Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 281 Danger Comes

Chapter 281 Danger Comes
Ye Guxin had already sensed it when Zhun mentioned that he was plotting against him, and he had secretly made up his mind that as long as he practiced the Heaven-Defying Pill, even if it hurt his vitality, he had to see who was plotting against him, and he must let that person know Calculate his cost.

Although Na Zhunti also knew that if Ye Guxin found out that he was playing tricks inside, then the enmity would be settled, but for the development of Western religion, even if it was a fight with Ye Guxin, so what, he is a saint, and he is also a saint , he didn't think that Ye Guxin would be stronger than him, after all, he had already attained the Tao in the prehistoric period.After practicing for so many years, could it be that he can't compare to Ye Guxin who just became enlightened?

It was because of this barrier that he could do such a thing, but it was this calculation that made him suffer a lot later, but in the end he regretted it too much.I regret it.Of course, these are things for later.

Ye Guxin already felt that someone was plotting against him, and he was already on guard against things in his heart. There were already eighteen skeleton guards in Luzhou in the north.No matter how strong the enemy is, it can be blocked for a while.Moreover, there is a protective shield formed by the evil god after the body is damaged, which is difficult for ordinary people to enter.And there are not many people who can enter this Emperor's Heaven Realm, and ordinary people can't find it.

If you think about it, there is nothing to worry about. Soldiers will block you, and water will cover you.This has been the truth since ancient times.Looking at the Miejie Pill in his hand, Ye Guxin was also very satisfied. Although the original Miejie Pill was powerful, it was not as perverted as it is now. Taking it now will not only have the effect of the previous Miejie Pill, but also increase its own strength. Potential and skills ranging from 1 to 3 years, the living dead, and Baigu's muscle growth are not to mention.It can also make itself able to manipulate the power of lightning.This is already a divine product.It is even higher than Lao Tzu's Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.How could Ye Guxin be unhappy watching it.

Ninety-nine and 81 grains were smelted in this furnace, which can be described as extremely precious, but since so many people came today, they must take out a lot and distribute them.But this can't be too much, nine pills are enough.But sending it is not a matter of now, everything will have to wait for the Nitian Pill to be refined.

Glancing at the bottom, he directly explained the effect of Miejie Pill: "Under my transformation, this Miejie Pill is already a divine grade. It not only allows the person who takes it to directly have the attribute of lightning, but also has It even minimizes the power of Heavenly Tribulation. It can also allow people to obtain ten thousand years of skill, and because of the source of life, it can increase people's potential and stimulate vitality. This is still part of his function. Specifically What it is depends on the person who takes it. This time there are 81 pills of Jiujiu, which is extremely precious, but everyone has come from afar, and I, Ye Guxin, am not a stingy person. Pills. When I finish refining the Nitian Pill, I will distribute it to the nine of you."

When Emperor Qing heard from below that Ye Guxin was going to divide the Nine Li Mie Jie, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy in his heart, as long as he asked for it, he must have his own share in the nine grains.At that time, I can take this opportunity to break through in one fell swoop.Thinking about it, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After Ye Guxin showed the Miejie Pill, he put them into Fengshen. Under the cultivation of Fengshen, maybe the quality of the pill could be further improved.What needs to be refined now is the most important kind of elixir, Nitian elixir.The appearance of the Heaven-Defying Pill will inevitably attract divine punishment, Ye Guxin is already a saint now, but he still has no certainty of being able to overcome the divine punishment, so he is also cautious.

All kinds of elixir were slowly taken out from Fengshen, not only ginseng fruit, flat peach, but also five-element spirit fruit, because Houtu itself is relatively close to the earth, and the earth spirit fruit of the five-element spirit fruit was used.Then there is the source of life, and three pieces are taken out at a time.And this time Ye Guxin didn't dare to add things indiscriminately like refining Miejie Pill.

If the Miejie Pill fails, it will fail, and it will have no effect on Ye Guxin, but if the Heaven-Defying Pill fails, then he won’t even have time to cry. This is the only way to save Houtu, otherwise he will have to wait for his cultivation. Transcending to the realm of Hongjun, only then can one truly transcend the way of heaven and become one of his own.There is no place to live and no restraint to enjoy the world.

But Ye Guxin couldn't wait for that.Therefore, the Heaven-Defying Pill must be refined, and the scourge of the sky may be followed by the scourge of man. This time the celestial secret was deceived is a good explanation.Someone must be plotting against him.Thinking about it no matter what, he had to refine this heaven-defying pill, and if someone came to snatch it, it would depend on his ability.

My life is up to me, I can't help it, people don't offend me, I don't offend others, if people offend me, I will pay back a hundred times.This is the principle of Ye Guxin's life.Whoever treats oneself well will never treat him badly, and if it is harmful to oneself, then use the most direct method - kill.

There is neither right nor wrong in this world.There are only continuous breakthroughs, no advertised justice and evil, and only one purpose, which is survival.This is the most essential aspect of the world, and everyone is struggling for the word survival.

The people below saw the elixir that Ye Guxin kept taking out above, and their eyes shone brightly. Those elixir were usually invisible, so take the ginseng fruit and flat peach as an example, one is Zhenyuan Daxian's Zhenzhuang treasure.One is the lifeblood of the Queen Mother.Where is it so easy to see.

This time, because of Ye Guxin's practice of Nitian Pill, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, who was cultivating latently, also knew about it, so he immediately ended his cultivation and came here, just to see what the Heavenly Scourge is like.He didn't expect to see Ye Guxin concocting a miraculous pill, Miejie Pill.The elixir was also very tempting to him, and he planned to do so after this incident.Ask Ye Guxin for a grain.After all, with their friendship, it shouldn't be difficult to get one.

Great Immortal Zhenyuan also had some thoughts in his mind, thinking that he befriended Ye Guxin because of that spirit treasure, he felt a little ashamed, after all these years of sacrifices, the black lotus has been in harmony with his mind, and now he has two With a congenital spiritual treasure, and the fact that he has been forming good causes all the time, there shouldn't be any catastrophe imminent.

Don't think about it, I saw that piece of elixir appeared in front of Ye Guxin, all of which were put on jade plates by Shiyun and Banyue.After all the necessary elixir was taken out, Ye Guxin waved his hand, and the red dragon spewed out fiery red flames again, and streams of high temperature radiated from the inside to the surroundings.But there was nothing inside.Then Ye Guxin didn't stop, and a khaki dragon also spewed out a yellow flame in an instant.

The flame made people feel a heavy feeling.Ye Guxin first put the flat peaches and ginseng fruits in, and saw that as soon as they entered, they turned into two balls of fresh air under the flames. The two balls of fresh air were originally about the size of an acre of field, but under the flames, they became smaller and smaller. The smaller the chain.The more refined it became, the more refined it became, and some magazines were all sorted out.This practice lasted for three days, and then Ye Guxin put all the materials in his hands into it, except for the source of life, earth spirit fruit and Huang Zhongli.

After those elixirs went in together, they kept intertwined, and the impurities inside were slowly extracted.This practice lasted for more than 100 days, during these more than 100 days, Ye Guxin kept doing all kinds of seal formulas, but this seal formula was used to pave the way for alchemy.But even if it is used for alchemy, it is not something that ordinary people can use.The power consumed is simply too great.Each of the spiritual formulas has great power.The people below all felt something after watching the spiritual formula.

Ye Guxin is constantly refining the elixir, and the leader of Youming has already made up his mind to get the heaven-defying elixir.So a summons was issued.The master of the netherworld created the Six Paths.The power gathered by the six realms definitely surprised everyone.He is also worthy of being the leader of a world.I saw that countless soldiers and horses had gathered in this short period of time.

You Ming glanced at the people below, all the controllers of the six realms had arrived, namely: King Shura of the Shura Realm.The humane butterfly flies.Howling Moon Wolf Lord of the Animal Way.Hungry ghosts do not see ghosts.The prison king of hell.Blood God Son of the Blood God Dao.The cultivation bases of those six people are not much different, and they are all loyal to You Ming.Also his good helper.

The murderous aura of King Shura, if this murderous aura is outside, it will definitely cause a catastrophe, and it is the most powerful nine-fold catastrophe, but at his level of cultivation, the nine-tier catastrophe is no longer a concern.He is also the master of the four envoys of Shura. After Ye Wushang obtained the Asura Spear, which was born from the sea of ​​blood, he sent out the four envoys of Asura. Unexpectedly, not only the Asura Spear was not found, but the four of them also died. outside.

If it wasn't for knowing that Ye Wushang was already under the protection of the Emperor, he would have killed him long ago. Now that You Ming wants to provoke Ye Guxin, he is the first to agree.

The leader of Youming stood in front, looked at it quietly, and then said: "Everyone knows where we are going today. It can be said that it is a narrow escape, so what we need now is a master. Don't take the ordinary ones, otherwise you will pass If we do, it’s just death. As long as we succeed this time, our good days will come. If we don’t succeed, then what awaits us may be destruction. Everyone must know who the Emperor Ye Guxin is.”

"He's always been a man of revenge, and what we're going to have to deal with this time is his anger. If there's a second way, maybe I won't do it. Then I don't know what the Western religion is up to. It's just that I really can't wait any longer. I've waited too long. This time I will go even if it's a gun."

The humane Die Fei is the only woman in the six realms, but she is extremely delicate and charming. She holds a feather fan full of butterflies of various colors in her hand, and shakes it gently twice.

(Recently, my eyes are uncomfortable. I always shed tears.) (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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