Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 243 My Heart Is Invincible

Chapter 243 My Heart Is Invincible
Henli finally didn't want to wait any longer after seeing Yuenu injured. Anyway, this time he and Ye Guxin were the protagonists. Yuenu was the daughter of an old friend of his. The daughter was entrusted to him, and he hated that he had no children, so he always regarded her as his own daughter.Seeing Yue Nu injured now, she felt a little angry in her heart.

Ye Guxin frowned. Originally, ten games were planned, but everyone knew that those ten games were just a formality.The real battle is still between himself and Henli. Now that Henli wants to start earlier, Ye Guxin will not be afraid of him, and the state of his whole body has already been adjusted to the best.It can be said that he has never been better.

He nodded and said: "Since you can't wait any longer, I don't have any opinions. If you want to fight, I will fight. I, Ye Guxin, have never been afraid of you. Today, only one of us can leave. Either you or me .” Said and slowly walked to the front.Under the loneliness that was born that day, Ye Guxin seemed so aloof and out of the ordinary.A strong sense of presence flashed in it.

Henli also slowly stepped forward, saw Ye Guxin's aura, smiled and said: "Okay, I can fight with you today, no matter the outcome, this life is enough." The aura on his body is also violent long.Being able to let go of a gamble this time is indeed an extremely enjoyable thing.Such a grand event is rare in the world.After speaking, he took a sudden step and entered the ancient star space.

You must know that if people who have reached Ye Guxin's realm fight in the Earth Immortal Realm, the entire Earth Immortal Realm will be destroyed with just a wave of hands.It is simply difficult for the Earth Immortal Realm to support the battle between them.Without even thinking about it, Ye Gu directly followed into the space of stars.

Then everyone saw a bright starry sky emerge from the void in their eyes.In the void, Ye Guxin and Henli each stood on a planet.This time Ye Guxin didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, the originally hidden strength finally began to show.I saw a colorful cloud suddenly appearing above Ye Guxin's head.It was Ye Guxin's Qingyun.

I saw five small flags of different colors on the Qingyun, which were Ye Guxin's five-element flag.Then a Book of Conferred Gods shining with colorful light slowly appeared on it.Zhan Tian was held in Ye Guxin's hand, pointing slightly obliquely at the void, traces of sword energy flashed above.This time Ye Guxin can be said to have brought out his strongest lineup.

And how dare Henli be negligent when facing Ye Guxin, a gray cloud of Qingyun appeared above his head, and a crescent-shaped thing appeared above Qingyun, Ye Guxin looked at it, but found that the thing like a full moon was exactly the same as The moon essence wheel in Qin Shuang's hand after returning back then was exactly the same.Can't help but frown.

The Moon Essence Wheel is in Qin Shuang's hands, and it is impossible for Heng Li to go to the ghost world to snatch her Moon Essence Wheel. Ye Guxin once heard that there is another spirit treasure that is exactly the same as it in this world, but it is the same as it. Yin and Yang sun essence wheel.Looking at the billowing heat waves emanating from the crescent-shaped object above Henli's head, one can know that the one in front of him is definitely not the moon essence wheel, it must be the sun essence wheel.

The world is divided into yin and yang, and yin and yang conceive all things.At that time, the great god Pangu split the sky and split the earth, and evolved all things. His two eyes turned into the sun and the moon, giving light to the earth, but his pair of eyebrows turned into two innate spiritual treasures, which are the moon essence wheel and the sun essence wheel. If the two are combined, the power will not be inferior to those powerful innate spirit treasures.

It's just an innate spiritual treasure, where the virtuous live.It is impossible to bring them together without chance.Back then, when I hated the sun essence wheel, I also wanted to find another moon essence wheel, but I couldn't find it. I wanted to evolve the heavenly secret, but in the end it made the heavenly secret change.In the end, it can only be nothing.

But what Henli held in his hand was a knife, a dark long knife, and from the magic energy erupting from the knife from time to time, it could be seen that it was not a simple item.At the beginning, Henli didn't want to move the knife, and suddenly grabbed his body with his left hand. In an instant, hundreds of stars behind him suddenly broke away from their orbits and condensed into a giant hand, smashing down at Ye Guxin.
The giant hand shone with starlight, and wherever it passed, the stars burst and disappeared in the void.When Ye Guxin saw the giant hand coming towards him in the void, he couldn't help but snort coldly, countless sword qi condensed in front of him, turning into a huge sword with a size of one hundred feet,
As soon as the giant sword appeared, it greeted the giant hand.Boundless sword energy scattered around the giant sword.Where the giant sword passed, the sound was even louder, and the stars returned to nothingness one after another.Not a single residue was left. There was a loud "bang", after the giant sword collided with the giant hand, it made a loud noise, and then dissipated at the same time.But that sound spread throughout the entire space of stars.It is indeed huge.

This little movement is not even a warm-up between Ye Guxin and Henli.Just try it out.Not even a single point of strength was revealed.

Henli didn't expect to be able to do anything like that just now. He waved his hand after seeing the giant hand disappear, and hundreds of stars around him dragged huge fire snakes towards Ye Guxin.Seeing Ye Guxin sneer disdainfully, Zhantian waved lightly, and countless sword shadows appeared beside him.Streams of starlight poured into those sword shadows like tired birds returning to their nests, and the illusory sword shadows suddenly became starlight swords gleaming with starlight under the infusion of starlight.

Ye Guxin drew his hand, and those starlight swords instantly joined together, turning into a starlight sword wheel composed of countless starlight swords.After the sword wheel was formed, it began to rotate rapidly.Ye Guxin saw the meteorites rushing towards the front hit them.

Those starlight sword wheels pierced the void, the space was shattered inch by inch, and destructive energies emanated from the space.The Starlight Sword came first after the wheel, and directly slashed on those meteorites.Those meteorites had no strength to resist at all, so they shattered into countless pieces and scattered in the starry sky.And mixed with incomparable energy, he chopped towards Henli.

Henli frowned at the wheel of starlight, and suddenly swung the long knife in his hand towards it, a huge knife aura that was hundreds of feet long formed a huge long knife in front of him.After the long knife appeared, it slashed on the star sword wheel.Seeing this, Ye Guxin shouted coldly: "Fen"

Following his cold shout, the starlight sword wheel did not wait for the long knife to touch it, and suddenly separated, turning into tens of thousands of long swords. After the long sword was separated, it was like a rain of swords Generally, Xiang Henli bombarded him.Henli is a person who is about to become enlightened, how could he be intimidated by this little scene in front of him.The left hand suddenly melted into the void, and suddenly a huge crack appeared in front of those star swords like the huge mouth of a monster.In the blink of an eye, none of the star swords were left.

Seeing the cold voice, Ye Guxin said: "Henli, the warm-up is over now, I don't know if you are ready." He thought of a lot, thought of Houtu who was still unconscious, thought of him arresting Linger, Streams of murderous aura emerged from his side without limit.At this moment, the murderous aura on his body finally reached its peak.But even so, Ye Guxin's eyes were actually peaceful.It seems to be a pool of stagnant water that does not move all year round.

When the people in the Earth Immortal Realm heard it, they couldn't help being extremely shocked. Just a warm-up, turned out to be the shattering of countless stars.If there was a real fight, everyone's hearts could not help but tremble with what kind of power it would be.I finally had a new understanding of their strength.

Henli looked at Ye Guxin in front of him and said indifferently: "Okay, Ye Guxin, you are worthy of being called the Emperor of the Earth. Let me see what abilities you have as the Emperor of the Earth today." Against the imaginary domineering aura, Henli's body seemed to grow countless times taller in an instant.Now the two have let go of everything, and only have each other in their eyes.

Ice - seal - sky - down
Ye Guxin suddenly gave a cold shout, and the Zhantian suddenly turned sky blue.Ye Guxin stomped fiercely in the void, and all of a sudden, pieces of ice crystals centered on Ye Guxin without warning, spreading around at the speed of light.Wherever the ice crystal went, even the repeated starlight was forcibly frozen inside.The mysterious ice in the starry sky is replaced.This ice is not ordinary ice, but the coldest, hardest, and most terrifying bit of Aurora Xuanice in the world.Don't say it's human.Even if Da Luo Jinxian encounters it.That is also the fate of being frozen.

The place where the aurora ice passes is not only objects, animals, even the emptiness of light can hardly escape the fate of being frozen.Boundless cold air emerged in the starry sky.Hen Li looked at it and knew how powerful it was. Even though he was very conceited about his own cultivation, he definitely didn't dare to confront Aurora Xuanbing head-on.How dare you try it yourself when you encounter this.

Tyrant - knife - one - show - sky - earth - change
Hate Li's domineering roar instantly rang through the starry sky.A strong domineering force erupted from his body.The long knife in his hand suddenly became extremely tall.And Henli's height is even higher.The head cannot be seen at a glance.The domineering aura was revealed, and the aura was incomparably violent,
The long knife in his hand turned into tens of thousands of paths, and chopped into the void.In an instant, the space trembled, and violent saber energy condensed in the distance of [-] meters around Henli.And countless huge thunderbolts appeared in the originally peaceful ancient star space.The surroundings of the thunder and lightning seal are full of strange things, which is amazing.

Henli wanted to stop Ye Guxin's trend of freezing the world with this endless saber energy and the chaotic energy around him.But that Aurora Xuanbing is so easy to deal with.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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