Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 282 Attacking Luzhou

Chapter 282 Attacking Luzhou
Die Fei has also studied Ye Guxin, knowing that as long as others don't provoke Ye Guxin, Ye Guxin will seldom provoke others, but as long as someone offends him, he will never die. He is even more like a dragon. Ni Lin, that is the person he is close to, if anyone hurts the person closest to him, what is waiting is his crazy revenge.This can be seen from the matter of Houtu, now the leader wants to provoke him again, and still destroys Ye Guxin to save Houtu.

If this is really destroyed by the leader, then this matter is not predictable by anyone. At that time, no one knows how things will develop, but it is foreseeable that the leader will definitely become the biggest enemy of the emperor .

Die Fei totally disagreed with this way of provoking a sage who could not afford to be offended now, and shook the fan in his hand, but that fan was also a magic weapon called Die Wing.Facing You Ming, he said: "Master, the Emperor of the Earth is now a saint. To deal with him openly like this can only mess things up, and the one who will take advantage of it will be someone else. And we don't necessarily have to use the current tough method. Since the Earth Emperor can refine Heaven-Defying Pills, he can refine two if he can refine one, and as long as the leader deliberately makes friends, he might be able to obtain a Heaven-Defying Pill."

You Ming glanced at Die Fei, shook his head and said, "I think so too, but if the Emperor doesn't agree, and why should I make him agree. If I don't agree, then wouldn't I be in vain with him? But I also I will not be used as a weapon by the Western Sect so easily. I will let the Western Sect today, and stealing chickens will not be enough. He wants to plot against me. I am not afraid of him."

As he said that, he kept snorting in his heart. He was also very angry at the Western Sect's calculation of him. Although he couldn't fight him openly, he was still capable of playing with them. Their Western Sect took action against Ye Guxin this time. , Just a few points, one, Guxin put the clone of the Tathagata on Wuzhishan back then, and the Western religion was the chief culprit who forced Ye Guxin into the sky.Therefore, there is no possibility of reconciliation between Western religion and Ye Guxin.This feud has already been settled before.

The second is that Ye Guxin's Dihuang Sect in North Fear Luzhou has monopolized all the believers. This North Fear Luzhou can be said to be impenetrable by needles and impenetrable by water.Other sects don't even want to survive in North Fear Luzhou, and under the protection of Ye Guxin, North Fear Luzhou has become the most prosperous and powerful state among the four major Chinese states. The number of people in it is quite different. Twice that of China.It can be seen that the Western religion is not jealous when they look at it.

Besides, the entire North Fear Luzhou is already owned by Ye Guxin. This consensus has been reached a long time ago, that is to say, the North Fear Luzhou is not under the control of the Heavenly Court, at least in name.In other words, even Sanqing is not qualified to intervene in the North Fear of Luzhou.This shows that they don't care about what happened in Luzhou in the north.There is only one obstacle in the battle for believers in the Northern Fear of Luzhou, and that is the Emperor Ye Guxin.

This time, led by the leader of Youming, first test Ye Guxin, if possible, recruit believers in it, if not, then let Ye Guxin know the strength of the Western religion, and they have their excuses, that is Tathagata Doppelgänger thing.

After thinking about looking down, he said coldly: "Let's go." After speaking, he took the lead and opened a huge space gap.directly into the inside.The latter Liu Dao brought his own masters and walked in at all.

And the Tathagata in the west glanced quietly in the direction of Luzhou in the north, and countless Buddhas, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats gathered behind him.Adding up is also overwhelming.This time he went to Luzhou in the north, and the two leaders had told him the specific situation just now, but thinking about Ye Guxin's horror back then, there was still something to worry about.Now that Ye Guxin has grown up, the means of the saint are not something he can resist.If it weren't for the support of the two leaders, he really wouldn't have the guts to provoke Ye Guxin.

Thinking about what I was going to do, it was to go to North Fear Luzhou to take advantage of the fight between Ye Guxin and the leader of Youming, and to show miracles inside.And directly hit Ye Guxin's position in the hearts of believers, so that his Western religion can subvert the prestige of the Emperor's religion in one fell swoop.Although this is a great initiative.But this is also after success.If not successful.Thinking of it, Tathagata couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This time Buddhism can also be said to have invested capital, such as the Lantern Buddha, the Future Buddha, and the Joyful Buddha.They all appeared one by one, and there was also the famous Peacock Daming King.But this Peacock Daming King is really suffering. When Tathagata became a Buddha, he accidentally swallowed him.Then Tathagata broke out from his belly directly with great magic power.Feeling that the peacock really has great magic power, he forced himself to be a Peacock Daming King and left her in Lingshan.

It's a pity, how could King Peacock Daming stay at this Lingshan with peace of mind, and he wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape no matter what.Later, during the Battle of the Conferred Gods, his younger brother Kong Xuan, who wanted to save him, was also beheaded by the Western leader in the end, leaving only a little spiritual consciousness in his hands.

But she also knew that her strength was still insufficient compared to the Western religion, not to mention revenge, as long as she made a move, the Tathagata would be able to imprison herself.Thinking about it, King Peacock Daming couldn't help flashing a trace of anger in his heart.

She has never found any opportunities, but this time is different, Tathagata and the others actually wanted to provoke Ye Guxin, as soon as she heard the news, she knew that this was an opportunity, this was an opportunity to get out of their control, And I have also heard the legend of Ye Guxin in Lingshan.Maybe Ye Guxin is a good place to go.Maybe my younger brother can be reborn, after all, the last bit of spiritual knowledge of my younger brother was collected by himself, as long as those powerful people are willing to help, it may not be impossible for him to regain his life.

I don't have much contact with other saints. As far as Ye Guxin is concerned, as long as I help him this time, and my siblings are willing to take refuge in him, there shouldn't be any problems.

This time, the Tathagata came out in full force, looked at the people behind him, and said "Let's go" lightly. In an instant, countless Buddha lights shone on the earth, and they kept moving towards the direction of Luzhou in the north.Buddhism originated in the far west, Xihe Niuzhou, and Xihe Niuzhou is full of monsters, countless, usually the well water does not violate the river water, and those demon kings and monks are not afraid of Buddhism.The two are considered to be living in peace, but this time they saw that Lingshan was in full swing, there must be a big move, those demon kings knew it, and couldn't help being surprised.Thinking: There seems to be no major incident recently, why did these guys suddenly move out, and the scale is not small.One by one, they sent the little demons to see what happened.

Tathagata is out this time with his real body, he is no longer the original avatar, and his cultivation level is not far from a saint, but unfortunately he also encountered a ghost situation. In fact, in this world, if you have the potential to become a saint, then you don’t care Anything can be sanctified, if you have no potential, no matter how hard you try, it will be difficult to reach.This is the law of the world, but unfortunately they don't understand much.He has also beheaded a clone so far.

Seeing that he was about to approach the North Fear Luzhou, Tathagata suddenly took out a magic weapon that looked like a cloud of mist. This was a magic weapon quasi-submitted to him. The effect of concealing the figure.And this is not a simple invisibility, if it is a simple invisibility, as long as the cultivation level is not much different, just pay attention, you can know.Inside this Buddha barrier is a world of its own.No matter how strong the cultivation base is, it is difficult to know.

Tathagata squeezed a seal, and then saw that the yellow Buddha barrier suddenly became huge, covering everyone in it in an instant, and then disappeared in the air. The place they were standing just now was empty things, as if they had never been there.This surprised the little demons who followed behind.After looking around, I hurried back to report.

However, You Ming did not come slowly, and suddenly appeared at the place where Tathagata and the others appeared just now, frowning, and said: "There is the breath of the Buddha world here, and those bald donkeys really can't stand loneliness." Although they didn't see the Buddha People from the world, but as long as they know they are coming, since they are here, they don't even want to get away.

Looking at Beidou Luzhou in front of him, he waved his hand and said, "Diefei, go and try it first. It is said that it is not simple here, as if there is some restriction in it." The evil god's shield.

Diefei nodded when she heard it, and stood up from behind. She shook the colorful wings in her hand, and suddenly a colorful butterfly flew out of it. The butterfly was also strange, with nine pairs of wings on its body.The edges of the wings emitted bursts of cold light from time to time.And a little bit of colored powder emitted from the wings, King Shura and the others couldn't help taking a few steps back when they saw it.The colored powder is Die Fei's unique poison - Die Lian Hua.

As long as it touches a little bit, Die Lianhua will enter his body immediately, and then Die Fei can control him as he wants.Back then, King Shura thought she was just a woman because he looked down on Die Fei.Where can one be a controller of humanity.But under the control of You Ming, he didn't dare to make any big moves. Unexpectedly, Die Fei found out about this matter, and quietly planted a Die Lian Hua for him, which made him miserable. Under You Ming's mediation, let him go, and he will have a sense of fear for Die Fei from now on.Not only that, but they run away when they see butterflies.It is sad to suffer from butterfly phobia.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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