Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 244 Nine Tactics in the Sword

Chapter 244 Nine Juxtapositions in the Sword
The Aurora Ice is not ordinary ice. After the sword energy of Hate Li collided with the Aurora Ice, it didn't even have a slight effect, it was frozen directly, and the naked eyes could see the huge one after another. The process of the saber air freezing into profound ice.It seemed that Henli's saber energy was superfluous, but now Henli couldn't help but smile secretly when he saw it.The huge mouth suddenly roared: "Explosion!"

"Bang, bang, bang..." Countless explosions sounded at the same time, and the sound was connected together, as if a series of firecrackers were lit.Accompanied by the sound of the explosion, pieces of huge black ice shattered into groups of ice slag.Floating among the stars.

It turned out that after seeing the power of the mysterious ice, Henli knew that it would not be so easy to destroy the mysterious ice from the front, so he intentionally sent out countless saber auras. There is such a trace of connection with Henli, even after being frozen by the Aurora Xuanbing, the connection in the dark cannot be frozen, and Henli used this trace of connection to detonate the saber energy, and the saber air was frozen In Xuanbing, the power of such a burst is unimaginable.That's why the starry sky is now full of ice slags.

Seeing this situation, Ye Guxin couldn't help but snorted coldly, he also knew that if he wanted to deal with Henli, this kind of tactic would hardly have any effect at all, it was just a test for him.There are nine tactics in the Dihuang Jue, which correspond to the nine realms of the Di Huang Jue.Later, Ye Guxin fused these nine tactics into his sword technique.This increases the power of the sword technique even more.Every sword has great power, and the Aurora Xuanbing just now is just a simple usage of Jiujue.Every time Ye Guxin prepares for the impact this Aurora Xuanbing will have on Henli.

After Henli saw Aurora Xuanbing disappearing, his body returned to its original size. After all, in this real duel, it doesn't make much difference whether the body is big or not, and Ye Guxin is still at the same level as him. strong.The battle between them is the most direct collision.The most direct battle.That is also the most dangerous, and there is a danger of serious injury if you are not careful.

Henlixu stood in the void, and suddenly said: "Ye Guxin, it is indeed a blessing for me to fight with you today. We all know that one of us must be destroyed, either me or you. At this moment, there is one thing that I can't let go of, and I hope you can agree." There was a trace of strangeness in the tone of her speaking.

When Ye Guxin heard this, he couldn't help frowning, and he was also very curious about what Henli was about to say, what was it that made him unable to let go, and it was still in this life-and-death battle.He couldn't help but nodded, and said lightly: "You say."

Henli suddenly looked towards the void, and said in a desolate tone: "What I can't let go of is the girl just now, that is, Yuenu. She is the daughter of one of my closest brothers. Later, my brother died because he saved me." Death, and entrusted her to me in the end. I have regarded her as my own daughter all these years. I hope that if I can't leave here today, you can help take care of Yuenu." While speaking, she looked at Ye Guxin in a daze.

There was a strange look in Ye Guxin's eyes, and he felt very strange that he couldn't help it. He snorted coldly and said: "Hmph, if the outcome is not decided, you should explain the future first. How can you fight me with such a mentality? If I am invincible, then I am invincible, if you don't have the invincible heart, then you will surely die today." Saying these words was actually a bit resentful.It's hard to find someone with equal strength. If he hasn't made a move yet, he is already in a complete state, so what's the point of fighting.

Ye Guxin was not sure of winning this decisive battle, so he had already explained everything clearly, and he had let go of all the burdens.His mentality has been adjusted to the best level. Ling'er already has Wu Hou to take care of him. With his own mother, Ling'er will be very happy.As for my several apprentices, I have already given them all I have learned, and it is up to them how much they can achieve.This is something he can't help.Houtu, if he dies, no one will refine the Heaven-Defying Pill for her, and she will follow him in a hundred years.

Now there is only one word in Ye Guxin's eyes, and that is war.He didn't expect that Henli still had something he couldn't let go of, so how could he fight with himself like this, if he won like this, then Ye Guxin didn't want to.

When Henli heard Ye Guxin's words, a trembling light suddenly burst out in his eyes, and the aura on his body was completely different. The current him and the him just now seemed to be two completely different people. Said: "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Since this is the case, I don't care about it. The sky is big and the earth is big, and I will rely on her in the future. And let's fight." Suddenly, a domineering momentum swept over Ye Guxin.Wanting to destroy Ye Guxin's mind with a tyrannical aura.In this way, Ye Guxin's skill can be used to [-]% in battle, which is not bad.

But who is Ye Guxin, how could he be overwhelmed by his aura.The sky is big, the earth is big, and I am the biggest.Sensing the changes in Henli's body, Ye Guxin couldn't help but sneered and said, "Okay, this is the most interesting way." Following his words, boundless loneliness emerged from his body, instantly pushing back the domineering spirit on Henli's body.The entire starry sky, under the aura of the two, was actually divided equally.Half and half.On the one hand, this momentum is boundless domineering.On one side is the air of loneliness in the world.

These two astonishing auras instantly brought about changes in the heavens and the earth, the entire star space suddenly changed, and countless lightning flashed at the place where the two auras met.Everything that was enveloped by the two auras began to stand still.As if moving it would bring disaster.Brake is mysterious.

But the people below didn't think so when they saw it. They didn't expect that the battle between Ye Guxin and Henli's momentum alone would be so earth-shattering. If we talk about battles, the previous battles were really just small battles. Just an appetizer.Compared with the fierceness between them, it can be said that the little witch meets the big witch.Not worth mentioning.

And at this moment, Ni Yuntian, who saw the two fighting, suddenly burst out with fanaticism in his eyes. He didn't expect that just a small collision would reach such a level. If it really fought, it would reach such a level.Thinking about it, it's fortunate that it is within the space of stars, otherwise the entire Earth Immortal World would be wiped out in this short collision.Compared with them, I am really far behind.

When Tian Nan and the others saw Ye Guxin's power, their eyes showed incomparable admiration. Although they knew that Master was very powerful before, they had never seen it before. The realm of imagination.

"Today I will let you try the nine tactics of my sword first." Ye Guxin saw that the imposing manner was impossible and got Hate Li, his eyes turned cold, and after saying a word, his body turned into a lightning bolt and struck towards Hen Li.At this time, Ye Guxin didn't know what was going on, the surrounding air froze where he passed, and layers of ice crystals appeared behind him.And the Zhantian is also overall blue.

Henli would be afraid of Ye Guxin when he saw where he saw it, and he let out a long roar, "It's just right, I'll come to learn from you today. How could I be afraid of you, Henli." After speaking, he and Ye Guxin fought together.

The Nine Tactics in the Sword is actually the method of using the nine origins condensed by practicing the Earth Emperor Jue. The power of the origin is incomparably powerful and unimaginable. Later, because Ye Guxin is best at swordsmanship, he used the power of the origin, It has been integrated into the sword technique, which makes its sword technique have all kinds of strange abilities.Think of the current blue, this is the power of the original water.Use it to freeze everything.Softness is the power to dissolve most of it.

The Frozen World just now is just one of the usages.Zhan Tian followed the mysterious thin lines between heaven and earth and stabbed towards Henli.Henli was also not afraid of Ye Guxin's Zhantian, the unknown long knife mixed with boundless domineering momentum blocked Zhantian with a tyrannical aura.

When the two meet together, the sword energy, the knife energy did not leak out at all, it was like ordinary people striking each other with swords, but in an instant, they saw the space around them shatter into countless pieces, just like that. It was like being cut by something.And after Hen Li came into contact with Zhan Tian, ​​he even discovered that a stream of mysterious ice energy was quickly coming towards his body along the long knife.

Henli didn't dare to let the Xuanbing Qi touch him, an incomparably domineering Qi flashed on the blade, instantly smashing the Xuanbing Qi away.Ye Guxin also took advantage of this period of time to swing countless swords, directly covering Hen Li.Every time Ye Guxin swung his sword, the mixed power was unimaginable, not only his own power, but also the power of the most mysterious thin line between heaven and earth.Coupled with the power of the source.The power in that sword is even more unimaginable, and Ye Guxin has completely suppressed these powers in the sword body with his superb cultivation base, but it does not show mountains or water on the outside.It seems to be an ordinary sword.

But Henli clearly felt the power of the sword to destroy the world, and the Rijing Wheel above the Qingyun above his head suddenly issued a crescent light blade and chopped it down at Ye Guxin.The hot power caused the place where the light blade passed to be surrounded by a violent heat wave.

An unknown amount of the true power of the sun has already been condensed on the nissing wheel, which is three points more powerful than any flame in the world.And this day Jinglun is an innate spiritual treasure, its power is unimaginable.How dare Ye Guxin let him get close.The blue water flag in the Qingyun above the head suddenly shot out a blue brilliance, hitting the crescent-shaped light blade.

(The update is slow, sorry.) (To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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