Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 248 Money Ownership

Chapter 248 Money Ownership
This time, Henli also released all the magic treasures, and wanted to directly destroy the Wuji Tianlian that Ye Guxin had used.But after Ye Guxin sent out the five-pole sky lotus, he smiled lightly and stretched his figure, but went towards the Luobao money and the refining ball that were covered by the sky-locking net.Generally speaking, this round of fighting revolves around dropping treasures and money.Even so, the battle was extremely fierce.One Wuji Tianlian will make the world change color.Although the Wuji Tianlian is powerful, it will definitely not be the most powerful.Fighting to the end will definitely not be ordinary terror.

Henli originally focused [-]% of his attention on Wuji Tianlian, but at least [-]% was on Luobao money, and he was also on guard against Ye Guxin's idea of ​​taking the opportunity to seize the treasure.Seeing that Ye Guxin really used Wuji Tianlian to attract his attention, but the real purpose was to drop treasure and money.Although he knew it, it would be too late for him to organize it now, and there was still a big trouble of Wuji Tianlian in front of him.

But Henli is not helpless, with a finger pointing, the Suotiannet that originally covered the Luobao money suddenly flew out, it turned out to give up the Luobao money, and covered Ye Guxin, Ye Guxin couldn't help but praise when he saw it Voice said: It's a good move to encircle Wei and save Zhao.Although Suotianwang is powerful, Ye Guxin is never afraid.

With a flash of blue light, the surroundings of the Suotiannet were frozen, layers of transparent ice crystals wanted to freeze the Suotiannet, but the Suotiannet was a magic weapon that Hate Li had tempered for thousands of years, how could it be possible? Being frozen so easily, a burst of black light emanated from the net, and huge demon heads appeared on it, roaring.Open your teeth and dance your mouth, as if you want to rush out of it.But they were just looking at the appearance. Under the layers of black ice, it was the best result that Suotianwang was not frozen, and this was the result of Suotianwang emitting black light from time to time to resist.

Ye Guxin didn't stop for a moment, and flew towards the position of Luobao Qianqian. Ye Guxin's speed was so fast that he arrived in front of Luobaoqian almost in an instant. Now Luobaoqian was completely frozen in one piece. Inside Xuanbing, Luobao money does not have much attack power, and after being trapped by Xuanbing, there is no resistance at all.It became what it is now.If it is replaced by a magic weapon with strong attack power.The ending would be completely different.

Seeing Ye Guxin's actions, Henli knew that the treasure hunt was a complete failure, but it was impossible for him to watch Ye Guxin take away the treasure money.The nisei wheel on the top of the head vibrated lightly three times, and then three huge light blades were drawn from it, and the directions of the three light blades were also different.

One is Xiang Wuji Tianlian, one is Xiang Suo Tianwang, and the other is Xiang Ye Guxin.This day, Jinglun has long been hated and given to Ruyi who sacrificed.He also knows the enormous power contained in it.Ye Guxin didn't give up when he saw Henli, so he didn't say much.Raising his hand to chop the sky, he pointed towards the light blade very naturally.I saw a multicolored brilliance condensed on the tip of Zhantian's sword.It collided with the light blade mixed with boundless power.

Then you can feel an extremely hot air wave rushing toward your face, directly occupying half of the sky, but Ye Guxin is not a vegetarian, the little light condensed on the tip of the sword finally burst out at this moment.Infinite sword energy soared into the sky.The swordsman is sharp and kills.Weapons also.After the sword qi appeared, it began to change one after another, constantly changing various colors, and every time it changed a color, the sword qi would have a special effect.There is ice, there is fire, there is thickness, there is sharpness, there is lightness, and there is corrosion.After such a round of changes, the light blade was wiped away by the sword energy.

Ye Guxin snorted coldly, and after the light blade disappeared, Zhan Tian picked up the Luobao money, and instantly put the Luobao money and the refining ball into the Conferred God.Looking at Henli again, he saw that the Wuji Heavenly Lotus finally dissipated under the last light blade after Henli's repeated tricks.And Suo Tianwang and Tian Mo Yin all returned to his hands.Henli was obviously very angry at Ye Guxin for taking away his Luobao money, and a burst of murderous intent emerged.But no matter how strong the killing intent is, it will be difficult to overcome Ye Guxin.

Ye Guxin stood on top of a giant tree in the void, the murderous aura in his whole body had dyed the surroundings red.It was red as if it was about to bleed.Killing, killing, killing, killing one person is a crime, killing a hundred people is a hero, and killing tens of thousands of people is a hero among heroes.An old saying emerged from Ye Guxin's mind.A burst of red light could not help but radiate from the eyes.That red light has an indescribable strangeness.At this moment, Ye Guxin has completely become the spokesperson of Killing.Destruction incarnate.

And Henli also knew that the real decisive battle had arrived, and there was no room for tact, the victory or defeat would naturally be known after this one.Henli's eyes grew sharply, and the purest devilish energy flashed on his Mo Daojin body.From time to time, the eight magic weapons in his hand emitted a breath, causing the world to move.

And at this moment, Ye Guxin was finally about to use all his cultivation, and the eyes of the Emperor's real body in the temple of Beidou Luzhou flashed brightly, and it directly turned into a white lightning mark, breaking through the limitation of space and flying towards Ye Guxin's eyebrows. went in.But when outsiders saw it, they could only see a white light entering between Ye Guxin's eyebrows, but no one could say clearly what it was.But Ye Guxin's aura suddenly doubled at this moment.There is a faint white light flashing between the eyebrows.

When the aura of the two reached its peak, Ye Guxin and Henli stepped forward at the same time and fought together.I saw: the golden body of the demon lord of the demon world, the eight magic treasures showing off their demonic power, the demon's body flashed and the world changed, and his testimony became nirvana.The emperor of the earth is full of arrogance and murderousness, shaking the walls of heaven and earth, cutting the heavens and hidden secrets in his palms, desperately trying to kill hate, just because he touches his rebellious scales.It's hard to quell this hatred from all over the world.The only way to dispel resentment is with blood.

The fight between the two of them was really uncommonly fierce. All kinds of strange supernatural powers that were never shown in front of people were displayed one after another, making others dazzled.One by one relaxed and happy.But they also saw that the disaster was coming. They saw that those people with low cultivation bases saw the fierceness, the wonderfulness, and the high concentration of spirit.They kept evolving and absorbing the battle in front of them in their minds, but their cultivation base was simply not enough for them to watch such a battle, and their souls moved wildly, spitting blood.After regaining consciousness from the ancient star space, they checked their cultivation again, only to find that their realm had dropped by more than one level in that instant.The primordial spirit in the body is trembling non-stop.Obviously unable to withstand the impact of the battle between Ye Guxin and Henli.Make the boundary greatly reduced.

This means that those who can't stand the news of this battle, and those who can endure it, after this battle, as long as they absorb the essence of this battle, their realm will definitely grow, and their cultivation base will be violent. increase.That's why those people watched intently without blinking their eyes.I am afraid of missing any important process, which will make me regret for life.Opportunities like this don't come around very often.Maybe this is the only time in thousands of years.

The Zhantian sword in Ye Guxin's hand collided with Henli's demonic golden body non-stop, you couldn't see the sword-handling hand at all, and the speed had already broken through the limit that Ye Guxin could reach.Fighting is a kind of breakthrough. Now every time Ye Guxin swings a sword, his state of mind is different. It is sublimating and transforming.Every sword is a different state of mind, and they are all so wonderful. At this moment, in Ye Guxin's eyes, the world is no longer the world, and the space is no longer that space.What Ye Guxin saw in his eyes were mysterious thin lines that quickly appeared and then disappeared.The thread is constantly shuttling and changing in this void.

No matter what the world is, there will be such a loophole. There is no perfect thing in the world, and things will naturally have defects, and this thin line is the defect of the world.The so-called left a thread of secret.That's the reason.The world will not be perfect, and the law will not be perfect.This is the law of heaven.

Ye Guxin knew about the existence of this thin line a long time ago, and she was able to follow this thin line to achieve her goal.This is mastery.There are only a handful of people in the world who can control this mysterious thin thread.And after controlling, there is only one thing to do, that is detachment, as long as you detach from the world, then this thin line will be created by you, whenever you want it to appear on your body, it will appear at any time.This is already the realm of the Nirvana Saint.Only saints can transcend heaven and earth.Only in this way can we truly see the world clearly.

Every time Ye Guxin swung his sword, he would go through this thin line, and the power was even more unimaginable.But Henli is not a vegetarian either, and his magic golden body is no worse than Zhun Ti's golden body Dafa.Every wave is mixed with the changes of heaven and earth, infinite mystery.Those eight magic weapons are even harder to guard against, and Ye Guxin's headaches are caused by using them from time to time.And the nissei wheel above his head emits light blades from time to time.It's hard to guard against.

But Ye Guxin's speed is incomparable to Hate Li, and his physical strength is even more unimaginable. The energy from the fight around them hit him without any reaction. You have to know that the energy is put outside. A piece of the earth will be cut off.From this, one can also imagine the extent of Ye Guxin's physical tyranny.

After Hen Li blocked Ye Guxin's sword, the Wanxi bottle in his hand suddenly fell towards Ye Guxin, and a green water column shot out from it in an instant.A pungent and unpleasant smell came from inside.Ye Guxin took a look, but didn't dare to take it hard, he had seen the power of the Ten Thousand Erosion Qi with his own eyes.If he was touched by it, even if his body was tyrannical, it would not be good.

(The Internet was shut down yesterday, sorry.) (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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