Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 234 Amber Soul God Might

Chapter 234 Amber Soul God Might
Amber Kamui
With Mo Xuetu's cold shout, his mind became extremely firm, and the illusion around him broke down in an instant.In an instant, it turned into a cloud of smoke.It's a long time to say these things, but it's just a matter of a moment.Mo Xuetu snorted coldly when he saw that Motian was surrounded by countless demonic clouds.With a thought.The river of blood under his feet reversed in the blink of an eye.With the momentum of thunderous news.

Then Motian and the magic cloud around him were all rolled in.As soon as Motian was drawn in, he found that he did not immediately enter the blood river, but was tightly wrapped by a group of demonic clouds, preventing the blood from outside from eroding in.But it seems that it can't last long, because the blood is eroding the surrounding magic cloud little by little.The skulls are also constantly biting the magic cloud around them.

Mo Tian's eye holes enlarged instantly, and with a pinch in his hand, he shouted loudly: "Explode for me." Suddenly, the magic cloud surrounding him exploded, causing a huge empty space to appear around him.A crack appeared from the top of the head.Motian knew that this was the only chance to get out of trouble, so without thinking, he turned into a black light and flew towards the crack.

Things in this world can be divided into coincidence and misfortune, success or failure.Just when the black light made by Motian came out halfway through the crack, the river suddenly closed in an instant, sandwiching Motian directly in the river.Motian only felt countless hands pulling under his body.A powerful corrosive force slowly penetrated into his body.If he hadn't protected himself with devilish energy, he might have been melted by the blood in the blink of an eye.

I don't know what the water in the blood river is made of, but it's like ten thousand years ointment, once it's stained, it can't be taken off again, Motian couldn't help but a flash of fear flashed in his heart.Hastily said: "Mo Xuetu, I surrendered, let me out quickly. I surrendered." Now he couldn't help but say, he already felt that the skill in his body was decreasing little by little, and the devilish energy around him It is even rarer.

When Mo Xuetu heard this, he snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, what did you say about me just now if you want me to let you go, today I want to let you know that my little land is not something you can handle. I'll die." After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a huge wave rolled towards Ferris fiercely.

When Henli saw it from the outside, his eyes turned cold, and he said coldly: "Enough, since he has already surrendered, how can you hurt his life. After speaking, he waved his hand, and in an instant, two white rays of light burst into time and space. Boundary. It hit the huge wave in an instant. After the huge wave touched the white light, it slowly calmed down without a trace of resistance. Another white light entered the foot of Motian.

Motian rose from the river of blood effortlessly.And broke away from the restriction of the blood river, and returned to the enchantment.And Mo Xuetu also came out of the blood river at all, but there was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.After all, after exerting so much effort, but not keeping him, how can I feel calm.But the cultivation base of Henli and him cannot be judged by reason. This world is a world where the weak prey on the strong, and strength is everything.So Mo Xuetu didn't say anything.

And Mo Tian, ​​who was standing opposite him, had a look of hatred in his eyes. He was obviously obsessed with what happened just now and couldn't let it go. He said fiercely: "I lost, but I will look for you in the future. You wait Look at me. Hmph" After finishing speaking, he went straight from the barrier without even thinking about it.

Seeing that Mo Xuetu had won, Ye Guxin's land of the mountain god burst into cheers.The sound instantly vibrated between heaven and earth.Mo Xuetu's face was filled with excitement, and he also came out of the barrier, and immediately knelt down in front of Ye Guxin and said, "Your Majesty, it's a good luck for your subordinates to live up to their fate. The first battle is successful."

Ye Guxin nodded and said: "Okay, you're fine. Although your Blood River Map has some power, you can't use it too much, or it will be harmful to your future cultivation. Now I will give you the Tianlei Son Mother Pagoda. You can sacrifice it with your heart, It has great power." As he said that, he took out a nine-inch-high Sky Thunder Pagoda with a trace of lightning flashing from time to time on the tower.This is the mother pagoda, but the other is an identical three-inch small Tianlei pagoda.Handed over to Mo Xuetu.

This pagoda was refined by Ye Guxin before, when Ye Guxin saw a formation called Nine Sons and Mothers Slaying Demon Formation.But it is necessary for nine people to hold a pagoda, but there are nine pagodas for Tianlei son and mother.But Ye Guxin changed it after seeing it.The nine Tianleizimu pagodas have been turned into one, while the remaining eight are other pagodas.

If this tower is arranged according to the formation diagram of the Nine Sons Mother Demon Slaying Formation, it will have unimaginable power.And when used alone, it still has great power.Ye Guxin didn't say anything about the formation.

Mo Xuetu looked at the Tianlei Zimu Pagoda in Ye Guxin's hands, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly said: "Thank you Your Majesty for your generosity. My subordinates must cultivate hard. Let me show off the power of the mountain god and the earth." After speaking, he took it tremblingly. That day Lei Zi Mu Pagoda.

Ye Guxin nodded. In fact, he had long wanted to pass on the Nine Sons and Mother Demon Killing Formation. After all, he couldn't support everything alone, and the land of the mountain gods had to slowly stand on its own.This gift of treasure is just a means.

Mo Xuetu stood up under Ye Guxin's gesture, and held up the Tianlei Son Mother Tower in his hand.Yangtian roared.But the rest of the people couldn't help cheering again.While cheering, they couldn't help showing a hint of envy when they saw the Sky Thunder Tower in his hand.

When Zhang Cong saw it, he smiled slightly and said, "Master, let me do it this time." Ye Guxin nodded when he saw it. After all, it doesn't matter who is playing now, and he still has Tiger Soul in his hand, so if the power of Tiger Soul is fully exerted , there are probably very few people who can stop it.He said lightly: "You go. Master is here to guard you. You can rest assured and fight."

Zhang Cong nodded, then got up and flew into the enchantment, and said loudly: "Zhang Cong, the land, once again learn the magic tricks of the devil world. I hope you will give me your advice." After finishing speaking, he stabbed the tiger's soul into the ground fiercely, and suddenly there was a loud roar of the tiger. The sound came from the knife body.A shocking evil spirit soared into the sky.

When Shang Lao saw it, his eyes turned cold, and he said: "Devil Lord, let me kill his arrogance, and let him know that my demon world is not empty." The elixir, the injury from the Heavenly Demon Blood Dungeon last time was completely healed, and now seeing Zhang Cong's appearance, he didn't want to go up and teach him a lesson, to show off his skills.

Henli saw that, thinking about it, there shouldn't be any danger with his own side to take care of him, so he nodded and said: "Well, be careful yourself, the knife in Zhang Cong's hand is full of evil spirits, it's not that simple .I think it has already entered the scope of the divine weapon." Shang Lao also noticed the Amber Soul early.Hearing this, he nodded and said, "This subordinate knows, but I'm not afraid of him." After speaking, he flew into the barrier.

Looking at Zhang Cong, he said, "I am a pawn of the devil lord, you can call me Shang Lao. Today I will come to learn the tricks of the emperor's sect." After speaking, he opened his mouth and let out a sharp breath. As soon as it came out of his mouth, it instantly turned into a black wind.There was a strong fishy smell in the wind.

This wind is also famous, it is the samadhi magic wind refined by Shang Lao with the boundless devil energy of the devil world, plus a few spiritual objects.However, this demonic wind is also powerful, changing the sky, cracking the earth, destroying mountains, and hurting people.Sha is terrifying, after he practiced it, he didn't use it a few times.

This time, seeing that the Tiger Soul in Zhang Cong's hand was quite powerful, he didn't dare to be negligent.As soon as the samadhi magic wind blew, the sky and the earth began to change color, and a group of black clouds directly shrouded the sky.Where the magic wind passed, cracks appeared on the ground.Visible terror.

But Sun Wukong and the others who were outside couldn't help but secretly startled when they saw it, Tian Nan asked: "Master, this old magic wind is so powerful, is there anything wrong with the younger brother?" He said with a worried face.

Ye Guxin shook his head when he heard this, and said calmly: "Although Zhang Cong's cultivation is not as good as his, but he won't be defeated so quickly, and he still has a magic weapon like Tiger Soul in his hand, even if he loses, he can still fight against him." Support for a while, when there is danger, I will naturally take action, let him have more experience in fighting now. After all, cultivation is easy, experience is hard to find." When Ye Guxin saw the samadhi magic wind, he was also a little surprised.Unexpectedly, Shang Niao had the courage to practice this magic wind.You must know that although the magic wind is powerful, it is even more dangerous when you practice. If you are not careful, you will be pierced by the magic wind, blowing away the primordial spirit, and you will never live forever.The pain in it is really hard to explain to outsiders.Now he has not only cultivated, but has also been refined by him.I can't help but admire it in my heart.

Old Shang is also extremely proud of his samadhi magic wind, every time he uses this magic wind, it always works, and today he must blow this ignorant junior into ashes.Let him know that my Dafa in the Demon Realm cannot be measured by a small piece of land.Old Shang looked proudly at Zhang Cong who was about to be blown by the wind of Samadhi.

Zhang Cong was shocked when he saw the power of the magic wind, but he calmed down in an instant.The tiger's soul was violently pulled out from the ground, and a thunderous roar of the tiger came out from the knife.Zhang Cong said coldly: "Tiger-spirit-attached-body" All of a sudden, a white tiger with a white body and wings on its back flew out of the blade, and instantly turned into a white light It entered between Zhang Cong's eyebrows.Then I saw Zhang Cong's eyebrows, and a golden king word suddenly appeared.

A powerful domineering, evil spirit.radiated from him.A faint phantom of a white tiger appeared on Zhang Cong's body.At this moment, Zhang Cong felt an endless power in him.A desire to vent came to mind.He opened his mouth violently and let out a loud roar.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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