Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 249 Who is the Winner

Chapter 249 Who is the Winner
The primordial and the undivided are called chaos. Pangu opened up the heaven and the earth, and the chaos was split and turned into two qi, one is pure qi and the other is turbid qi. The clear one rises and turns into the sky, and the turbid one sinks and turns into the earth.This turbid air is the most powerful and vicious thing in the world.If others touch this turbidity, if they can't bear it, they will be tainted by it in an instant, and countless years of cultivation will finally be turned into a cake.

But the ten thousand eclipse energy in the ten thousand eclipse bottle in Hate Li's hand is also regarded as the next most dangerous thing.For it, even Ye Guxin has to temporarily avoid the edge.But Ye Guxin didn't let Henli feel better, the fire flag suddenly emitted a red light, and as soon as the red light came out, it turned into a huge flame.It collided with the water column formed by the eclipse gas.What happens when fire and water come into contact.I don't need to say this, everyone knows it.After the two were connected, a layer of dense water mist suddenly emanated from between the two.A pungent gas filled the surrounding space.

Ye Guxin frowned when he saw Henli being sucked in by the green mist, and suddenly swung it and chopped the sky, a sword aura of a hundred feet in size broke into the mist.Split the mist in half.Then I saw that there was nothing in the mist, and my heart tightened.

A strong force suddenly hit his head. At this time, it was too late to hide, so he could only turn his body to the side for a moment, and then he saw that one side was mixed with infinite demons. The seal of anger hit Ye Guxin's left shoulder. With a "click", there was a sudden crisp sound from the left shoulder.A trace of blood appeared at the corner of Ye Guxin's mouth.The figure suddenly retreated violently.Came directly to a kilometer away.

Yun Gong took a look, only to find that the bone on his left shoulder had been completely crushed by the blow from Henli's Heavenly Demon Seal.Although this shoulder will naturally recover slowly in the future, but now it can no longer exert its strength.This actually abolished one of Ye Guxin's hands.Ye Guxin's murderous aura condensed, looked coldly at Henli in the distance, and said: "Henli, you deserve to die" The murderous aura in that tone soared into the sky.

Ye Guxin used the sword with his right hand, although the injury to his left shoulder affected him a bit, but the impact was not as great as he imagined, and he killed Henli as soon as he stopped, this time Ye Guxin completely exchanged injuries for injuries, In a life-to-life style of fighting, the sword is even more incredible.In an instant, countless wounds were filled on the two of them.

At this time, the unknown long knife in Henli's hand suddenly slashed at Ye Guxin's head.Ye Guxin didn't hide, he just turned his body sideways, and Zhantian also stabbed towards Henli's eyebrows.Henli dares to retreat at this time, either you die or I die.Also turn the head to one side.The weapons of the two men slashed at each other at the same time.

Ye Guxin's left hand was suddenly broken.And Ye Guxin chopped off two of Hate Li's demonic golden bodies in an instant.It can be seen how fierce the battle is.It has reached an unbelievable situation.The blood of the two even sprinkled the entire starry sky.Don't talk about them, just talk about the people who watched them fight, and they couldn't help but be terrified when they saw this situation.It's hard to help yourself, especially those who are related to the two.

Tian Nan couldn't help but see the veins on his hands bursting out of nervousness, and the sweat dripping down his face, not only him, but also the juniors next to him looked the same.Everyone was so nervous that they didn't even dare to take a breath.Seeing that Ye Guxin was injured, Sun Wukong immediately gritted his teeth and said, "I'm helping Master." He was about to go in after speaking.

When Tian Nan heard this, he quickly pulled Sun Wukong back and said, "Junior Brother, what are you messing around with? The battle between Master and Master is not something that we can intervene now, and look at the energy around them, you If you go in, I'm afraid they will be crushed by the energy between them before they get close to Master. Isn't this a death in vain?"

It is true that no one can penetrate the energy between Ye Guxin and Henli. Once they fight there, the stars there will be silently twisted into powder and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.Just based on their cultivation base, if they go in, they will not be much better than those stars.Why doesn't Sun Wukong know, but this can only see the feeling that the master is injured and can't go up to help, which makes him feel like a knife is cutting him. In his heart, Ye Guxin has always been a master and a father.

The longer Ye Guxin fought, the murderous aura on his body began to slowly increase. The boundless murderous aura was mixed with infinite anger, which was indescribably terrifying.Every sword is aimed at Hate Li who wants to kill.At this time, Ye Guxin only had one word in his mind, and that was kill, kill, kill.

And Hen Li is not much better, only five of the eight hands left on his body.There are countless wounds on the body.unimaginable.Every collision is accompanied by countless wounds.At this time, no one has reservations, and no one has any reservations. Every move has been tempered by oneself, and it contains infinite mysteries.The fierceness of the battle is simply unimaginable.Shangqiongbi fell to Huangquan, such a fierce battle has never been fought since the beginning of the world.

After a loud noise, Ye Guxin and Henli backed away at the same time, only to be separated by thousands of meters.Ye Guxin and Henli Yaoyao faced each other, each of them was dripping with blood, but no one took care of these wounds, the aura on their bodies did not decrease because of the injuries, but kept increasing.Looking at Ye Guxin now, his left hand was completely cut off.There are countless wounds on his body, but the Earth Emperor Jue he practiced was practiced at the same time with his body and soul.During the short period of time those wounds stayed here, many of them have healed quickly.But there are too many wounds on the body, and it will take some time to fully recover.

But now not only is Hate Li not going to give him time, but Ye Guxin won't give him time. Ye Guxin has the advantage of physical body, and his recovery ability is much stronger than Henli's.At the end of the fight, he believed that he would be the one standing in the end.

"Henli, now is the time to decide the outcome. I want you to die today." When he said the last word, Ye Guxin's murderous aura reached an unprecedented level.The Zhantian in his hand suddenly appeared on his back.A quaint scabbard hides Zhan Tian inside.This made Zhan Tian's original power disappear in an instant.Not only Zhantian, but also the murderous aura on Ye Guxin's body mysteriously disappeared.

Ye Guxin slowly closed his eyes, and suddenly he seemed to be an ancient sword that existed between heaven and earth forever.It was so calm and simple, the changes in the world seemed to flash on his body for a while, and the black hair in the shawl automatically began to flutter regularly without any wind.There is a strange charm between the fluttering.

The only remaining right hand slowly grasped the hilt of Zhan Tian's sword.After that, Zhan Tian was slowly pulled out of the scabbard inch by inch.Every time Zhan Tian is set aside, the aura on Ye Guxin's body and the sword will become stronger.The incomparable momentum directly pressed down on Henli like a knife or a sword.That momentum is growing without limit.Once Zhantian comes out, who will fight for the front.

Seeing this situation, Hen Li knew that the outcome was already in the middle of this time, and he decided the outcome with one blow.Win or lose with one sword.Feeling Ye Guxin's aura, Henli's eyes flashed a cold light, and the remaining five hands raised, and endless devilish energy rose from him in an instant.A huge demon figure suddenly appeared above his head.

As the demon energy in Henli's body became stronger and stronger, the golem above his head became clearer and clearer, and a terrifying aura emanated from the golem.This is the last resort for Hate Li, the Phaseless Heavenly Demon.It's just that this Phaseless Heavenly Demon hasn't fully cultivated yet.If the cultivation is complete, it will not be easy even for Saint Nirvana to defeat him.Although he hasn't practiced yet, at this last moment, how dare Henli hide anything, this is a battle of life and death.A battle that will set the world.

Ye Guxin has already forgotten everything at this moment, the only thing left in his mind is a sword, a sword that can destroy the world, my heart is invincible, my heart is the sword.My sword is invincible.Zhan Tian pulled out of the scabbard inch by inch.The sword grows, but there is an end after all. In the end, Zhan Tian only had the tip of the sword still in the scabbard. Ye Guxin's tightly closed eyes finally opened at this moment.I saw a bright electric light flashing in the eyes, and boundless power emerged between the sky and the earth.

Even Zhou Tian Xingdou's formation could not stop this boundless power, Xiaoyun Xiaozi, He Ling'er and the others also felt this momentum at this moment.At this time, Xiaoyun and the others already knew that the final decisive battle had arrived.When Ye Guxin and Henli fought against each other, they had walked out of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation to watch, but then the fighting spirit of the two was too strong, and even they were affected, so they hurried into the formation one by one, Nothing happened.

But now that such a powerful momentum appeared, it was obviously time for a decisive battle, and perhaps the life and death of the two of them would also be separated at this moment.Everyone was extremely worried, and Ling'er held onto the Queen's hand tightly, and kept chanting something in her mouth.If you listen carefully, you can hear words such as: "The adoptive father will be fine, he will be fine" and so on.

"Chop" Ye Guxin yelled fiercely, and the word "cut" spread throughout the entire world in an instant, and the space of ancient stars could hardly limit this shocking shout that made ghosts and gods weep.It is mixed with Ye Guxin's confidence that he will win, and his indomitable momentum.In an instant, all the sounds in the world disappeared, only this chopping sound remained, which lasted for a long time.

The Heaven Zhanjian cut down in an instant.The space was shattered piece by piece, and the starry sky was shaking violently.When countless stars felt its momentum, it shattered and dissipated directly.The sound of lightning and thunder is endless.It was as if the end of the world was imminent.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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