Chapter 280
There is another wonderful place outside of all circles, that is the nether world of the leader of the nether world, but this nether world was not created by himself. During the prehistoric period, the starry sky was shattered and the space collapsed.It turned into countless heavens, and the leader of the netherworld also fell into one of the heavens. Finally, he created the world of the nether world with great mana, and called himself the leader of the nether world.His cultivation is indeed outstanding, and he is just one step away from a saint.But I don't know if he didn't have enough opportunities or what, but he couldn't break through the last step.For thousands of years, only this last step can be taken.

It is impossible to say that the leader of the Nether world is not in a hurry, but even if he is in a hurry, so what, he has tried everything, but there is no way.But this time he knew from the Earth Immortal Realm that the Emperor Ye Guxin wanted to refine the Heaven-Defying Pill.This Heaven-Defying Pill definitely has the effect of defying the sky. When the Heaven-defying Pill was first refined in the prehistoric period, it had already attracted divine punishment. This time it must be no exception. This Heaven-Defying Pill is so powerful. Uncertainty is the key to taking the last step.

So he also has a strong sense of possession of this Heaven-Defying Pill.He already wondered if he should go to Ye Guxin to snatch the Nitian Pill, but the most troublesome thing for him was that the Nitian Pill belonged to that person. The Emperor Ye Guxin had been listed by him as the most unacceptable pill many years ago. One of the people who provoked him, if he went crazy, he would not mind the consequences.The matter of hate from that year is also a good proof.Although his cultivation would not be any different from that of a saint, a saint is a saint.I have not proved myself, and it is difficult to confront him.

And I don't know if this Nitian Pill can help him achieve enlightenment, if not, then he has offended a person for nothing, and this person is so difficult to deal with.I heard that this Heaven-Defying Pill is the only thing that can save her wife, if she takes it by herself, it will really be a life-and-death enmity.This also gave him a headache.On the one hand, he became enlightened and became the enemy of the Emperor, and on the other hand, he was fine, and he has been living like this ever since.

Thinking of the Nether leader standing in the blood river, he couldn't stop looking at the sky.Suddenly there was a burst of singing from the sky: "When the great enlightened golden immortal is not second, Bodhi, the patriarch of the Western Wonderful Dharma. He is not born or destroyed, three or three lines, full of energy, full of gods, and myriads of compassion. Silence changes naturally, just like the nature of nature. And Tian Tongshou's solemn body, a great mage who has gone through many calamities."

The leader of Youming couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and when he looked up, he saw a Taoist dressed in a bun, coming with a song.This Taoist, You Ming, knows that he is the Taoist Zhunti, the second leader of the Western religion.He has never had any contact with Western religion, so what is he doing here.I can't help but whisper in my heart.Although he was not afraid of him, the other party was a saint after all, so he had to show some face, nodded, and said in a loud voice: "I don't know what is the importance of the Western religion to mention a saint to my remote place?"

In those words, he was the first to ask him why he didn't stay in his west, but he wanted to come to himself.That Zhunti Taoist was still in the sky, but as soon as the song fell, his figure had already arrived in front of the leader of the Nether world, and there was indeed a sense of air in him.Holding a colorful wooden branch in his hand.You Ming recognized it, it was his magic weapon, the Seven Treasure Tree.Thousands of magic weapons fell under his wonderful tree of seven treasures, and it can be said to be a powerful magic weapon.

But although the Seven Treasure Tree is a powerful magic weapon, it can't suppress luck, and it's not as good as the Eastern religions.So they can only be sidelined.I also have a plan for Dongfang in my heart, but unfortunately there are too many saints in Dongfang, and this time there is another emperor Ye Guxin.Judging from Ye Guxin's previous actions, he definitely doesn't have a good impression of the Western religion, otherwise he wouldn't have suppressed the Tathagata avatar for so many years and still not release it.

So Zhunti was already mentally prepared to be an enemy of Ye Guxin, and Ye Guxin occupied the North Fear Luzhou by himself, and there were no believers of other sects in the North Fear Luzhou. It would be extremely difficult to pass on the orthodoxy.And that North Fear Luzhou is so well-staffed and the people are rich.I don't know how many times better than the other three states.How could he not hang down.It's a pity that the emperor Ye Guxin is the biggest barrier.

If they don't solve him, it's basically impossible for them to spread the orthodox tradition inside.This time he calculated the secret day and night, and finally he found a chance. Ye Guxin wanted to refine the Heaven-Defying Pill for his wife. When the Heaven-Defying Pill came out, the day would surely come. By then, Ye Guxin would definitely be too busy to take care of himself.Look for another opportunity to steal his Heaven-Defying Pill, and then mobilize people to show a miracle in his northern fear Luzhou.Hit him.If there is no chance, he will directly destroy his Dihuangjiao.

Of course, it is impossible for him to do it himself. The Nether Sect Master is the best choice. His strength is not much worse than Ye Guxin's Dihuang Sect. Doesn't he want to become enlightened? The key to his enlightenment, even if he had doubts, he would have gone, after all, this might be his chance.

Zhunti smiled and said: "The poor Taoist came to congratulate the leader. If you want to say that the cultivation level of the leader is not inferior to that of a saint like me, but it is difficult to become a Taoist. Although you have a cultivation level comparable to a saint, you After all, you are not a saint yet, so of course you cannot fully understand your chance, but this time it is your chance." As he spoke, he slowly began to guide the thoughts of the Nether leader.

After all, even if a thing is good, it is better to use it with life, otherwise it can only be a bamboo basket to fetch water, but in the end it is nothing.The leader of the Nether world has been the leader of the leader for so many years, so he still understands such a little truth. This Western religion has nothing to do with him, so how can he suddenly benefit him.Return the opportunity.It's fine if it's not a trap.

The leader of Youming said indifferently: "Where is it? It's just that I don't know what the opportunity is. It is worthy of you, the second leader of the West, to come to me." It seemed that he didn't care what he said at all.Although he had already guessed that what he said this time might have something to do with the Heaven-Defying Pill.He wanted the Heaven-Defying Pill, but that didn't mean he was willing to be used by others.How could he have any kindness.

Zhunti smiled and said: "Master, if I hadn't seen that you have been staying in the current state and was anxious, I would not have come here in person. In fact, I have always been fascinated by the leader. If you intend to go If I develop in the West, the position of the three leaders of my Western Church will be yours." But I don't know why the topic was turned to this, and I actually wanted to recruit him.

The Nether leader also knew that this would definitely not be the theme.I myself don't want to enter any Western religion. I want wind and rain in the nether world. How can I have such a fun there, and I don't have any plans to be inferior to others, so I directly refused: "Thank you for your kindness, but it's a pity that I can't bear to be restricted, and I'm used to staying here, and I don't want to leave, which makes you bother." In the words, he clearly rejected his solicitation.

There is nothing unexpected about this quasi-mention. If the Nether leader is so easy to attract, then he can stay until now. What he said just now was only half serious and half joking. Now, without turning him around, he said directly: "Master, You are also an outstanding person of the generation, this time your chance is above the Heaven-Defying Pill, once the Heaven-Defying Pill comes out, the scourge will surely come, I have already deceived the heavenly secret, how to do it is your own business, I will leave you poorly. "After speaking, he suddenly left strangely.It was as if he had suddenly appeared.This made the Nether leader frowned.

But his mind immediately turned to the news. The mention must have no good intentions. This time he deliberately pointed out that there is a scourge. He was already vacillating. Now that he has the exact news, it is indeed a chance , It's a pity that this piece of meat is not delicious, and now there are really not many people who dare to touch the mold of the emperor.

This is really too risky, if it works, then everything is okay, if it doesn't work, then the matter is out of his control, maybe he is facing Ye Guxin's crazy revenge.When the saint got angry, he destroyed the world.After thinking about it for a while, a hint of firmness suddenly appeared in the eyes of the Nether leader.

He said directly: "Send the order to Liudao, gather here immediately." Then a bloody figure appeared in the void, said yes, and disappeared in an instant.Nether once created six realms, namely, the realm of Shura, the realm of animals, the realm of hungry ghosts, the realm of humanity, the realm of hell, and the realm of blood gods.He is the leader, and he has six masters who control the six realms.Just like Ye Wushang's original Asura Realm is the Asura Dao among the Six Paths.The master of Shura Dao is Shura King.His cultivation base is only below that of the Nether leader.

And the Lord of the Six Paths, each and every one of them is loyal to the leader of the Netherworld, that's why he can safely hand over the Six Paths to their management.This time to snatch the Nitian Pill is already a disaster, if it is not for the Nitian Pill that needs to bring down the scourge, You Ming would not be able to make this decision.After all, it is too dangerous inside.It is difficult for him to predict the good or bad luck of this time.Maybe the foundation he created for countless years will be destroyed this time.It is also possible to take the opportunity to take off on its own.

At this time, Ye Guxin was suddenly shaken, and couldn't help but frown. This kind of thing only happened when he was fighting with Henli, but now it happened again, and the secret was deceived again. A trace of anger suddenly appeared in Ye Guxin's heart. What he hates the most are those people who like to plot against people all day long.If he came to fight him openly, he wouldn't have any dissatisfaction.But these insidious villains.

Thinking of Ye Guxin, she couldn't help but snort coldly.Soldiers are coming, water is coming to cover, I want to see who can touch me, don't let me know who is behind the scenes, otherwise I will go to the poor and the blue sky, and I will go to hell.I'm going to drag you out too.There is no one in this world who can count on me and live a good life.

(Today, I saw a brother’s blessing to me in the <Send New Year’s Greetings> event. I was really touched, thank you.) More chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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