul corroded by the river of blood.But it is also an incredible treasure.Mo Xuetu knew that he would come out in the first match, and he must not lose, otherwise he would have no face to face those who recommended him to come out, and then he could really commit suicide.

Thinking of looking at the humanity over there, he said: "I am a small land, Mo Xuetu, and I will come to experience the magic of your demon world today, and see how it is. I hope you can give me some advice." After finishing speaking, he stood upright in the center Waiting for the person from Hate Li to show up.

When Henli saw Mo Xuetu, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, thinking, isn't it just a small piece of land, can it really be compared with his own cultivation base that has been cultivated for thousands of years? He said with hatred: "Demon Lord, let me go up and deal with this jumping clown. Let them know my power in the demon world. It is not something that can be challenged in a small land."

Hateful Heart doesn't have much interest in the battles before him, all his thoughts have been completely put on the upcoming battle with Ye Guxin, which is the real main course.Hearing that he was going to fight, he nodded and said, "Okay, you can go."

Mo Tian got the permission and jumped into the barrier in an instant, and suddenly a long knife appeared in his hand, surrounded by waves of demonic energy.From time to time, there were bursts of shrill screams.It seems that the brake is sharp.Looking at Hungry Mo Xuetu in front of him, he said disdainfully: "Hmph, you dare to come out to challenge even a small piece of land. You simply don't know how to live or die. Today I want to let you know that land is always just land, and it is impossible to fly to heaven." Become the Jade Emperor."

When Mo Xuetu heard Mo Tian's words, his lungs were about to explode in an instant, but he didn't show it on his face, but said fiercely: "Then try it and see if my land is up to you. "Bite" with Mo Xuetu's cry.A huge mouth suddenly appeared at the foot of the skyscraper.

At first glance, the mouth is completely formed by the ground under its feet. As long as it is swallowed by it, it will be directly crushed into the ground, and it will be difficult to turn over forever.But Motian felt an unimaginable suction force suddenly coming from under his feet at this moment, and looking at the huge mouth below, Motian's scalp couldn't help but tingle, knowing that it was definitely not a good thing.

The body swung upwards violently, and the knife in his hand swung down instantly, and all of a sudden, thousands of pure magic energy hit the giant mouth like a meteor shower.A black devilish energy emanated from his body.Instantly enveloped him.

Then I saw countless rays of light hitting the ground, and suddenly a huge sound came out from the ground.A puff of dust suddenly rose from the ground.But the giant mouth on the ground disappeared.Mo Tian also flew into the air, seeing a trace of anger flash across Mo Xuetu's face.

He said fiercely: "Okay, you can't blame me if you want to die." As he spoke, he swung the magic knife, and boundless radiance shot out from the magic knife.Bombarded towards Mo Xuetu.

When Mo Xuetu saw it, he smiled and said, "Today I will let you know how powerful our land is, blood-river-tu." Suddenly, a blood-red river suddenly appeared above Mo Xuetu's head.From time to time, mutilated corpses appeared on the surface of the river.Bloody bloody hands stretched out from the river from time to time, and the scalps of everyone watching that scene couldn't help but tingle.

The blood river instantly enveloped Mo Xuetu completely, and the demon energy emitted by Mo Tian also hit the blood river in an instant.The imaginary bang did not happen.The devilish energy submerged into the river of blood silently and kneelessly.There was no slightest fluctuation.

Then the river of blood on Mo Xuetu's body swept Mo Tian into it with a sudden force.When everyone saw it again, they saw a blood-red river appearing in the void. The source of the river was unknown, and no one knew where it went.But Mo Xuetu and Motian appeared on the blood river.

Motian looked at the surrounding environment, and found that he was taken into this ghost place by this small land in an instant, and there were bursts of screams from his feet from time to time.From time to time, bloody hands stretched out from the river under their feet.There are countless skulls floating on the river.He kept biting with his mouth open.

Seeing Mo Xuetu standing in front, he couldn't help shouting coldly: "Where is this place? The demonic energy is so heavy." A faint smile appeared on Mo Xuetu's face and said: "Hmph, this is my magic weapon Blood River Figure. Now you have been photographed by me. As soon as you enter the blood river under your feet, you will be swallowed by the blood spirits below and become a part of them. This is the end of you looking down on our mountain god land .Let your death today witness the rise of my land of mountain gods."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and in an instant, the river of blood under his feet began to churn and roar, and his bloody hands grabbed Mo Tian in the air.Boundless waves of blood rolled towards Ferris.

Hearing Mo Xuetu's words, Mo Tian snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, the land is the land, you can't do anything to me. Moyun Tiandi." As soon as his words fell, he quickly flew out of his body. Countless black magic energy, that magic energy instantly enveloped the entire sky.

One by one, the devils screamed shrillly inside the magic cloud. The screams cut through the boundary of the sky, and instantly penetrated into Mo Xuetu's ears.Hearing the magic sound, Mo Xuetu couldn't help saying "No, it's the dementor sound" in his heart, and it was too late to resist.

A picture appeared in his mind, in which he was wearing a crown, surrounded by countless beauties dancing.From time to time, there was a burst of laughter like a silver bell.There are countless strong men lurking under him.A feeling of supremacy in heaven and earth arises in my heart.

Then he saw a beautiful woman approaching him, and said with a charming smile: "My lord, look, the whole world is trembling under your feet now. All the strong men are lurking under your feet, and you are the master of this world. Come celebrate with me." Hearing her words, Mo Xuetu's heart was shocked, and Ye Guxin's aloof figure appeared in his mind, with that godlike aura.Instantly awakened him from the phantom.

Looking at the countless beauties around, he said lightly: "Everything about me is given by the emperor, how can a little illusion seduce me. Break it for me."

(Whether these ten battles should be written in detail or briefly, please give me your opinion.) Genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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